Remove 222 from Comp

This would be funny. If trough was bigger than a bath. Lol.

Too bad all of what you’re saying is outright wrong, due to the following official dev posts confirming that the majority of the player base actually really enjoys 2/2/2 role - lock:

And especially right here:

I hate 222, i hate Blizzard and i hate especially Jeff!

I as well dont know of any valid data that establishes the majority in this regard

Forced 222 made me stop playing. Im a flex player who enjoys playing pretty much all heroes. Figuring out the win condition and make it happen with some weird off meta pick was so fun.

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I am a DPS main and only have around 2 hours of playtime a day and spend around 10 minutes in queue to get inside a match, but even then I am enjoying the balanced team comps much more than the annoying 3+ DPS comps. So I will happily wait in queue to get into a 222 match

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Sure you don’t :man_facepalming::man_facepalming:

And even more importantly, here’s the point where the overall very positive opinion of the majority of the game’s player base is touched upon:

But its not only dps, you will wait a lot even as support. I am not saying 222 was bad decision, i wanted it too but they dud implement it wrong. And right now its trully killing the game.

I can’t stand 222 and pretty much went from playing 10+ games a night to playing 2-3 before i want to toss myself off a bridge.

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Nobody wanted more than 2 dps, the update has really won me over and shown why dps had such a huge skill variance. There is no fix and nobody will go back to solo comp being quickplay for dps.

Learn Tank/Support or leave the game. If anything the wait time helps weed out the trash and has improved dps quality immensely.

Yeah, those are statements coming from people who refuse to nerf widow and change lot of things lol

Every poll run on the forums has been in favor of 2-2-2, also all the polls I could find on reddit.

Here are some of them from a quick search.

Make another one if you like, but, the people who are against 2-2-2 will say the same stuff, regardless of how many polls are done, even if they are all heavily showing the same thing.

They will say the polls are too small, even though their 99% confidence range puts the lowest point above the 50% mark.

They will say the forums are biased (even though I checked more than one forums)

They will say that the polls are biased, even though quite a few of them were generated by people wanting to show 2-2-2 was hated.

It is the same clown fest every single time, and yet, no one has been able to give any proof that 2-2-2 is hated by a majority, they will still claim it.

Oh and Dodo will say “that they don’t know of any valid data” because Dodo.

I don’t think it is killing the game, just a very loud minority on the forums don’t like it. Which is fine.

I think they have bigger issues at the moment, 222 seems like a godsend lol.

Its killing game for me, i play way less because of waiting times.

In old days i prefered ow over other games. Now i prefer other games over waiting to play ow. And i am not alone.

Its not minority as only tank mains dont have to deal with that and they are minority.

I just join groups in LFG. No matter what role, never wait more than 2 mins.

If the group sucks, I leave and start again.

It probably helps that I don’t really give an S what the result is, as long as its a fun, close game.

Speaking of made up stats:

OP- “Most of theose who complained about 5 DPS are Golds who never leave QuickPlay.”

You- “DPS mains make up the majority of the player base.”

Its not easy to find group in EU because of language barriers. Not to mention forming group will take several minutes too. Another problem with groups is that its not effective for climbing as solo q.

I have the filters set to only show groups with 2 spaces left, and just nab one of those.

I say hello at the beginning. Then i mute my mic and play.

Not really interested in having a conversation with randoms in game.

Lol what? People expect to comunicate when they form a group. Thats rude man.

Dont be so cold, its good way how to meet new in game friends.

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Still, they’re the developers of this game and the only people who know all the metrics concerning it…