Disclaimer: My english is pretty good and poor at the same time, thanks for your patience reading and trying to understand all of this ted talk.
Reasons to implement roleQ was
To get rid of goats
To get rid of multiple dps comps
To get easier balance the game
What we have now
Mei goats playstile - this hero was always used as an additional off tank.
2 offtanks instead of needed, which are basically fat dps heroes, so 4 dps comps are still here.
Devs still didn’t revert pregoats buffs. who knows why? idk…
So as u can see, there are no upsides of roleQ implementation with 2-2-2 restriction
I can’t see a reason why roleq was a healthy update to game.
But we have much more downsides:
Game is ungrindable for the most popular role (damage dealer) and grind by itself is required to get better at the game in competitive enviroment, which we are unable to do now in a competitive game.
You can’t change game course by flexing roles, bc they are restricted, so if you get 2 off tanks you have nothing to do with it, but begging to not throw your game which you have been waiting for 15minutes. (+leavers)
Player base downgrade. I know all statistics about how much players are currently online are unable to show, but don’t lie to yourself, all we see how golden players already get into mid diamond games and mid diamonds are in top500 games.
Smurfing unleashed at new lvl of influence. Any reasonable dps main now has about 15 accounts to have fun, bc there is no point to play on main a) No decay b) high q times c) Unbearabble meta (since 2x shields still a thing + mei) d) Unable to play the game/grind your rank to get better at the game.
No mmr reset causes many players get to ranks where they are not belong, now you get dps doing nothing, unaware supports, and tanks a-d spamming in chokes w/o callouts even in masters.
4-6 dps is still a thing with dps moira/anna/bap + 2 off tanks, you as a dps main now should use med kits, do frags, and create space by yourself, bc you cant just swap to tank or support to play actuall role. Why is that? Bc you cant dictate players how to play the game, they will do thier thingy at any role and suddenly ruin your game.
I was able to grind ranks from s9 to s17 and get from silver to low GM rank (4022 peak) as dps main I get about 70-150h per season of pure gameplay (now it is 15h per season after role q). Sometimes i onetrick hard, sometimes I flex it was freedom to choose how to maintain your rank and how to climb. When I get through ranks, I could see that players was getting better, teammates are more reasonable, doing callouts, this was incentifying me to climb higher to get better teammates (what all we do like to complain about) and get better by myself to match those teammates. And there was no 4-6 dps comps every game as u fairy tailing here It was 30% games you will win nomatter what, 30% of games you will loose nomatter what and 40% of games which consider your impact as a win condition. And every game you should tryhard all aspects to understand and analyse in the end, was that game even winnable or it was all your faulties… Now it is the same 30-40-30 state, but YOU HAVE TO WAIT FOR NO REASON! I don’t need 2 tanks and 2 supports in my games, I can fill roles, I can make and agreement with my random teammates at a team-assembly stage, I was climbing for it! Now, what is the point of being at high rank? To see how ppl are tired of q times? not warmed up as dps? Refuse to play propper tank bc of mei ballance is horrible? No thanks hundred times, I go smurfing to get my fun, and now I understand why cheaters numbers are increased so hard - it is what happened to game when it takes more than gives. think about it dear J. Kapplan and Blizzard developers, sincerely your fan since 1995.
It’s too late to get rid of this horrendous system that ruined the game.
The proof is shields being nerfed.
I’ll never not be salty about locked roles.
I mostly play “filler”, which translates by “I’m DPS only if people are kind enough to play Tank or Healer instead of my a$$ each time”.
Before the forced roles, sometimes you could see that your attack was going nowhere, or no one protected your healer-butt, so you’d go for a quick change into Junkrat/Mei/whatever-floats-your-boat and just bring those pluckers down and change the game.
Now it’s “Oh, Rein is not working… I guess I’ll take Hog?”
Personally, I’d like to see 222 and role-less queue (ie, what we had before 222) made as equal options side by side on the main game selection screen
Role queue is the only reason I’m still playing the game. DPS can wait until hell freezes over if it means I get to have fun. I was told many times it was “my job to suffer so others can play the game”, the shoe is just on the other foot now.
Improve the tank scene and you improve queue times. Simple as that, it’s a win-win.
It’s not getting removed. It’s time to let this go.
Yes, the queue times are an issue and the devs are still working on trying to come up with solutions. The only real solution is to spread the playerbase out amongst the roles so that queue times balance out. Until that happens, unfortunately, queue times are just going to be higher for DPS as a natural consequence of supply and demand.
