She can be with a shield too
Why shouldn’t a primary healer have a shield? It’s not constant utility since it is easily broken and needs to charge
She can be with a shield too
Why shouldn’t a primary healer have a shield? It’s not constant utility since it is easily broken and needs to charge
Making healers all the same is…not a good idea. Her one thing is that she has to go in with the team and melee to heal, and stripping that off her strips her of her identity as a character.
I do. And I recognize the utility of shield…of an off healer. She is not supposed to be an off healer.
Any playstyle on live dependent on shield shouldn’t be.
Mace, bash, whip… Still there.
Because she needed to trigger inspire. This can be changed.
August 13th patch notes.
Who are you talking about. Please make a mercy thread elsewhere.
She used to be. That has changed
I have detailed my opinion on primary vs off supports. But basically if you have it at any given moment, it’s a constant utility. Speed disc and dmg boost falls here. Imo. And as of live and previous brig, her shield. Because it regens so fast and even 1 hp blocks ults
Never said she would be.
Just basic rules that exclude her.
Tell that to Ana, who has not only amazing healing, is a primary healer, but also has AMAZING utility with sleep dart, heal/anti heal grenade, and nano being a power boost, heal, and defense boost. Ana’s “utility” far outstrips Brigitte’s.
Mercy has power boost, Rez, and is the most slippery support in a team fight.
Baptiste has Immortality Field and his ult is a 2x multiplier for damage and heals
Literally ONLY MOIRA has no utility outside of mobility.
That deletes Brigitte’s originality and she basically has no shield. 200hps is far too little, if anything; buff her.
Her shield breaks before the animation of her taking it out is done like what else do you need to ruin her?
Mercy and Moira have mobility to escape. Zen can kill you 5 times before you get to him. You’re comparing apple and oranges. Brig needs that shield, and I’m a tracer main. It’s also only 200 hp.
Mercy, you basicaly wanted to gut her in a phara thread and nowyou are tying to gut Briggette as well. I’m getting the feeling - and this is just my opinion - but it’s looking like you are on a wich hunt to kill what you percieve as low skill hero’s or else it’s heros that you struggle against cause your reasoing is realy far out.
Where does it say a main healer can’t have a shield? Blizzard is blurring the lines in all roles with new charaters.
If you took her shield, then she would never be played. Her healing requires her to be really close to the enemy, or has healing on cooldowns. And she has no mobility to get into range. So without a shield, she’d be so bad, she’d be the poster child for throw picking.
So take away one of the defining features of this character. And One of her abilities.
This is gutting a character
I don’t remember those being constant in her kit. I missed that patch
Ask fire, I think mercy should be worked to an off healer. Thus my statement saying most primary healers.
Mace stun boop armor …
I think she should be…away from her shield
Don’t wanna ruin . Improve.
And brig can have good distance heals
Nope. She can heal.and stun.
Then leave the thread
I am. It’s my argument . And I would say as of live, only mercy blurs the healer lines.
Then this should be changed and you can if she had no shield
Ahh okay. Then if we’re giving absurd suggestions maybe we should remove the shield and give her a… Jetpack cat. We’ve already seen her building a jetpack and armor for her cat in one of her shorts so lets do the damn thing and actually make it happen.
The cat could be a flying mobile D.VA defense Matrix. Instead of eating damage the cat would take the damage with it’s body. Brigitte activates the cat by holding down right click and deactivates it by letting the button go.
After 200hp worth of damage the cat gets hurt and needs a short cooldown period(say 3 seconds) to come back up. The jetpack cat can also regenerate 100hp per second after not being in use for 2 seconds.
Torb symm and mercy say hi
She can keep bash
Just not shield
Don’t see how.
How dare you, sir.
How dare you.
Feel free to make an absurd post. I am making a genuine suggestion to create a strong primary healer
Yeah I was a sym 2.0 myself. but taking away brigs shield is taking away one of the main things that separates her as a support
One of. But it’s not everything.
It’s literally shown in most of her highlights emotes. It’s central to her character
She’s a squire
Is this bait though or satire
Hanzo no longer scatters and that’s his default
And I’m fine with her getting a shield in rally . So thats better than Hanzo who literally doesn’t have it
Doesn’t need a shield for that
If the jetpack cat as defense matrix is not enough we could also have it so when Brigitte is using rally jetpack cat actually turns into DVA in her Black Cat skin complete with meka. Now this will primarily be a visual change and she won’t get any additional abilities…
But you can’t deny it would be damn cool and would garner a lot of respecc for the cat.