Remember folks, see the sun!

Hisssssssss :vampire:t2:
I have pills for my vitamin D. Keep your flaming lightball away from me, I get itchy just thinking of it.

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There’s absolutely no reason to take supplements. Just eat a damn orange and you are good.

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or yk if you don’t like oranges.

Foods rich in vitamin C include broccoli, cantaloupe, cauliflower, kale, kiwi, orange juice, papaya, red, green or yellow pepper, sweet potato, strawberries, and tomatoes.

If you don’t eat any of those, I’m sure you live on hamburgers and soda all your life, and no supplements will save you

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Yeah the sun is nice. But so is the shade and blankets.

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Nice try pal but you’re not fooling me

Everyone knows the sun is a deadly laser

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I always get my daily dose of vitamin D. :wink:



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C shouldn’t be an issue. If you’re getting scurvy in 2021 you have bigger problems

D you’re not getting enough of it either way


I mean, that’s the reason why you guys are mostly vampires.

Oh god no, that’s so cringe haha :rofl: but yeah be careful visiting sweden in winter, you might end up as someones dinner :vampire:t2:‍♂


but, all vitamins are important. as long as you don’t OD you should be ok : )

It’s okay, I have my flintstone gummies :sunglasses:


On that note, 100% is the recommended daily intake for a given body weight. The recommended daily maximum is higher, and acute overdoses are higher still. It also varies, vitamin A ccumulates in tissues so that gets out of hand quite fast, but B, C, and E are easily fine at like, 1000% for most people.

If they’re vampires, I think they’d appreciate the shade, to be honest.

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mans just went nerd but i can keep up i watch chubbyemu (please save me)
I personally don’t do a whole lot of supplements, because i have a crippling addiction to fruit and i see the sun a lot so i’m usually well off. Just don’t go over what your doctor says, you’ll know if your taking too much C for example if you urinate a lot more often. Don’t be scared, it’s just your kidneys getting rid of what they don’t need. just don’t do it for extended periods of tome

The sun gives skin cancer and can make me blind if I stare at it too long

No thanks, I like staying inside and being pale

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Dat -emia tho

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your not wrong. but the sun doesn’t give you cancer compared to how much being inside and not getting vitamins gets you cancer : ). Sunscreen and sun give you cancer. Isn’t that fun?

sunscreen tastes nice

i should be working rn but im thinking about sunscreen

im kidding it probably tastes bad

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