Personally, role queue has permanently improved the quality of my games. I don’t ever want to go back to the days of having to solo-heal or solo-tank for an entire team of dps who are screaming at me that they need more heals while also not switching to fix the problem.
Yes, you still get games with 2 off-tanks.
Yes, you still get DPS healers.
Yes, you’ll still get DPS players with weak mechanics.
These things all happened before Role Queue and will be here during Role Queue because having bad teammates are just a part of playing online games.
But I’d still rather have 2 tanks on my team, even if they’re off tanks, and 2 supports, even if one is a DPS. (Except DPS Moira, she’s unforgivable.)
Do you mean an idea like this one? This is something that I suggested before Role Queue was implemented because I could see the writing on the wall. I love role queue, but I was actually in favor of a slightly different solution before it was implemented.
Anyway, is this the type of thing you are talking about?
That’s just the tank life, whatever game you’re in.
I mean, look at Sigma, unless people are at mid-range he’s helpless the rest of the time. How is that fun?
Too close? Good luck hitting. Too far? Nope you can’t. Boulder? Yep, once every 10sc and you better not miss or get killed while your cast during that almost whole second. (0.8sc)
So much fun.
Just make new queues next to role que that way people who don’t want the restriction can play their mode and get rewarded for it. It probably won’t split the player base because all the people who want role queue play it and all the people who don’t use QPC or customs. Ta daha fixed the game and the only thing changes is that queue times go down across the board
That would not be too bad, and I’m nost saying that because I’m a Winston main. But at first we only had Mccree’s Flash, and sometimes Mei’s freeze. Then Ana nade and sleep dart quickly made it into the game, then came Brig’s shield bash (thank god it’s not as OP as it was when released), and now you can add Sigma’s boulder to it.
The life of a primate is not simple nowadays. I’m not saying impossible though.
To which comes what another person said in a different thread: What if Ana’s Nano Boost nullified stuns (FlashBang, shieldbash, sleep deart) ? But not the hook please, can you imagine that unstoppable nano’d Reaper ult’ing ?
For the short term, we need to be done with the hard category counters. Mei is enforcing the tank pick (Orisa) and everything around them. Both Wall and Primary need to be nerfed to allow more counterplay from Winston, Dva and Ball to arise. The tank scene will not shift from Orisa-defined as long as Mei remain as she is. Once that is done, Fortify’s DR needs to be nerfed too.
Reaper also is a problem, another hard category counter. He got dealt a bad hand this patch because every Reaper defense has been buffed, but adjustments are still in order to his life steal. Ideally I’d turn it into HP/s instead of instant heal based on damage.
CC needs to be looked at and smartly nerfed as well. Tanks are CC sponges even when they aren’t supposed to be countered by it. The idea that CC counters mobility is true, but it’s also tossed into low mobility tanks all the time. There’s a list of CC, on tanks themselves, that could be reduced without affecting actual balance too much. There’s no reason for Rein to have a non-reloading boop on his primary, it literally serves no gameplay purpose beyond memeing, and Shatter needs a internal cooldown so Rein doesn’t charge it over cleaning up his own ult. Zarya’s right click AoE boop serve no purpose beyond rocket-jumping either, so remove that (just keep the self CC for the rocket jump), etc.
On the longer term, I’d want to see a global mechanic that keeps CC in check. Could be diminishing returns, could be weight mechanics, or whatever one comes up with. Whatever does the job.
On the even-longer-term, the UI and interface needs to be reworked with the mentality that rewards good tanking and good supporting. The on fire system is garbage, medals are garbage, cards are garbage, POTG system is garbage, to judge one’s impact as a tank is extremely harder than for other roles. You can be carrying a match and the Overwatch’s systems would not tell you.
Tank will never be the preferable role, but Overwatch goes out of its way to make it worst, that needs to stop.
People were mad because of Goats etc. but now people are mad because of dps play what they want… of course they will play what they want if they have to sit in q for 10minutes…
@Mozts a lot of what you just said it… ludicrous.
But it is true that lot of the satisfaction DPS player get comes from the UI.
If Tanks could gain more “fire points” by actually being the wall they need to be for their team it would feel a little more gratifying. I’m talking: Blocking (existing but could use more points), Taking damage (and not dying, duh), and… I don’t have a third one, you find it.
they shouldve just worked on improving LFG…work on the issues people had with it and let those who wanted 222 get it IF they wanted it…that was the purpose of LFG anyway…to give people better control of their play experience…actually improve on it…(novel concept…i know)
no direct exclusion of a giant portion of playerbase…
no forced anything
no restriction of playstyles