Remember Genji Haters

Not only that he is ALSO wrong, because he has been top of the DPS picks since. He has literally been meta after Brig was added.


Well it was a lot easier to get value out of sym than genji in that state, undenaiably. Everything was double shield and she just need to m1 the shields with no ammo loss. Genji still has to be played as a higher skill hero by comparison

Welp, all this make me made up reason in my head why really he was buffed
Ofc echo had probably some impact but…
I think the main reason was… devs learned (after some time) that people dont change their behaviors in game, no matter what. Genji was popular pick, and people didnt wanted to swap him off. If hero like that exist, and to many players pick him, and he is not good agains most other heroes… then you create problem for yourself.
Basicialy he was buffed, so genji mains would not have to to switch him off. No matter what, because to many (not everyone ofc) would not swich anyway. That way, genji team is not losing, and popular picked hero have happy mains.
I dont see it as a great solution, but its one at least i guess?

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That isn’t justification for too many buffs. You have 1-2 months to enjoy, then the nerf bat is coming I assure you, good Genji’s are already saying its too much.

This is called an echo chamber

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He was never trash. Never. Average at worst. God.


Let’s be real tho, Genji is a lot less skillful after these buffs.

Basically everything that punished him when he made a mistake has been removed.

Faster fire rate, combined with increased damage and spread it is just mindless spam at this point, which even I can aim.
Missing shots is harder now.
Damage is higher, means less time needed to kill.
Deflect can be canceled at will and doesn’t punish him when he misuses it.
His ult charges faster, means he’ll get Nano Blade more often, which really isn’t as easy to counter as everyone makes it out to be.

If it was as bad as everybody is downplaying it, why use it then? How does it get so much value then, if somehow the entire cast counters it? I don’t get it.

Any half way competent Genji will get value out of it. It wouldn’t be so lethal if it was “so bad and ez to counter”, get real and stop trying to hide it.

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He sole relied on blade, how did he charged his ult? No one knows, it’s a mystery

In reality he was middle of the pack and got his damage in to farm his ult, so he got valued outside of blade. Surprise.
I know, it’s hard to understand, but in order to be middle of the pack just on blade you have to get your ult really fast and your ult must be really strong or you get value outside of blade

Oh and never forget: Genji is not high skill anymore. Cheers!


Nothing says high skill hero as becoming meta in silver.


Skillful isn’t an argument that ever needs to enter the conversation about balance of a character as it obfuscates the primary issue.

Was genji in any way meaningfully “bad” before? No. playing into his counters was of course unwise but that never stopped a dedicated player. His DPS was low and he required backup. He could be shut down by his counters like all characters, and there were more of them in the game than at launch. But his ult was good and even better when combined with Nano. But genji players love to use it at 25 HP and in a 1 or 2 v 4 to 6 and when they die during it they call it weak. So an okay character that was oftentimes played straight into counters. W/e.

Is genji overperforming now? Yeah. Is he being overrepresented now? Yeah. Is he getting much better stats than others in his role? Yeah.

So he’s too good and needs a nerf.


I was just mentioning it because Genji is “more skillful then Sym muhhh”.

Otherwise I agree that skill fetish argument is kinda bs and always bended to make sense in others statements.

I feel that.



Now he gets to be OP at all times, and we’re supposed to be okay with that?

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His dueling potential is better, yes. An any character that receives buffs to make their kit better is going to be a bit less skillful. But genji requires good mechanics nevertheless compared tp symmetra having a huge beam to melt people, brig with her flail, mei freeze, and stun so on and so forth. His counters dominate the game in an unfun and unbalamced way as well. Genji might need some dialing back, but all the other OP mechanics in the game still exists. His counters are still there, he just got some added counterplay that he never had. You cant deny that

Difference is that RN genji’s got a pickrate higher than Mei, sombra, Symm and brig COMBINED.

You can in fact deny that genji is inherently more skillful than symms or brig or Mei. Just because they don’t double jump doesn’t mean they suddenly have no skill. They have to be a lot more conscious of their positioning because they either don’t have good engage tactics or good disengage tactics, and in some characters positions they have neither. If you engage out of their range they are very much not going to be able to do anything about you.


Compared to ashe and mcree or literally any of the god tier dps he was bad.

Im pretty sure there has never been a time when more than half of the dps have been viable.

Genji’s always been in the top half, and usually found himself in the top 5 dps positions. :slight_smile:

Compared to say, Symm, Torb, hell, even tracer at her worst, Genji’s never had a sub 2% pickrate, nevermind a sub 1% pickrate.

With not a single compensation nerf to go with it. If they wanted to add more power to his base kit they should have nerfed his ult charge rate since he gets it faster now.


Well pick rate dosent directly say how viable a hero is, a lot of people just enjoy playing genji.

Symmetra’s been in the game for 4 years, and has been reworked twice because of other people opinions, has been meta once for 1 week and 3 days, and is now, once again, one of the worst characters in the entire roster.

Sombra’s been in for just under 3 years, and still has yet to be any form of viable outside of her brief appearence in countering GOATS. She’s still considered to be no better than a throw pick under pro level of play, and even there she sees minimal usage.

Genji being ‘unviable’ since Brig’s introduction is hardly something to shed a tear over. He still had 2 years before of being good, 8-11 months of that being a God level hero thanks to the oppression that was the dive meta. And even after Brig’s introduction, he was still a decent character because of the sheer power of his blade. That’s always been something Brigitte could never counter.

So get over yourself. There are heroes in this game that have had it far far worse than Genji could even begin to imagine.


To say that pickrate has nothing to do with viability is also erroneous. A lot of people enjoyed playing tracer, and when she was overnerfed, she dropped to a, I believe at its worst, 1.03% pickrate. No one enjoys playing a hero if they lose every single game with them or they feel like they get nothing done.

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