I did not say anything about Mercy revealing herself. I said I understand the value of those things. She gets her evasion for free, in my games she’s not making a point of making herself visible. She’s behind a wall pocketing Soj/hitscans. There’s no revealing until she’s possibly engaged at which point the whole gnat at a BBQ thing goes down.
My guy not everyone plays in T500, you do understand it’s not relevant to the whole playerbase, right?
Agreeing that disruption etc is valuable isn’t making an argument.
No, because that assumes Kiriko doesn’t exist. She’s competing with Lucio for 2/3 though.
This makes no sense at all. The hero being easy doesn’t mean everyone who plays the hero will be good enough to get to GM. She’s also an enabler and hugely reliant on her team for value. Something being easy doesn’t mean it cannot be done incompetently.
He had 1 death the entire round and was playing into Widow.
I do think there’s kind of a disproportionate level of toxicity in the mercy community. That’s not to say all or most are like that. But she is literally the only hero I’m afraid to give opinions on here lol. I don’t think it’s because Mercy players are inherently toxic people. I think it’s mostly due to Mercy players mostly coming from non fps backgrounds. And this hero is the only support in the game made for non fps players. So it makes sense Mercy players are way more sensitive to changes because if she’s gutted then the only hero they like is gone. I hope the next support is Mercy-like since the devs said they plan on releasing heroes like this. I think if Mercy players had more options then they’d ease up a bit on the nerf Mercy opinions lol
I think we are well past the “idea” phase of the mercy topic, we have posted countless amounts of ideas, dreams, and ambitions for Mercy years ago, and its gone completely ignored.
This is what happens when you throw your head at a brick wall for years on end, with no side getting what they want, if anything at all.
There are still some bad apples, I stated that. Seagull isn’t letting it die either. Ain’t no one letting it die. The mass rez changed in 2017. Regardless if theres some melodramatic Mercys, if people want changes they are still capable of just suggesting changes and not being insulting. That’s all I want. I try to be respectful when I discuss changes I would like to see and sometimes I don’t even bother replying because I just get called a skill less boosted e girl who raided the forums all because I said I disagree with a change suggested.
We are just in a state of a never ending limbo, we have come full circle multiple times, but in the end nothing ever happens, the devs do nothing, and the cycle continues, and always will aside from meagre and uneventful changes now and then. Its agonizing.
I completely agree with this. Like, I get wanting to nerf some of the damage heroes, but after awhile I think blue beam itself isn’t a great ability to keep since it’s not super interactive and has caused issues in both the past and present. I would honestly just like something different that emphasizes the mercy’s personal skill over damage boost.
I think this wouldn’t work out super well, unless it was some crazy amount. Any amount of damage reduction would have to be compared to the HPS (55) from her M1. It would help prevent 1 shots against squishies I guess if you’re not actively doing anything else. I also think it could cause other frustrating balance issues. Imagine Orisa’s Fortify with an additional damage reduction, you would just never kill her during fortify lol.
I could see something like that if they lower the swap time to pistol? Pistol does a surprising amount of DPS as much as it’s memed on. I know damage beam atm is supposed to be her intended method to help provide damage for the team, but I think if they just made it easier to pull the pistol out you could probably forgo an ability that deals damage / increases damage directly entirely.
I’m not sure what the right solution is. I do ultimately agree about damage beam, I think it causes too many balance issues in the long run and is something that encourages gameplay that isn’t interactive as well as being frustrating for many players.
I’d be down for this. I love booping people when I play hamster, I’d be down to do that as Mercy
Thats what the forums are for! Its amazing that the forums are still relatively the same about Mercy and other old topics as they were literal YEARS ago
Mercy undeniably has a huge non-cishet playerbase. The majority of Mercy content creators aren’t cishet men (Skeisti - female, Ninadra - non-binary, Hoshizora - not heterosexual, ETC). Like, we can dance around this but any Mercy main, myself included, knows that she has the largest concentration of gay, transgender, female, ETC players.
In almost every single game that has a hero like this (League with Janna/Lulu/Lux/ETC, Apex with Wattson/Lifeline, Valorant with Sage/Killjoy) these heroes are written off as "braindead/easy/egirl heroes) which IMO has basically jsut become a dog whistle.
Are non-men more likely to play less mechancially demanding characters? Yes, I could go in depth as to why this is. However, mechanics /=/ difficultly. We know directly from statements from Riot/Respawn that Janna has one of the highest winrates for OTP’s of the character. Respawn has said that Wattson has one of the most exponential winrates per games played of any hero. While this is only two of the six I listed, it’s still very much worth mentioning.
The gaming subculture has always been hostile towards non-cishet men, intentionally or not. People have habits of hating on heroes who attract playerbases that consist of minorities (an even greater example of this is Harrow in Warframe who’s playerbase has been harassed constantly… the warframe’s story is heavily intertwined with an Autistic character, and a large portion of the playerbase is autistic people. Pretty much all of the harassment has been directed at this. Same can be said for Sym and I have PERSONALLY been harassed about this).
The discussion of there being an easiest hero is entirely pointless, extremley subjective, and very conditional.
Moira is extremely easy if you’re below diamond. If you’re above masters she’s extremely hard. Just as an example.
Read that again.
Yes, but I do. My point of view is going to come from that perspective.
Yeah, but changing the discussion from “Mercy doesn’t have to peek” to “Mercy’s too evasive” is a change in topic.
A widow’s poor performance doesn’t make up for his own poor performance. His positioning is still abysmally bad, his GA useage is still bad, and to a less noticeable extent his beam usage is bad.
Do you also just excuse a silvers mistakes because they go unpunished? No! The mistakes are still there even if the enemy team isn’t skilled enough to exploit them.
Yeah, I second this.
