Remeber when you couldve just hover your mouse your/others profile to see what people are playing? Me neither

Too bad that they did tbh. People should know how to report/mute or even block people by now if people gets toxic, etc…
Idk how it can be so hard to undestand sometimes.

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Reporting and muting is only treating the symptoms, not the root cause.

Not having thick skin is not an excuse to allow misbehavior. Taking away the things that enable misbehavior is the only way to combat misbehavior.

The only thing that toxic players can do if they have no information to arm themselves with, is make an embarrassment of themselves from reaching statements and assumptions.

When they no longer have ammo it eventually stops. Whereas if you only allow mutes and reports to combat the toxicity, then they’ll continue to have ammo and continue to do it.


Sure bud. The fact that I mainly flex and play what’s necessary (stated several times) means I’m part of the problem.

The problem isn’t the one tricks. It’s definitely the people who mostly cater to the one tricks. You have some great insight there.

You mainly flex but you also go in with the mentality of you already knowing what to play and only carrying about that. Yes makes sense.

So how is that different than let’s say a Hanzo, who only plays Hanzo, who knows he’s going to play Hanzo in the upcoming match?

I’m sorry, I’m sorry, you’re absolutely right! Flex players who occasionally want to play the hero of their own choosing are the problem!

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You do not dictate the competitive ladder experience.

Anyone who flexes still has a preference for what roles they enjoy. I have a DPS preference and would want nothing more than to play Soldier/McCree/Widow/Ashe. I never get that opportunity because in Ranked, I’m a tank main by stats and stats alone.

Flexing is effectively community service. And if I put in so many hours into flexing for however many games, I earn my keep and right to say “screw this, I’m playing DPS this game”. That’s my choice. You don’t get to choose for me, and you don’t get to judge me for being selfish 1/10+ times… ESPECIALLY if you’re the type of player that demands things from other players.

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Anyone who already made the decision of what to play before they even queue up no matter the situation is wrong. Flex, one trick, or whatever label you consider yourself.

Yeah that was quite nice, I liked some of the color combinations some people would make from the characters as well… I miss it.


We need what they have in dota 2. You can simply list your 3 favourite heroes in your profile, regardless of the playtime / past etc.

We should be able to list our own top 3-5 preferred heroes, and they should show up when the profile is hovered over, private or not.


I literally only leave mine open so I know when I win an argument on the forums and someone devolves to rank, main, or level shaming.


And then we come back to your ridiculous point of certain people having more responsibility than others. You see, if I didn’t make up my mind beforehand and I’d wait patiently for the other people to pick their heroes, I’d find that we’d have no healer.

“Oh but you have more hours on healer, responsibility, yada yada yada”. So tell me, when would it be my turn to dps? When Roadhogs fly?

Sometimes you gotta take your spot. I’m not in service of 5 other players.

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Duude just chill will ya ^^ thx-

If you want to play dps so much theres plenty of other modes to do so. But no that attitude and mentality like yours runs amuk in ranked and ruins it for everyone. If you want to play what you want then go play QP or something.

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Aaaand same goes to all the other dps players who only want to play dps.

And round and round we go.

At times like these I actually do wish my profile was public though. Despite “me being the problem”, I’m actually fairly successful in ranked.

Oh so since theres a problem its best to be part of one lol

There is no “I wish it was public” you choose to make it or not.

Very presumptuous to assume that the rest of your team will be as adult-like as you are.

Good idea~ This is what I want - give players control over what heroes they want displayed as their “favorites”.

Rework Public/Private profiles into player made profiles-- similar to Guild cards. Let us tailor and display the stats we want. If you want your profile to sing of nothing but Symmetra or Lucio, then design it like that. If you want your profile to show off your amazing win-rate on any hero as if you were some flex-god, then design it that way.


I’ll rephrase “I wish I MADE my profile public” then. Good job on being so literal though.

Your arguments are still ridiculous on which people are the problem. Maybe you should start blaming the one trick dps, instead of the people who are nice enough to throw away their own preferences 95% of the time.

I can see why they would get rid of it for private profiles, but getting rid of it for public profiles just seems like a waste. They have their profiles on public, just let it be more convenient for me to see what they play


oooh sassy

but that might actually take longer, and more misleading, than looking at their profiles tbh