Remove fan the hammer pls

Make it do 5x damage to shields and half as much to players and you’ve got a deal.

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i never aaid i was good :joy: but alot of your stats do reflect your gameplay, its what theyre for silly billy. sure, healing done as roadhog doesnt nevessarily matter but for mccree, his aiming accuracy does. bc, yknow, he has to actually AIM to get kills. well, besides fth of course

I would say it was a mistake on your part though, did you not expect an enemy player to try and kill you when you are the one prolonging the victory because you heal the team you are on? I agree they need to something about it, seeing as he can basically spam it every 5 seconds I think it was.

However the McCree was on the enemy team, they are going to go after you, especially if you are healing. It is good that you like playing support since the support role is under appreciated in non-competitive game play and may even be less appreciated in competitive game play.

But blaming someone playing McCree and using the stun move when you where not moving anyways, is kind of unfair on McCree’s behalf.

how is aiming accuracy useless? its an essential to heroes like widow, hanzo, and mccree. if you cant aim well, you cant get kills. a useless stat would be healing done as roadhog or arguably kills by mercy. only 36% isnt that good as mccree but if you dont play him much, that’s understandable

Mind you I said “useless qp stats” not accuracy.

Since the viewer here is pretty garbage I’ll just put this in perspective, I haven’t played mccree in the past 3 seasons much, almost all my time on him was during when I was (edit) gold/plat

as a support, i 100% expect to be focused or die by dps. is it not frustrating to be killed by possibly the most skill-less ability in the game, that doesn’t even have a cooldown? ive seen mccrees literally only use JUST fth. i mainly play qp so dont get me wrong, i shouldnt have high expectations. its just as annoying as an enabled mei

he has to get damage to get kills, and even that’s a bad stat

low accuracy doesn’t reflect how many kills he’s getting, it doesn’t account for the times you’re walking back from spawn shooting at the wall because you’re bored and have a long walk

It doesn’t account for times when your bullets get eaten by DM

It doesn’t account for times when you’re trying to predict a peek

most of the stats are very useless without any bit of context.

EDIT: In any case, my point was that it’s awfully funny that people that hide their stats to avoid getting called out on them call out people whose stats are public

Time for me to back down from this thread it is getting somewhat toxic to some degree as well as I don’t think you get fully what I mean by what I said OP. Have fun debating this.

it was just an example but i mainly play qp so theres not much positioning or coordination. if i do play comp, i usually play tank and fth isnt an issue there for me. just qp

I mean tbf as I’ve already mentioned the stats were from when I was a much lower rank so it’s actually understandable that they were pretty garbage.

When someone blames me for using fth (like df or genji) then they can start with stop using RMB first.

I rather use all my abilities, just like this genji or doomfist.

Stop using rocket punsh or 3 shurikan then maybe i stop using fth. :sweat_smile:

People with private profiles shouldn’t be pulling this anyways.

EDIT: the whole point of a private profile is to avoid toxicity from people peeping your stats, so why peep someone’s stats to be toxic?

my intent wasn’t to be toxic nor did i say i was better than anyone. my stats are irrelevant. the discussion is about fan the hammer and the absurdity of it and how it’s a terrible crutch for players who can’t aim. sure, it can secure the kill. but the people who defend this are the same ones complaining about widow or doomfist who actually take skill


Seems pretty toxic ngl.


So why would another player’s stats be relevant?

You say your intention wasn’t to be toxic but you called out another player’s stats to shut down their argument and try to publicly embarrass them (which they handled really well). Like nice ad hominem attack there, totally not toxic.

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Seems pretty toxic ngl

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“Have you bothered to look at my profile? 3 SRs in masters and “probably can’t aim”.” was one of their replies.

so i looked at their profile. turns out not so much. wasnt trying to be toxic, just proving a point. 36% is really not that good lmao

But of course, why not insult people and then try to invalidate their point through stats instead of normal debating.
Also through the stats of a character which they obviously don’t play much if you had even bothered to look at competitive.

you said you barely play mccree so your accuracy is justifiable. i didn’t know that fact beforehand, i *assumed you *mained him. before you provided me with that fact, you suggested for me to look at your profile. so you shouldn’t be offended about my opinion on your accuracy.