Remove flex queue

All of these problems go away if role queue never existed to begin with. Oh better yet, the brightest and smartest idea ever. Not forcing QP to be unranked mode when the comp card could have just had an unranked queue added to it to begin with. Half the reason this game isn’t even fun even remotely anymore is because the most casual mode(QP) can’t even be properly accessed because its been forced to be an unranked mode when the simplest idea was to just not do that. I really hope everyone is enjoying how much they ruin the game by adovcating for things like role queue and seeing the absolute destruction it does.

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I posted this in another thread, but Priority Pass does decrease queue times some for those with them and definitely increases some for others:

20 game summary:

14 matches with Priority Pass: screen said “<1 minute” or “<2 minute” on all, yet average wait time was 3 minutes and 2 seconds.

4 matches w/o Priority Pass: screen said “<5 minutes” or “<6 minutes” on all, yet average wait time was 7 minutes and 31 seconds.

1 match w/o Priority Pass that was a backfill in 0.56 seconds.

1 match w/o Priority Pass where initial queue times were listed as “<4 minutes” (so no Priority Pass option), but actual queue time was 6 minutes and 45 seconds.

Win rate as DPS for those 20 games was 55% (11-9), though all were quick play (I’m not a big comp player). I did not notice any true ‘throwers’ in either tank/support role, but definitely noticed lots of suboptimal play (caveat: I consider myself a gold-plat player, so lots of MY play is suboptimal, too :slight_smile: ). Like Reins on defense charging into attacking team, dps moiras, zens, baps and reddit lucios, etc. But you get this in QP anyway, so was hard to judge if the percentages in these 20 games were any higher than normal.

while these are to my thinking suboptimal ways (in many but not all cases) cases to play Mercy and Moira, neither is throwing

the definition of throwing requires that the player is intending to lose, and in neither case is it known if the player is intending to lose. Both modes are simply one of many ways to play those characters

Just because a teammate isn’t playing in the style that one might personally prefer doesn’t then mean they are throwing


how many changes have been made to the game in an attempt to adjust for the sad and unfortunate addition of 222?

and all those bandaids none of which have actually solved the severe problems 222 added to the game, took away time from devs working on actual enhancements to the game…more content, heroes, maps, etc etc etc

MMR reset would make the ladder 100% unplayable for months to sort out a minor problem that will largely sort itself out soon. Right now people are at the SR they deserve with the sole exception being people who queued up on roles they have not played in awhile or since 2/2/2 became a thing. That overwhelming minority is falling back and will reach where they belong and making it so sheer chaos erupts to deal with 3-5% of people being misplaced is a textbook example of cutting off ones nose to spite their face.

No thanks. I prefer playing 15 games rather than 10 games within the same time. I dont like wasting time on queues


Dont play for a month, everyones off-roles will have settled near their true rank by then.

That being said, this whole “Playing Off-roles and semi-throwing” has been happening since Role Que came out… where yall been?

I’m incredibly used to getting Tank mains on Dps for the last year now. Or getting Dps mains on Tank. Or getting Support mains on Dps.

You just do your best and move on to the next game. I honestly doubt you’ve never ran into this issue until now.

This is a ridiculously hot take that seems callous but I also see some merit in. I think it worth unpacking.

People love to say “I spent money on this so I can do whatever I want.” This logic is so paper-thin it almost isn’t worth addressing. You are not buying something you do alone in your house that doesn’t affect anyone, although it may feel that way. Instead, you are buying into a shared experience. So things like personal accountability and the experience of your peers actually do matter, the same way they would in a movie theatre or a sports event.

That being said, Blizzard is the ultimate bad guy here. You have role que, role flex, separate SR’s. You are absolutely incentivized, and it is intuitively designed, to make you think these things are separate and you should play lots of roles. For someone to understand that this isn’t actually true, they’d need to understand the difference between SR and MMR, and for them to not step on anyone’s toes, they’d need to spend money. Basically it’s a counterintuitive system. Its possible, if not probable, that a majority of these people don’t even realize that they’re throwing.

