Remove moira auto lock

I pull my data from literally hundreds of hours of play at different tiers, knowing a number of Moira mains personally up through Diamond, and watched their play, and listened to pros, streamers and others talk about it. I also can play her, and she is ridiculously easy to get value out out for the effort it takes compared to say Ana or others.

So, now you result in ridicule, how convenient, as you have yet to address the question of the design itself. You are in denial about how utterly easy it is to aim with her, if you can call it aiming.

She can and does dominate when someone is the least bit able to use her, you are in denial she isn’t.

She’s #2 picked behind Rein in Bronze because she takes so little skill according to Overbuff, as reliable as that is at the moment. It’s telling that the ONLY character exceeding her is Reinhardt, requiring even less aim, but at least he has to worry about positioning. At plat she falls to fourth place still very strong.

You come off all smug, but you are simply wrong, she is and always will be a low skill, OP character from Bronze through mid-Plat, she’s just too easy.

Anyhow persist in your illusion that she is a good design, she’s really not, and she could be improved. I find it very interesting that anyone resists the idea that she be made more of a balanced skill pick, why is that?

So why have you lost your only competitive game you’ve played her in this season? And in a lower rank where she is supposedly more effective, no less. In your nearly 54 hours playing her in quick play, why is your “Healing Done - Most in Game” only 7962, which is less than what I average on off healers when I flex?

I don’t think you’re able to get as much value out of Moira as you think you are.


her beam is not an auto-lock. Look it up dude. It’s just an animation.


Moira should still have autolock in my opinion as I think she’s too weak to have to aim and miss. Just my opinion though :man_shrugging:

It’s not an autolock. She does have to aim and track with it. It’s just a big hitbox, which makes it fairly forgiving.


No, I just got tired of typing it out again for the 50th time. You just sit here with your fingers in your ears going “I don’t care about numbers or stats, lalalalalala”.

She’s picked a lot, but you never replied to the important part: She doesn’t do a lot of damage.

So if her damage were so easy to use, and so convenient and so much in need of a nerf
 how come she’s not actually doing damage with it, in the very leagues it should be dominating in?

How come other supports outdamage her, nevermind actual DPS characters?

And mind you, this drops off at higher leagues. That part works as expected, she’s stronger in Bronze than in Grandmaster. And yet her supposedly “too easy to deliver damage”
 doesn’t exist. Not even in Bronze. I mean sure, maybe it’s easy to deliver, but the thing you’re delivering doesn’t stand out at all. Quite the opposite.

Because it seems that the community is quite focused on getting heroes as “skllbsd” as possible, that is, sniper-y design, tinier hitboxes, but also higher and higher burst.

That’s convenient for pro players, yes. That’s also convenient for sniper lovers, of which there are a lot. Players who enjoy one-shot-and-done designs. No counterplay heroes, essentially.

However, in a role-based design, it’s important to have all kinds of designs. From a 30° forward cone hits-all-targets Winston over a melee-only Reinhardt and a thick-beam Moira and a turret-autoaiming Torbjörn to a precision-shooting McCree or a Widowmaker
 those are all equally important.

Because otherwise, you miss out on the “WoW effect”. The part where a whole group of friends can stay together playing a game such as WoW or Overwatch, because there’s someone for everyone.

And the more and the wilder different designs you have, the better. Because that means there’s more game there for players of all types.


and have her changed into a support hero instead of a dps



Moira’s kit is functionally a duelist-survivalist.

You come at her in groups with squishies or you send a tank at her. Moira is absolutely CRUSHED in 1v1 with any tank, I’ve killed Moiras while below 200 health with Zarya and she is completely unable to kill Roadhog in 1v1. She’s has plenty of weaknesses, but she isn’t a free kill
 so stop treating her like one when you’re DPSing. She’s built to survive the apocalypse, but that doesn’t mean she’s going to be the one in charge.

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The graphic just looks like she has auto lock

It’s been proven over and over that she doesn’t have auto lock. :laughing::joy:

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Lul after seeing ur post i went to check it in overbuff, surprise surprise hes a dps moria


You didn’t mean Orb heals you did you?

Wow lets read a lot into game stats out of context.

I don’t care to play her because it feels like cheating to be honest, its not a real challenge.

I don’t focus her, but again thank you for reading more out of it than you should. I only play her incidentally when asked and I played her mainly when my account was completely new while learning until I weaned off of her as I saw her for the low-aim trap she is, but I have played around plenty of Moira’s up through diamond to know how they function and its not rocket science to judge a character that has primary hit-box about double the size of a training dummy along with the rest of her kit.

So, in other words, you have little to counter my criticism than attacking me personally
 nice and classy. You just keep doing you :wink:

or you could try playing a hero that isnt low health. basically not a healer or sniper.

It’s not out of context, though. You said yourself that you draw your stats over “hundreds of hours” of personal experience at various ranks. You also claim that she’s easy to play.

If she’s so easy to play and you’re such an expert on the subject of Moira, then why do your stats show the exact opposite?

And now you’re backpedaling saying “I don’t focus her,” but whatever happened to you being an expert on Moira with


You claim she’s easy. You claim to have a lot of experience on her at multiple different levels of play. So why do your stats show that you’re bad at her?

And before you start talking about out of context stats again, let me tell you that with less than half your hours on Moira in quick play, my average healing on her was nearly double your most healing done in a single game with her at the time that I made that reply.

If it was just a few games, yeah, I could see having healing that low, as you may have had bad games or short games. But with the number of hours you have on her, there’s no excuse. If your healing on Moira is that low, you really are just bad at her. So again
 If she’s so easy to play, why are you bad at her? Explain.

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Don’t even have to look at anyone’s particular stats.

If Moira were “too easy” to play, then it stands to reason that with a higher skill floor (and potentially a lower ceiling but we’re not even looking at that or whether such characters are valid - spoiler: they are - or not in a competitive game) she would be stronger in Bronze.

Or rather, the lower, the stronger, yes?

 the stats don’t back that up. She’s popular, yes, but she doesn’t deal the most damage, she doesn’t heal the most, she doesn’t dominate a lot, nothing.

Yeah she’s well-rounded, more self-sustaining than Zenyatta or Ana, more single-target healing than Lucio, more AE healing than Mercy without ult, etc.

But she’s never truly good at any of those, and her only unique strength is that she can pierce shields which is now becoming a rare commodity in regards to offense. However with the really pathetic DPS her orbs deal, that’s not really an important thing either.