Remeber when you couldve just hover your mouse your/others profile to see what people are playing? Me neither

I dont get why they took it away, it was so much better than what it is rn.
Seriously, now it takes so much more time to check what others are playing & then you feel like you have wasted that time for nothing if you see that all of them just have private profiles…


Edit: Pls dont be toxic. Im here to have a nice discussion about things : )


Maybe talk to your team, like an adult, if you want to know what people play


Ohwow comments like this already, im not suprized tbh.


Because people cannot handle being questioned about what they play. Its the quickest way to team tilt, and an auto loss.

Talking like an adult, in overwatch! hahaha


And already the forum proves it’s maturity level lol

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I mean you already did it with your comment buddy. I dont want to see any toxicity here so pls behave.


Just calling it like it is, but you are free to hold onto your delusions. :stuck_out_tongue:


You don’t really NEED to know that they play before they pick a character, do you?

Public profiles made a lot of toxicity happen. I speak from experience. Because I flexed, I ended up playing Mercy a lot, because that’s what people wanted me to play. Thanks to public profiles, it got so bad people tried to force me to play Mercy, or they’d take troll picks, throw themselves off of maps, etc. after a while, I stopped caring though, but I am happy we got private profiles now. A lot less hassle at the start of a match and a lot less whining.


Because of people that would attack you(which I could handle) and throw the match(which is just unfair to the other people in it) if you dared to play dps if you were a flex player.

Turning you into a flex tank/support, making the game unfun.


Basically this. You could not do anything but Mercy if you were a flex player when people could creep your profile

I mean I like to see what people are playing personally, etc stats what they have on their heroes cause I care about winning the game.

Private profiles didnt really removed toxicity either. + I have flexed almost 3 years now as a former dps/prahah main I can confirm that its not that fun.
Atleast they could let us see if people have private profiles or not by this image what i’ve shown on the post. I would be ok with that & leave it there.

A lot of people dont even care if the profile is public anymore cause this game doesnt really have any point of how this is a teambased game anymore imo, etc.

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Glad I have the option to hide my profile.

I don’t need some stranger on the internet griefing me about what I should and shouldn’t play.

The funny thing is sometimes i leave my profile open to tilt players now. It’s starting to become a game within the game to hear a toxic meltdown as I play what I want and not respond. (Which burns them up even more).


you don’t need to know peoples stats. You don’t need to know what they play. Someone could be incredible as Tracer, but is barely getting the chance to play her because people want them to play what they have the most hours on.

Of course toxicity in itself didn’t go away, I didn’t mean that. It remains in other forms. But at least people can’t bully you into playing what they think is your best hero, which happened a lot.

Edit; yea, I can imagine you wanting that feature so you don’t have to click individual names every time to check their profiles. That seems like a reasonable thing to ask.


I don’t know why exactly they got rid of it. I believe they never said anything why about getting rid of this feature from the game.

I don’t miss that feature, it’s so lovely that people don’t rage and throw if I don’t play one of my top 3 heroes

Yea they didnt as far I remember.

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Thing is we really DO need to know because if someone mains a healer and just out of the blue the want to try widowmaker knowing they have no time on it they will put the team at risk bc that would be 6v5. Unless the very but very rare thing happens when they pop off but i mean that hardly happens.

Im curious so ofc I do lol
But recently i’ve seen so many players picking only dps, 4-5 dps comps, etc in ranked so I always wonder what they are playing but I cant see if theyre actually playing their main role cause they have their profile private.

So this scenario happens and his profile is public, then what? What happens??


You really don’t need to know. Maybe that healer has an alt account, or is an alt. Maybe they played dps a lot in other seasons or quick play.

And even so, what will you do with that info? Dictate what they play? You have no right.