Remember "#ReworkMercy?"

I was with you at first, but the last paragraph of just makes me laugh. I agree that mercy is honestly fine how she is. As a top 500 player I think she’s not only fun to play, but can work well with almost any other healer. That being said, I think it’s hilarious that you state at the end “better than just another pew pew dude.” It’s basically code for, we are bad so we need someone who doesn’t need to aim.



…I didn’t say “better than another pew pew dude”. I said “She opens the door to concepts that go beyond yet another pew pew dude”. Do you not see the difference between those two statements? I made no judgement on which was better. Did you disagree with me based on something you made up?

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That’s where you are missing the whole point. People hate her because she herself doesn’t have to do anything. Your complete value is in pocketing the best player on your team. Every other support needs to interact with the enemy team to play optimally whereas mercy can just sit behind cover the whole game pocketing the best DPS on your team without needing to interact with the enemy team at all. Add in to the fact that most of the Smurfs that boost people are almost always with their mercy pocket which adds in to the hate. You will rarely see someone boosting a zen or Moira but you will definitely see someone boosting a mercy that is pocketing the smurf the whole game. And for your “just get to GM” statement, it’s just a bad argument overall because at that point anyone calling any hero easy or OP will boil down to “just get to GM”. As for the reason why people say it, it’s because mercy is the best character to play when you are getting boosted. Every other support will need to create it’s value in a game while with mercy you can just pocket that smurf duo the whole game.

Have you considered that the reason that the Mercy’s at your elo are at your elo and not higher is because this playstyle is not optimal?

A lot of people complain about DPS Moira… it’s not an optimal playstyle, either.


It’s been explained to you multiple times about why other people do not agree with you. But it’s still not enough for you. You still repeat yourself and ignore them.

I think this is definitely an issue of egos.


I think the main complaint people have with Mercy mains is the whole victimhood play.

Which, you know, this topic doesn’t exactly help with.

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The mercy’s at my elo are here because the DPS are bad. Bring in a better dps and see them climb through the ranks.

I was about to say this, but awkward ducky already did. That said, if Mercy only radically climbs based on pocketing an OP damage hero, isn’t that definitive proof that Mercy isn’t the problem?

No I just couldn’t remember the exact phrase. Regardless, mercy is by far the easiest hero in the game to play. I love that for her, but I don’t think any character as easy as mercy should ever be put into the game again.

But plenty of Mercy players have been able to climb without Duo’ing, I’m a great example of this. You don’t NEED great DPS all the time to climb. If you’re good you will climb regardless of the skill of your allies.

I feel like this is kinda an unfair argument. Boosting is going to heavily alter the performance of any hero, Mercy is just more effected due to the nature of her kit.


Lmao that’s what people are complaining about. You can’t do that on any other character and it’s not just OP characters. You can be dogsh*t at the game but pocketing a better dps will still give you value. Everyone calls Moira easy to play but I have literally seen people struggle with her resource management or just playing her in general.

See, I don’t disagree with her being easy, but I think more heroes like Mercy can only be a good thing. Overwatch will, very quickly, become stale if heroes are only allowed to be this specific thing and nothing else.

Think of any other game in any other genre and look at the variety. Fighting game, shooter games, heck even turn based RPGs. Why do you think they have characters that play differently? You don’t think Street Fighter would be more boring if every character was Ryu and Ken?

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Again, you don’t need to do it but it doesn’t mean people haven’t done it. I’ll give you a scenario, let’s say someone boosts a plat zen to GM somehow, he will struggle to stay alive or build his ultimate because people don’t feed in that elo. Now put a plat mercy and she will still be getting alot of value just based on pocketing regardless of how enemy team behaves or how the game flow changes. Of course she will make mistakes but she will still be getting alot of value just by pocketing one of the better dps on your team.

…firstly, thanks for providing the context requested. :slight_smile:

…next, for the sake of the discussion, could you answer that question based on a hero comparison alone (Mercy vs the rest of the cast of OW) to the question I asked earlier:

…as not everyone holds those views (myself included) and I’d like to hear reasoning that doesn’t use ‘phobia’ as the ‘reason’ for people’s attitude towards Mercy (although I acknowledge it exists on some level)…? :thinking:

Yeah that’s like, literally not true to even a small extent.

Oh god, what was her name… Ameilia? Back in OW1 she was a support player, she was also really young (like 13) who wintraded to GM from Diamond. Once she was there, she attempted to stop wintrading and fell back to diamond.


Having hero’s that are unique is core to overwatch. Every characters is already unique and plays differently. It’s okay to make unique characters without making them to easy for high value

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People think Mercy is easier than other heroes. That’s generally the sense that I get but, again, this largely stems from the aforementioned discussion (hence why Mercy gets hate but Rein/Winston/ETC don’t).

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The only time Mercy is acceptable is when she genuinely is trash and in the garbage where she “belongs” according to said players.

But this endless tug of war will never go away until something or someone gives. Either we can nerf one shots and all DPS heroes until they are ground up to dust, or we can put a cap on damage boost so that it isn’t permanent and endless, part of her current ‘problem’ is this. To me, though it seems like a neverending battle where the only result is any hero like Mercy will just end up in the garbage as OW loses more identity over time and more homogenization happens.

I mean they’re literally planning to make another hero “similar to Mercy” in that the hero will be ‘easy’ to play. This is homogenization.

I have had complete opposite experience so I guess we won’t come to an agreement here. Thanks for the convo though

Don’t know about others but rein and Winston are frontline so they are inherently interacting with the enemy team the whole game and trying to outplay them which makes their roles alot harder.

I remember when I started the hashtag, I wanted a rework because she felt like she had no agency, identity, or “play-making” ability. It is kind of funny to see how it’s come to this again, but instead of mercy mains asking for a rework (because most of them have adapted), it’s people who still dislike her basically asking for the same thing. Top streamers asked for this rework, defended it after the nerfs, and now are changing their minds again.