Remove her shield - primary healer shouldn't have it

I like having a melee healer. :woman_shrugging:t5:

Naw man it’s not actually a constant utility it has a resource meter similar to defense matrix. Once it’s broken that utility is gone

Brigitte has no movement abilities, a large hitbox and no offensive detriment, and no invulnerability ultimate. She has a shield and a slightly more health than the other support take make up for this.

Similarly, Zen and Lucio have utility bound to sight and others. Brig doesn’t.
It’s speed and availability is what I consider constant.

Unlike Rez , field, or nade

Cool. And if she didn’t have a shield, those other things can be addressed per a primary healer

Mercy has constant damage boost, Moira has constant damage, Baptiste has constant exo boots. So really it’s just Ana that’s the outlier.

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Brigitte’s Shield isn’t constant either. It gets melted really quick. And what utility does it bring? It only protects her from some damage and enables Shield Bash as a combo. That isn’t strong utility.

The developers never stated that she was intended to be a “Main healer”. All they intended was to make her healing more consistent, which is true. Even if she is a “Main healer”, her utility isn’t strong enough to make that untrue. The shield itself is the only “constant” utility, and it isn’t strong.

That isn’t what defines a main or off healer. A main healer tends to have their primary heal bound to M1, and primarily focuses on that , occasionally putting out other utility. An off healer focuses primarily on their utility, with the heal aspect either throw-and-forget or passive while they are performing other actions. Brigitte falls into the latter camp.

The amount of heals she does isn’t indicative of her being a main healer. Lucio can also get gold healing. Her focus is to stun and boop opponents and give armor to teammates. In fact, the change to her Repair Pack being a slow heal instead of instant makes pre-throwing it and giving armor to three people much more valuable than trying to save someone close to death.

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And also like zen, she should have a means of defending herself at least midrange if she doesn’t have a bbarrier of her own to recover to.

I dont care if you’ve posted compensation buff ideas in taking away her barrier shield in other threads, the fact you didnt here can come off as suspicious.

So, lets make an edit in OP: how will Brig be compensated and rebuilt further?

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1: Who told you shes strictly a primary healer?
2: You really need to dial these back, they just seem really childish at this point.

Yeah this thread is pretty crazy. A shield that can be destroyed is not even constant utility in itself. She has to manage her resources and if she runs out she’s screwed

So what you are saying is: lets delete Brigitte as she is known by the player base, all of her art and other assets (as these are built around her shield) and then replace her with some other healer of completely new design that you wold prefer because this new healer wouldn’t have a shield?

And you expect anyone to take this seriously? XD

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Yeah that’s what they did with sym

It’s actually sad to think that the devs have done this before so crazy ideas like this aren’t out of the question

Thus I said most. And I have made threads arguing that mercy needs a heal Nerf

That’s not utility.

I don’t consider movement utility.


Symms shields were considered utility.

See old symm

Doesn’t have to

Then why Nerf it? It clearly is

Aug 13 patch note

I disagree but fine .
Then they should do that.

Doesn’t have to

Because trigger inspire. This shouldn’t be for a main healer

Because of inspire. This wouldn’t be if healing was reworked better for her

Or retreat like moira. A six second bash would work

I said focus on her heals in the op

The only thing they have removed from the original Symmetra was her shield buff, which had very little asset support, though it was fundamental to her categorization as a “Support” I agree!

She’s definitely the most modified hero, but the parallel to Sym’s treatment would not be the ridiculousness posed here but would be more like enhancing Brigitte’s shield and turning her into a tank (after removing the armor pack). That would be consistent with her design (which is different from her implementation), rather than just introducing a completely new non-Brig healer.

I would have never reworked her. But hodgepodge brig is awful. I hate the commitment issues the devs have sometimes

They removed pierce lock on photon barrier and shield gen

Then they heavily modified her gun tp and turrets

Ummm wtf she is as different as night and day to her old self

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I disagree. You can go either way. She is a tank support. I personally would rather keep the number of supports than add another shield holding tank

They changed the way her primary fire worked, but did not change or alter the gun itself. They did not remove shield generator because that did not exist in her original kit, I was very specific.

Oh well let’s not do any word play here. I don’t care about original sym let’s actually look at the 3.0 rework in comparison to her 2.0 self

If anything sym 2.0 kept almost all the ideas of 1.0. It just expanded off of that

The jump from 2.0 to 3.0 wasn’t nearly as pleasant for her old self

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Thanks for providing that disturbing image…I’m gonna have nightmares now.