Remember Genji Haters

Tell me, how does it feel to be so trash you need to play OP hero just for him to look “balanced” in your hands?


Nah, man. Those are unimportant little side things. There’s practically no Genji buff to speak of.

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I don’t play Genji, I am a support main myself. Just not one who wants to play a game where nothing dies due to insanely overpowered healing.

Can we see your profile good sir if you don’t mind ?

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Oh, great. Then your opinion is, apparently, just as meaningless as ours.


There you go
One would say I am not even a support main but more likely a Mercy onetrick from those hours displayed.

I mean he was bad, but generally with most people being in plat. The people playing his counters are also bad. If you really want to see the strength of a hero high elo is usually the place to look. Where genji had an abysmal pickrate because he was bad

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Fair enough tbh and if you don’t mind me asking, is that German ?

So by that logic we can revert the reaper nerfs and bring him back so that he can be viable in higher ranks even if he absolutely stomps the lower ones ?



Idk maybe. We’ll have to ride this out. It did take a while for those buffs to get nerfed. But you cant argue that genji was really bad. Just because people dont wanna swap off a fun hero says nothung about his viability in lower ladder where the majority of hus pickrate came from. Also the skill-reward between genji and reaper is much different

Genji damage buff? Fine.
Genji spread and recovery buff? Fine.
But not both at the same time and the deflect buffs, that is how you make a hero busted


And you can’t argue that he should have gotten some nerfs to his ult charge or something. He got his kit buffed and more consistent, now he has a great kit with a great and the most lethal ult which shouldn’t happen.

Thats like saying doom, brig, ana, bap, moira, rein, sigma, orisa, etc. all shouldnt have their kits and/or ults. I dont mind if genji’s blade charge rate gets increased, but that reasoning is not a good explanation as to why.

What recovery buff??

Wheres the Bastion viabilitu buffs then smh


The one from a while back on his secondary. Watch some older genji gameplay and you’ll see the difference is massive
Think it was ~14% fire rate

Oh yeah, forgot about that one. It was kinda useless at the time tbh

Playing genji before/ after the buff made quite a large difference, as it made missing far less punishing in a way, it definitely moved him from the graveyard to low mid tier though, which is why I would have been fine with either the damage or spread buff

  1. Genji needed buffs yes, but he got no compensation for the big amount if buffs he received in one go. They could have buffed him less or just nerf his ult charge gain if they keep the buffs

Symm wasn’t viable for one entire season, she got nerfed after 2 weeks of being decent.

So why does Genji deserve it more than Symm? Both are annoying and have a good chunk of players playing them, so why is Genji always more important? That’s trash balancing and that’s on periodt.

Blizz just desperately tries to please the Gengu’s while still half the cast spends their existence as troll picks.

But oh no, Genji hasn’t been meta for so many seasons…neither has Mercy or Torb or Bastion and amny other, yet was that reason enough to overbuff them? No, doesn’t seem like it.