Remember folks, see the sun!

Vitamin D is very important, and sometimes it’s good to take vitamin C. Never take more than 100% of the daily allowance because 100% is all you need. Stay healthy and happy during the hard times, remember, vitamin C supports the immune system! also talk about ow so the thread doesn’t get killed


Man screw the sun. All my homies hate the sun. If you know a sun, frick you

-this post was made by the nocturnal moon-appreciators gang


In northern sweden we’re not able to see the sun during winter :frowning:


i actually did know that. for those who don’t know, the earth actually sits on a tilt so to speak, and this part of the year sweden, northern sweden specifically actually is titled backwards AWAY from the sun. The same goes with alaska, quebec, and parts of southern argentina.

Big shade cast at vampires outta nowhere.


I live in Michigan, there is no sun this time of the year.

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The weather has been terrible; and I don’t go out unless I have to. I take supplements though. :v

Ummm… I take it in the morning before I play Overwatch.

i’m in kansas, so last weak we got about -40 wind chill. Today i showed up to miami with my family at 80 degrees. my head hurts, my internal clocks is really messed up and i’m tired. i’ve been to michigan, and yeh gl finding sun folks.

There is too much sun right now in Australia, do you want some?


Yeah it’s pretty depressing honestly :tired_face: i really miss the sun, and just wants winter to go away forever :roll_eyes: i’m so sick and tired of it. I wish summer could last longer.

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What’s a sun???


The sun is so OP. If you see the sun, you are supposed to look away because it’s bad for your eyes. It will literally give you cancer if you stay in its presence to too long. It can be used to grow food and for generating electricity. Talk about a bloated kit. Nerf the sun.


The last time I saw the sun, I was told to praise it. Then I proceeded to get my a>> kicked for 60 hours until I got good.


don’t forget the sun is gonna become big ball in 4. some odd billion years and EAT US

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Oh, right: how could I forget that tiny little issue? The sun will eat all the dumb people left on Earth, yes, but hopefully the saltiest of Overwatch players would have moved to Uranus by then to prove their point:

that they really are, literally, the saviors of their team


Why would salty people choose to live on a tilted planet, you ask? Because no doubt the Martian colony of our smartest and richest people will likely have been wiped out by a long forgotten killer space car; Jupiter is too stormy, Saturn is losing its rings—and no one smart enough wanting to go to space would be dumb enough to settle on property that loses value over time—Neptune is literally named to mean the ocean world, and Pluto is not even a real planet… :smirk:



large reflecting plates are being installed in Northern Germany to aid our Swedish brothers. Praise the sun!


Tracer Doomfist is about to salute the sun when she he gets into smash

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I saw it and it hurt so now I don’t look at it anymore.

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