Remove dps heroes from Bronze

I was on the Overwatch page reading up on heroes and noticed that each hero had a star rating in terms of difficulty from 1 to 3, 1 being the easiest and 3 being the most difficult. So why are the most difficult dps heroes available in the lower tiers? Obviously people in Bronze don’t know how to effectively use those heroes. It’s frustrating, for example, to have a Sombra who has a 3 star difficulty rating on your team who takes 3/4 of the match to charge up one ult, who isn’t making any picks, and runs in solo and ults and dies. I mean, I get it. Difficult heroes like Sombra and Hanzo have cool ults but the team isn’t getting any value when the player takes forever to charge those ults and then uses them at the wrong times. The player could’ve easily chosen a Junk and just lobbed grenades and probably would’ve gotten picks.

I mainly play support and I can do everything right and keep my team fully healed but will go nowhere bc the dps on my team can’t kill anything. It makes me not want to heal and support. It’s hard on the tanks and healers who are trying their best. How can you let 2 ruin the game for 4? So my suggestion is to only have easy dps heroes in the lower tiers and make more difficult heroes available slowly as you move up where eventually in the Gold and above ranks all the heroes would be available for use. It’ll help everyone in the lower tier ranks improve their game. Just try it for one season and help support/tanks keep their sanity. At this point, it’s really not about wins/losses, just fair games where everyone on both teams pull their weight.


Just carry as support then

Oh and the dps also want to rip their hair out because of their tanks and healers in all elos, same with heals and same with tanks, everyone plays like horrible bots except us lmao


I agree with you. It’s awful to see a really bad player playing Sombra or Widow and feeding all game long.
I play Hanzo/Sombra in bronze but bad stats on those heroes should be punished. They choose to play those heroes over something easier to play.

If you did everything right you would no be in Bronze. You are in Bronze because you see all the mistakes that others are making but never see yours. Bronze is an elo where people do not know how to play any of the heroes effectively irregardless of the role. Nothing much changes once you reach Silver either. You can get a 4 man kill as a Reaper and your team will still not be able to push and you will lose the point. There is no need blaming anyone on your team in Bronze while you keep your beam stuck on healing the whole time and mostly on your Tanks who are full HP while your Ashe is dying on your right with 10 HP and you are unable to turn around because you do not know how to turn around.

Plus if you never play the “hard” heroes because if according to you they would be banned or removed from Bronze you will never get to learn them. I see no reason for anyone in Bronze to tell anyone else that they are bad or not getting any value because if you were slightly better than all of them you would not be Bronze in the first place. Same goes for any other elo.


Kinda gotta agree here… Legitimate bronze players have “00.00” game sense, minimal mechanical skill, marginal understanding of Overwatch as a game in general…

I think you should go watch your replays more… This mentality of always blaming DPS is one of the most toxic and untrue responses of the Overwatch community.

It is true, bronze players can’t hit the broad side of a barn (actually not true). You likely enable your DPS very little, focusing on healing only tanks.

It’s fine if you want to play into the whole DPS blame game, but if the DPS are that bad, I heavily recommend you play that role and climb. Prove to them that you’re right and they’re wrong.

Mercy: pockets rien all game even though I’m Ashe/widow against a mercy pocketed Ashe/widow/Pharah… Mercy blames DPS.

Zen: Continually getting dived by Genji/Winston/Tracer and refuses to swap to Lucio so they’re less vulnerable to enemy attack. Blames DPS for not killing whole team even though peeling is everyone’s responsibility shy of main tank.

Moira: drops infinite damage orbs, heals inconsistently and is constantly in the enemy back line rather than supporting tanks/DPS. Proceeds to proclaim having all golds.

We can play this blame game all day if you really want to…


I wholeheartedly hate when people say "if you’re not good at the hero you shouldn’t play it. How do you expect someone to get good at something if they don’t play it, when I play in low elos, I am sick and tired of people playing Junkrat or Reaper, not because they are strong heroes, but because people who play those heroes admit to themselves, “I am bad so i will play these low skill heroes.”

You will NEVER improve if you don’t step out of your comfort zone, Saebyeolbe was not always the best Tracer in the world, he at some point was the absolute most garbage Tracer in the world, he WORKED his way up to his level of skill. This logic applies to EVERYONE, nobody is good at anything when they start off, but through repetition, self analysis, and a healthy mentality, you can and will improve.

Don’t play easy heroes just because the hero you want to play is hard, drop that self defeatist mentality, it only holds you back. If you are bronze, it means you literally do EVERYTHING in this game wrong, so unless you play the game perfectly, don’t blame anyone but yourself. Not even T500 players play perfectly, so why do you think you are perfect?

Edit: Don’t even come at me with that “practice in QP” argument, I know you’re ready to type it, practice is best done in competitive, because QP comes nowhere near emulating the same environment as competitive.


They weren’t playing the blame game, they were pointing out that all three roles have players who play the blame game. (At least that’s how I perceived it, the wording does swing both ways)

That star rating is wildly innaccurate. It does a job of splitting heroes off into difficulty brackets, but a piss poor one at that.

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This is the definition answer when you look up “Why am I in a low rank, when I do so good”


Difficulty is at this point is outdated and un-representative of anything

However if their difficulty is high at this point it probably means how weak they are and how much work you need to put in for absolutely nothing

Rank has nothing to do with hero difficulty.

If you play most easy hero and are still bronze, you play your hero in a wrong way anyway.

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Technically dps are better suited for bronze because they are harder to hit. Only higher up tanks become better because the damage potential is nearly the same and people hit shots anyway.
Most dps just stand out of position or get no support both end up in quick deaths.

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Sure but :

  • Saebyeolbe was talented. He was never bronze. He probably started around plat or even diamond. And He was probably only playing Tracer.
  • Most bronze players don’t commit to one hero, that’s the issue.

I can talk about myself. I play Hanzo. I played A LOT of Hanzo, he’s my most played hero with around 140 hours. If I one trick Hanzo, i’ll reach 750SR.
But I’m playing around 1300SR because I also play Reaper, Junkrat, Bastion, Torbjorn…
I still play Hanzo. But it’s unfair, right?

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So since you have a silver border I’d imagine that you have enough hours in to figure out the basics of the game.

I’d imagine you have reached a certain skill ceiling and you simply cant get any better than where you are at atm. So all I have to say to you is get used to being in bronze because if you have not made it out yet then most likely you will never make it out.

Learn to just enjoy the game at this point.

Staying at the bronze is everyone’s own decision, no one or nothing will force to it.

I kinda like the idea of unlocking hero the higher rank you get…

It would force people to get better to play a hero they want in competive.

Smurf would be discourage to go in low Elo

I think it would bring a more competitive aspect to the “competive” mode

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I’d like to second Blake’s point. I’ve been in bronze since beta and there’s nothing in this life or the next that will allow me to get good enough to get to silver. You are either already good enough to be higher rank or you will always be bronze. There is no middle ground.

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Well true unless you actually practice correctly and have the time. Everyone can get to atleast diamond unless they play on 10 fps or have 1k ms but they shouldnt play competitive.

The star system is weird. Winston has 2 stars while he is the hardest maintank, Zarya has 3 stars while she is the easiest Tank with hog. Dva has 2 stars but is the hardest offtank with sigma.
Moira has 2 Stars while she is the easiest Hero and Tracer has 2 Stars, while she is the hardest Hero in the game

I’ve been at this FIVE YEARS and have never been out of bronze. No way in heck I’ll ever get to diamond when I can’t even get to silver.

How are you practicing and how much are you playing? Cause being stuck for 5 year you are just going with the flow of improvement of the other.