Remove fan the hammer pls

Side note, or as shield break. It’s the only good shield break mccree really offers

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I believe the koreans would call it a “confirmed kill”

Left clicking when you don’t need to is just style points. Also with how floaty people can be after you stun them, I can’t blame any McCree for right clicking instead. It’s not like it roots you to the ground.


it’s faster and requires less ammunition, does not force you to reload.

it is much more than just style points.

This is something I will never understand. I’ll go an entire match without ever being in range of McCree’s flashbang, but meanwhile my duo queue partner is tilting hard over enemy McCree. He gets so mad if the McCree doesn’t left click on the head.

I ask him the same thing too, why would he left click your head when right clicking is so much easier?
“because I’m playing a support so he should be able to win without it”
But if you’re a Support then you’re a high priority kill, so why wouldn’t he just confirm it?
“I guess you’re right…”

5 minutes later


I mean tbf dieing to mccree flash combos is pretty infuriating but it’s fine since it’s such a short range.

It is kind of some douche game playing there. However that is not really McCree’s fault. I do agree though that they need to enhanced the cool down time for the flash bang. He can use it too much and too fast. It is not fair to the other players how much McCree can actually use his flash bang. With little to no cool down time.

I would not say remove it completely though seeing as it really is McCree’s only defense against characters that need to be stunned in order to deal with such as Reaper. They should make the cool down time longer though.

They are on the enemy team and you are the one healing them. Of course they will go after you, I always target the healers and tanks first.

Why are you near enemy mccree as Zenyatta?

He’s not exactly the most mobile hero.


Also I just remembered this, you also can’t kill anyone with a FTH that’s not at the full 6 bullets, so that’s another reason to not FTH

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It’s not my fault Ana moves her stupid head back when she gets stunned.

bruh you’re average fth kills/10 min is 3 and most in game is 17. critical hit accuracy is only 6% and your average accuracy is around 36%. thats a yikes from me dawg, a good average is like 50%, mccree is one of the easiest dps to aim with :joy:

lol you will die in a death blossom before flash stuns reaper a lot of times if you don’t know how to 400IQ the wraith form and telegraphing of a reaper player

I keep seeing people say this, but nobody has actually named anybody other than Sombra, who is only semi-reliable at best and only if he plays directly into her.

You are absolutely correct

I mean this topic is on mccree who is also one of the best counters to doom so…

i play mainly quickplay so theres that for you. sure qp isnt the most coordinated of games but thats not the issue. he has insane fire rate, fth is just for bad dps who cant aim

lol at people who point out meaningless stats to discredit while hiding behind private profiles

i think that the devs are just way out of their league and are incapable of visualizing the gameplay themselves that pros can easily see without even playing the game after patches are announced…

anyhooo if they refuse to pay some pros or semi pros to sit around and theorize for them then they are just gonna fail… they are dealing with years of gameplay that these guys have … meanwhile they are fresh out of college with a degree and the intention to make money not games. let alone their gaming experience is probably penguin island and hello kitty and god knows what else game that has nothing to do with a shooter.

honestly … u knwo what makes a lot of sense… all the blizzard devs game on their cellphones… thats why they thought it was a great idea to release deebs on celly.

FTH is back busting tanks as well so, yay. Just what we needed, another drop down one click delete you kind of hero.

And people wonder why so few pay tank and support.

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orisa? her entire kit is pretty much anti-doom. id say any stun like flashbang, shield bash etc but theyre not super hard counters unless ur quick and can secure the kill

Thank you for analyzing the nearly useless qp stats, where I love to screw around and reddit lucio feed and also mcrightclick only just to see how people get.
Also I think you don’t realize the distinct lack of playtime on mccree from me, I generally suck at hitscan and prefer projectile (hence genji, hog, hanzo, etc)