Remove Leaver Penalty, Please

I am not a moderator. I have flagged posts appropriately for violations of the Forum Code of Conduct, but I am here to inform what you need to know. I am a player like everyone else who hates dealing with leavers in our games, but I am also someone who knows the values of fair play for everyone. In short, the game is as balanced as it can be to handle leavers, those who disconnect, and those are impacted by leavers.

As a matter of personal opinion, I believe the starting 15-minute suspension is not strict enough, I rather see it where there is a 15-time low-priority queue where you have to remain in queue before you find a match, and if you disconnect during that time, then chances are you should be playing a high-stakes mode then. I myself have had my fair share of technical issues and they feel awful when they do, but I make sure I play with a known stable connection and computer system, and I am not impacted from one-time issues. That is what I call responsibility.

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Okay, so youā€™re responding as a customer then? Not as a representative of Blizzard? Your replies are incredibly unprofessional.

Correct, forum MVPs are players who are knowledgeable about the game and provide help and information, which is why I linked the starting guide to connection troubleshooting in my original reply.

Iā€™m suggesting that you not ruin peopleā€™s competitive matches when you already know you have an unstable connection.

Iā€™d say that one that joins a competitive match, knowing full well that they are likely to disconnect, is the troll. You know there is a good chance you will not finish the game, yet you join anyway. Seems unfair to your teammates, doesnā€™t it?

well if you dont have a stable internet connection, dont play ranked LOL.

if you leave for longer than 2 min, meanwhile a match is not longer than 20 min, your fault.

the only thing thats stupid, is when you leave/dc from a match that hasnt even been startet, even if you rejoin within 10 sec you still get suspended and lose 50 sr. now thats really dumb

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