Remember these? Only true overwatch players will

Original hero gallery.

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Eh, headshots with Scatter wasn’t that often. Random kills, sure, but not so much headshots.

Its not about the probability, its about being possible in the first place.

Personally, there is nothing I hate more than dying to RNG.

It’s an arrow, of course it’s going to headshot.

The point was headshot behind corners


It wasnt. You had to hammer it between upgrades and it started at tier 1. unless you had a shield, it wasnt worth upgrading.

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Don’t you hate it when the Sym puts turrets in the spawn room and kills you


Reminds me of the old Chro game, where his Junkrat just went bonkers in reminding everyone that the enemy has a shield gen.


Brings a tear to me eye.

The fact Roadhog’s space warping Hook isn’t there is insulting


Also that mlg pro LĂșcio that existed so-hard somewhere vague on the map.

i barely started playing last year, so
 sadly, no :sob:

i miss symm 2.0 :(((

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Good times. Then competitive players had to go and complain until Blizz removed most of what made Overwatch fun.


You’re missing Sym’s gun picking up dead bodies.


Do you mean DPStanky?

Missing the Long duration Dragonblade.

Missing Double Mercy + Widow and Double Winston. Or 5 Torbs 1 Mercy

I came in around the time Moth Queen Mercy went live. Most of those things were still there back then. Feels strange to remember that Moira and Brig didn’t exist back then. I do feel much better about some changes such as Moira and a few other heroes, but this definitely takes me back to when I was a Mercy onetrick on PS4, so I guess change doesn’t hurt sometimes.

You know, it makes me wonder what Overwatch would be like today if all of those old features were in the base game, along with all the current stuff we have now.