That being said, just because Blizzard is being idiotic doesn’t give you carte blanche to do what you want. I think if you know you’re a gold tank but going to get pulled into diamond masters games because of your MMR, you…should not do that. It is unreasonable to expect literally hundreds of players to put up with you while you fall to you expected rank.

Essentially, in the most obtuse and convoluted way possible, Blizzard has designed flex que for people who can actually flex, and are somewhat close together on all roles. If you cannot flex this is not for you and you shouldn’t be able to use it! The system will not sort you correctly and you will ruin people’s games. Because personal accountability is a thing, I will flame you, I will be rude, and I will let you know you shouldn’t be playing the way that you are.

But again, the ultimate bad guy is Blizzard. Because they have not helped people understand this, they have not implemented it in a way that encourages players to learn, and they all around have failed to communicate what this is supposed to bring to OW.

I have to agree that the free-to-play week was a huge pain to deal with. Almost every team I ended up on had noobs who obviously had just started playing because it was free at the time. It also didn’t help the enemy team would have no new players, so I was mostly at a disadvantage. While it sounds like a good idea, it hurts everyone that has put in more time.

While I know most OG players think role queue ruins the game, I have had different experiences. I’m mostly a tank/support main with some experience as dps. I feel like the classic quick play, while fun sometimes, is one of the most aggravating modes in this game. I have had the most boneheaded teammates in this mode. It would be fine if at least one of each role but most of the time I have to decide if the 5 dps players need a healer or a tank more. This gets even worse in the competitive version of this mode. Not saying role queue is perfect, just saying it might not be the best idea to remove it altogether.

No. Everyone who asks for an MMR reset doesn’t realize it would be the absolute worst thing for matchmaking, and it would take multiple seasons to resolve. A high percentage of the player base only does placements each season, and it takes them many seasons to finally get to where they belong. There’s literally 0 benefit to resetting MMR.

It needs to go, i’m tired of hearing my tank telling I only know how to play hog or ball i’m just here for the ticket… GG

No it didn’t. It forced me to find a tank I enjoyed playing in order to be able to play my old main and not queue reluctantly for heals because I didn’t want to wait 15 minutes to play Pharah. Now I find myself queueing for tank voluntarily. Not flex. Tank. I used to hate it.

So there is at least one example that disproves that this is a failed experiment.

And so how do you get experience on tank if you don’t play it? And you can’t say in QP, because comp and QP are two different animals entirely.

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Just because you are bronze and feel like with a reset you finally have a chance to reach gold, you need to know, you will just be right back where you belong soon anyways and ruining everyone’s games until you get there. So what’s the point

It is working really well. The que is smaller, people are learning how to play other heroes, the game is more fun than ever.

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I see this same story retold over and over on queue-related threads, as if retelling the story makes it truer

First, a 5 dps arrangement isnt a problem. It is an opportunity to play on a team radically different from the stale metas of 222

Second, the story has been discredited by the devs, who have the data to say what the more prevalent role makeups are in role-less queue. long story short: 5 dps isnt one of them, though of course it can and does happen on a rare occasion within the freedom provided by role-less queue

I wasn’t saying it happens all the time. It happens the majority of the time I play. Sometimes these different team combos work and sometimes they don’t. The combos that don’t work are very apparent and it’s the dps that refuse to switch to a more useful character. Like I said, it doesn’t happen all the time but it seems like it happens in the majority of the matches I play.

I see 4 or more DPS in roughly one in every twelve role-less queue mode matches I play

These stats also depend on what version you’re playing. I play on both switch and pc. I have found out that I tend have better teammates on switch vs the pc more often. Don’t know why that is because I would expect the opposite.

A reset would be horrible. A better system would be to only take into count the past 6 months of play time.