Remeber when you couldve just hover your mouse your/others profile to see what people are playing? Me neither

IKR, it was so much better than just asking “hey mate, whadda play ?” …

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How would anyone know that healer has a dps alt if they are on said alt to begin with? Then how would we know if they play healer in their “main” account? Yes id prefer having them play the heroes they play the most than just on a whim try someome theyve never tried.

Ive actually seen more toxicity after the private profile change bc people still criticize others but this time from the safety of their private profiles. Atleast before there was some credibility based on stats.b

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Also asking/typing to them & ask what they play takes time too.
There can be no answers, lies or real answers from players who actually want to win and work as a team.

so let’s say we’re solo q in comp

I can comfortably play heroes in all roles

I choose Ana for example, but someone else on my team who doesn’t speak up is an Ana onetrick and can’t play anything else

with public profiles I would’ve known and been able to swap, but now I wouldn’t know because its all private

and you don’t always get the luxury of being able to talk to your teammates


I’m mentioning examples on how what you see in a public profile might not be accurate. Maybe they have an alt account on which they dps. You have no clue whether or not this fictional Widowmaker of yours only ever played healer.

So again, you don’t NEED to know what they’ve played.

And even if you COULD, it would not make a difference because you have 0 say in what someone should play.

Uhh soo why they cant just put their account public if its an alt then? Cause people knows if theyre smurfs or not, they dont really need to hide it, also same with one tricks. If your a one trick player you dont have nothing to hide about.

If they have an alt acct thats dps and they want to play dps should they not play on said acct?

And actually no one is saying its perfectly accurate but if you go to all modes and see the time they spent on each hero it gives you a vague idea of what they can play.

If you have got nothing to hide…theres no reason to hide.

Actually an earlier topic I’ve seen is how “private profiles encourage smurfs and throwers” or something like that, because they can hide their profiles.

But does it matter why someone wants their profile hidden? Again, it caused toxicity because people were forcing others to play the character they had the most hours on (as long as that character was a healer or tank), instead of letting those players play what they wanted.

Let’s say someone flexes yea - they mostly play healers. They have 30 hours on Mercy, 20 on Lucio and 20 on Ana. Just hypothetical. They have 5 hours on Tracer and a bunch more on quick play. Plenty of experience to play that character in comp.

This person gets into a match. They pick Tracer. Other players follow in picking and it’s a mix of tanks and dps, no one wants to heal.

Who do you think is gonna get crapped on for playing dps? Why should that person receive toxicity for playing what they want occasionally, while catering to the teams needs in other matches?

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Welp, i got simple fix for ya, dont cheak profiles, those not gona help your team win at all.

Thats why you check all modes not just competitive. There are many people who play whats needed than what they want on ranked. That person isnt any different. If they know they can play healer and no one else has time on any healers it is that persons responsibility to play healer bc they can based on their time on healers. You dont go into ranked with the mentality of “I want to play X hero” you go with what does the team need. Be a better example than one tricks.

How am I going to be useful to the team? By playing a 3rd or 4th dps? Or by playing a healer bc I have that experience. Answer seems pretty clear.

No, it’s not that persons responsibility.

I’ll counter you with: “You don’t get on ranked without knowing how to play a support or a tank besides dps”.

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What did you expect when you start off with snark?


It does. Again. Public/private profiles didnt caused toxicity by any of those what ur saying imo.

I do know friiking well who but thats not the point. Everyone on every role can start flaming anyone from everything. And if people are toxic to other players, they should be wise enough to mute them if they needed/wanted to.

And I agree I personally think people shouldnt play ranked if they cant play atleast 3 heroes of each class. Sadly blizzard doesnt agree with that philosophy. And yes it is their responsibility. You want to lose bc you left healing to a genji main? Or another dps main? Fine but that will be a loss most of the time.

I’m glad they took it away.

Honestly really did not like how easy it was for people to just quickly glance at my hours and judge me and my playstyle before actually seeing me in game or even asking what I actually feel like playing.

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The rollover was just terribly misleading in the early season, in the same way the current profile layout is—except now it’s at least hidden behind a layer.

For whatever reason, they decided to make the default profile page (and in turn, the rollover) only show playtime for the current season. If you never play Reinhardt but filled as him for your first match of the season… congratulations, you are now assumed to be a Reinhardt one-trick by everyone you play with.

To some degree, you can blame the players for not properly interpreting information, but mostly it’s a problem with how the information is/was presented that leads players into misinterpreting it.

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They took it away because people used the hover to shoehorn and harass other players for their mains.

I’ve long ago let go of that.

I don’t get toxic if people don’t play what I want them to play. But if I’ve been healing 5 matches in a row and I wanna dps, then I damn well will. If nobody heals - fine it’s a loss. Not my problem, I chose that and so did the 5 others and I’m fine with that as long as everybody tries their best on their selected heroes.

I only hate it when they threatened to throw the entire match, just because people saw I had X amount of time on certain healers. And that, thanks to private profiles, doesn’t happen anymore. Not that I cared after a while, I’d still pick whatever I wanted to play.

See… I figured out - it’s not a responsibility. It’s a game. I want to play it competitively to see how far I can go with my characters. That doesn’t mean I need to play a certain hero, because potatoes decided they only want to play Hanzo or Genji. I don’t play for anyone else, just me. I’ll heal too, I’ll tank, but if I want to dps a match, I will.

Then all thats left to say is you are part of the problem with the mentality youre going into ranked with. Nothing left to say

The option to have a private profile was here from the start no ?
What they did is putting all the profiles private by default after a patch and mentioning it in the patch note . I would have been better to be asked in game after the update imo, many people were not aware of that change.
Oh well, It is what it is now.