For a lot of people Mercy is literally the only hero they have. There’s a reason there’s a lot of Mercy OTP’s.
I don’t even want Mercy to be meta because all it does is cause an influx to toxicity around the hero. I wanna go back to last season where I can just have fun on my hero and be left alone lol. Now I have to worry about my hero being nuked or her whole identity deleted and become a bland traditional FPS hero. I don’t mind changes but I don’t want to go back to a similar state when Mercy was 50 hps and I had someone yelling at me to heal them with my beam on. Pls don’t bring me back there
Imo, I had more fun with the 50hps state than I do now, the right click + shift meta has made Mercy dead to me. Is what it is though, the cycle continues, also welcome to the club of being a perpetual mercy main.
What? Ego has nothing to do with respect. Everyone starts out at 0 and their actions dictate it from there. I don’t have an opinion on a Mercy player until they do something.
A lot have lost respect as they come at me like a buzzsaw. But the conversation I was engaging with was with someone else about how they do not get respect. We were not engaging in a conversation about me and whether or not I respect X Y or Z.
I’m not even remotely “pissed” this is a forum to discuss a video game.
I have nothing against players until they engage in intellectual dishonesty. At that point you lose respect and that’s the way she goes.
You talk of my ego and you’re here going on about my thought process.
I’ve made it as objective as possible, and I’m brought into strawmen debates ad nauseum.
There is an inherent issue with a hero that gets optimal value from pocketing others and increasing their damage. In a game where damage and kills have such enormous value, and when the rest of the supports all need to contribute to effective damage on their own. In addition to that it’s the most difficult and risk laden part of doing their jobs.
In an environment where it’s VERY TYPICALLY kill the supports to win
It’s not balanced for a support to avoid the most risky job while providing optimal value and have being nearly unhittable while being out in the open just baked into their kit.
I think Mercy’s the easiest because she doesn’t have to rely on most mechanics that other characters do. That doesn’t mean I think she’s not allowed to be good; I think it would be poor game design if easier heroes aren’t allowed to be good.
Nobody has to play mercy! You have a few sweats listening to streamers, who are a minority of players (SERIOUSLY!), and so they lock Sojourn and Mercy. At most of our play levels, you don’t have to do this!
That’s funny because I just like to play the medic. I have a bunch of great gear for him, and just thinking about him makes me want to play. You guys don’t think its cool that, in a game full of killers, you can be someone made to heal? Or build sentries? Or cloak and slide into the backline?
Also, before I dive into the rest of your comment, I want to highlight this:
This literally brought back memories. I’ll always hold the “medic boyfriend” jokes in my heart.
I think the entitlement is misplaced, and really, I think the only ones who deserve to be choosey are the ones that queued for support. Now, if a support pick isn’t working, obviously they should switch. Suggesting a hero be changed to fit a mold however is just bizarre to me. I legitimately have never seen people ask for less choices in a game.
I hated it too, dont get me wrong, I was on these forums every day asking for 60HPS to return (and still want it back), but I wasnt forced to pocket, and could still play Mercy as a main healer then, things change though.
It’s legitimately so weird to me.
“Hey after all this nerfing she’s kinda more an off healer, a large part of the community would like to go back to more main healer status, maybe a new rework is in order?” “No, blue beam, consistency and survivability are valuable enough just adapt.”
Fast forward to now, when we’ve adapted and are cool with the more off healer role. “Blue beam OP, rework Mercy.”
Like, whatever they do I’ll probably still play, but ping-ponging between roles at the will of the community is not what I mean when I say I like playing ping-pong Mercy.
Adding value that allows for more visible skill expression for Mercy, I’m all for, but half or more of the community suggestions I’ve read are just net nerfs that make any theoretical play extremely wasteful and clunky. When part of the appeal of Mercy (imo) is minimizing downtime arbitrarily adding wasteful clunk is 0 out of 10.
She has the second lowest healing output of any support (if you exclude AOE heals, third lowest). She has no way of doing her own damage. She has no way to defend herself. She has a very limited (albiet very powerful) ability, and she is heavily reliant on allies.
Mercy’s output compared to other supports is abysmal. An Ana can have twice the healing output of a mercy while also having multiple allies and enemies effected by nade, someone damage boosted, and someone slept all at the same time BUT that comes at the cost of her survivability.
If Mercy had Ana’s output WITH her survivability I’d agree that’s overpowered, but it’s simply not the case.
The entire reason that Mercy was so bad last season was because her output was not good enough to beat the meta. You didn’t have to kill Mercy because her healing was meaningless in the face of zar/sojourn.
Mercy is hard to kill, but she also provides less value than other supports making her one of the few that you don’t always have to focus. A Mercy stayling alive isn’t going to keep a tank up in the same way an Ana or Bap will.
It was kinda the nerf that transitioned her to damage boost pocket. You couldn’t main heal anymore because her healing esp on tanks was terrible so next best thing is pocket DPS. My playstyle personally is more triage though. I only really ever hard pocket if the value of the hard pocket is better than the value of key moments. Soj esp before the nerf really made it hard to not hard pocket and Pharah also makes it hard to not hard pocket. Post nerf Soj I have much more opportunities to do triage since you don’t get much value boosting her primary since you can’t ramp up the charge for rail. I think it was a good step in the right direction.
Back in the day, when mercy was THE main healer (the icon of the support class, weird), I mastered this playstyle called “juggling the main beam”, and a good mercy main who had fast reflexes and was very spatially aware of what was happening + positioning could solo heal a team without the need for a 2nd support to be picked
I wish I could have known how good I had it back then, I wish I could go back and experience those days, one more time.
I remember doing solo heal on Mercy and keeping everyone up and juggling. Granted, I wasn’t very good at the game back then haha. I thought I was cracked though hahahahah