…possibly as her kit does seem less aim-intensive vs other heroes…
…couldn’t it be just as counter-productive to default to this defense as another line of thought could be she is simply more popular and thus discussions about Mercy occur more often…?
Because there’s a giant chasm of difference and there’s this obsession with aim when that’s only one component; engaging with enemy != aim it doesn’t even NEED to require you do damage should Blizzard come up with some other utility.
Rein/Winston are engaging the enemy and must outplay them. They don’t get value hiding behind a wall riding the inputs of another player.
Meh, that’s just what you get when you have a strength. Right now those strengths are wild movement making mercy very hard to kill, and being viewed as key to pocket certain characters.
So if a mercy comes along and says something needs tuning to her favor, yeah those that are finding it impossible to kill her, and constantly frustrated they can’t deal with her pocketed dps, that’s what’s going to happen.
Like with hog players complaining about not being able to easy hook kill anymore. The reaction is just “you what mate? Get over it.”
I don’t think it is that. I think the anti mercy brigade has shown they just want to insult people and not want a real discourse, and people have just had enough.
It is the same people making the threads over and over again, and people WELL understand they are just here to cause problems.
They are flagging them because what they are doing is against TOS.
Games need heroes, weapons, and other items that are easy to play. Are you aware that games have failed because there were no easy characters in them? Battlerite comes to mind; it as inaccessible for new players, and so the game died.
And having another easy hero in the game isn’t homogenizing anything. Moira’s pretty easy, and no one’s saying she’s like mercy. It would only be homogeny if this new hero had a heal noodle and high mobility like Mercy.
That’s the thing though, Blizzard seems fine to let ability overlap be a thing now, which will always go against their promise of “every hero being totally 100% unique”, that’s already not a thing now! 5v5 forced their hand on having to allow this overlap. Any new and easy hero they make like Mercy will be taking parts of her kit so that you have a secondary option that also isn’t Moira.
That’s the intent, and this to me isn’t good since it will be going against the promise of every hero being totally unique in what they bring to the game.
Also, I don’t exactly trust Blizzard to design any good heroes ever again, certainly not simplistic or easy heroes. Every hero has to be overloaded now, but also take from other heroes’ kits. How boring.
Edit: And I know examples will be used like barriers existing and such, obviously some of the overlap is fine, but a lot of what they’re doing lately, just is not fine when it comes to this.
Imo you shouldn’t have to state that you play other heroes at the same level just to get basic respect. It’s kind of like pick me behavior.
“I’m not like other mercy mains. I also play Ana and Bap”
I’m not saying you guys are like this exactly (and don’t blame you), but it’s true that we feel the need to prove ourselves as being skilled by playing a hero other than Mercy.
The same thing happens with girls who play this game. Most play Mercy and D.Va. As a female player, you are shamed and called an e girl for liking these heroes. There is also this pressure to say something like
“I’m not like other girls, I don’t play support. I’m a dps main and I play widow, Tracer, and Cassidy”
which, funnily enough, they fixed the SR bug aroudn same time (which alone would of fixed it)
and add on the fact they didn’t even try to revert their buff to mass that made it broken and abusable. (as a mercy main immortality during mass rez was worst thing devs have ever done in the games history as they removed ALL risk/counter-ability to the ult)
Like I said, I don’t blame you. I blame the people who mistreat others over hero preferences and the stereotypes. As well as those who talk down on Mercy calling her a skill less hero
I stopped playing support… After all the anti support rhetoric in season 1. I stopped playing Mercy in S2 even when I flex for challenges now.
I never really knew why I did it… But seeing you point out the way I get defensive about being able to play other heroes just because I main Mercy… Honestly I think I’ve been letting people’s opinions in who I really shouldn’t.
Especially considering the same attitudes but worse drove me to quit League.
Ugh. I really hate having to deal with these sorts of issues over a freaking video game. I wish I could just play who I like and not be judged for it. It’s the way the world works and it’s so petty, I guess I just wish that video games, an escape, wouldn’t be as petty.
Even more so, I wish the attitudes a lot of these judgements are based in didn’t exist. Some people are still so backwards…
At the very least thanks for getting me thinking about this. Hopefully I’ll be able to start playing the heroes I enjoy more again as a result.
sorry for rambling, I just needed to vent a little.
This is game about getting developers to do your bidding, whatever it costs. Otherwise - no fun for you.
It became obvious quite a while ago, that playing favorites is a thing developers do.
There isn’t. Which is why torturing players as payback feels great and justified.
At first I wondered, why DPS are so eager to tear down support, that is designed for supporting them. It’s kind of attitude I didn’t encounter in other games.
But when I realized, that for them anyone not inside that narrow “mechanical aim” area is no skill and leech, and things started making sense.
Because either you love Medic, or you die. That’s only language your average player understands. People would happiy tear Medic apart, but he is only “support” in Team Fortress 2.
And instead she became bad at low ranks.
Because many Mercy players are too nice to their teammates.
I wasn’t always as mean, as I am now. But playing TF2 Medic really teaches you, how to keep teammates in line, like you are warden in prison - otherwise they won’t respect you.
Players frequently take kindness for weakness, so don’t be kind. Be harsh, but just. If players take you for granted, you won’t be respected.
I think you should reconsider your opinion of Mercy. I agree that she is very easy to pick up and play, but high level Mercy players can do amazing stuff.
Really sounds like you’re playing with random strangers, and years of putting up with the typical low IQ random BS from the worst of them is taking a toll on you. These types are always verbose because they feel safe hiding behind Internet anonymity. Compared to average decent people, who simply mind their own business rather than concern themselves with you more than they have to, or friends: like-minded people who tend to be more than happy to play with you and not be judgemental of your hero main preferences. (And if they do, then: seriously, either have “the talk” with them and tell them to knock it off, or just get better friends to play with!)
No need to be sorry, because you’re totally right, after all: it isjust a game! (And it should hold true for every other game.) How can anyone unwind, relax, and enjoy a game—casually or competitively—in an environment where an occasional toxic teammate exists to vent mercilessly on you or another hapless player over something as stupid as playing a favorite hero, a hatred that is likely due to the design and aesthetics of said hero that, at its core, is likely derived from some form of bigotry this person harbors in real life? What fun are such people that let their inner problems distract them enough that they would rather break down, lose focus of winning the game, and direct their energy into generating toxicity solely for bringing you down personally?
Reporting doesn’t preemptively fix these problem teammates from ruining your games.
Play with friends instead!
(Side note: I’m honestly beginning to wonder if all these Mercy hate topics is due to uncontrolled toxic spillover from this mismanaged community, and this is just a symptom of even worse moderation as of late. These topics all reek of pot stirring attention-seeking behavior intending to bring together more like-minded trolls and haters out of the wood works. The Mercy topic is so very well demonstrated in its effectiveness at ruffling the most feathers.)
So people who play her never get to actually understand how she plays for long? You understand it takes some time to get used to balance changes, right? And frequently buffing/nerfing values on healing/db/cooldown times makes it so that Mercy will never actually be playable since your muscle memory and awareness of her kit’s strengths and limitations will be guaranteed to never be consistent? How is this healthy?