Remove her shield - primary healer shouldn't have it

That’s true. I am for more cosmetics. But that’s not the subject of the post. Don’t distract me . I’m under fire.

Well, at least her hit box would be smaller then?!

Or girlfriend

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Hmm I don’t see why. She has the most health. Maybe a small amount. 5-10%

You are not being serious I do not see why I should be :slight_smile:

Truly, though, removal of body parts would benefit her significantly if she lost the shield. That hit box is a real thing for the Swedish Powerhouse.

Wonder what you think about sombra. Hacks also not a standard ability for a dps should that now just be removed from her kit to bring her more in line with other dps

I…am serious…I think I have posted 3 joke threads in my history on the forums.

Don’t see why. I just meant make her smaller.

This was an issue before her changes tho

I already have posted multiple to this effect. Thx.

And I wouldn’t consider sombra a main dps akin to McCree. Where I am not saying Nerf Zen utility, like Ana’s, I am saying brig because she’s supposed to be like Ana…

You can’t be serious! Your “suggestion” is not even within the realm of reasonable XD

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Why? It’s a shield. Not part of brig.

Neither are hack and EMP part of Sombra! XD

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I tried her now, i approve, remove shield and flail, give her a shotgun and be done with it, no melee healer!

I wouldn’t by that in the slightest there would be no point in making a hero like another. We already have Ana no point in brig being like her too

She spices up the game with her shield

Cool. Why are we talking about sombra?

Why are we talking about Brig’s 200 HP shield?

I’m not saying she play like Ana…no gun, no scope…

That the merits stay like Ana.

String heals and utility on cooldown.

Categories…not function/abilities.

So what’s the matter with the shield then why is it a problem on this character

For my suggestion to remove it . You seem to think I care about ‘identity’ abilities. This is irrelevant. The devs have made clear that they don’t.

I see you have good taste.

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That it is a constant utility in her kit. Unless she had it as a symm shield, it’s not like most of the other primary healers. Remove it, and there’s a lot of space to work her to have strong constant healing