Relegating Mercy Ress to her ult - in a balanced way

Mercy’s ultimate Valkyrie could include a Ressurrect.

You will have a single Ressurrect while in Valkyrie-mode, but if you use it, the Valkyrie time will be cut in half.
It will be activated by pressing the ult hotkey one more time (a bit like baby-DVA needs to get into her mech again).

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Right now Ressurrect is so OP that the rest of Mercy has to be nerfed to the ground to balance it. If Ressurrect is removed from her standard kit, she could again be balanced to be fun to play.

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This suggestion would go well with my proposal for a new standard ability to replace the current Ressurrect.

Wouldn’t this be easier?

Rez only in Valk, say roughly 0.875second cast time (half of current).

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I am not entirely sure what you mean.
Mercy would still have her standard ability ress but it would only be available during ult?
It sounds wierd to me. IMO she needs a new standard ability to replace ress.

Stopped reading…


It would be a tradeoff. Meaningful choice is at the heart of the definition of gameplay.

Punishing Mercy for using an ability that’s only exclusive to her when in Valkyrie? No thanks…

Wouldn’t it be easier to shoot Mercy during her 1.75 second self stun instead of complaining in the forums?

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So she’ll have an ability that’s just sitting there unusable until she ults?

Maybe we could make Resurrect an ultimate again and make Valkyrie a 4-5 second e ability but hey! That’s just what i’m suggesting.

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I thought maybe Mercy could have two ults like Symm used to…

The current one, which you pop going into a teamfight.

Or, if you save the ult you can use it after the teamfight to do a mass rez old Mercy style.

Two ults for two different situations. Mercy players get to choose what ult will make the most impact during the game.

And make her even more OP and broken? Unlike Shield Generator and Teleporter, Mass ress and Valkyrie are not equally impactful abilities. It would make no sense.

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If the mass rez capped at 3 teammates then I think it would be comparable to Valkyrie.

At any rate, I’m just brainstorming. I don’t really like rez being on cooldown, I like a kill to be a kill.

Nowhere near. Valkyrie is glorified spectator mode that barely feels impactful. Resurrect is the ability to revive a group of teammates and feels extremely impactful. Decrease the numbers all you want. Mass Ress cannot be compared to Valkyrie.

This is exactly why I suggest combining Valkyrie with Ress. It gives some choices and makes Mercy more than just a flying healbot. If she uses Ress - which will often be the reason to use the ult I believe - she will have her Valkyrie time halved, cutting its long duration down significantly. It is a real tradeoff, as she will give up a significant amount of Valkyrie.
IMO it makes for more interesting gameplay than we have now, as she will get a ress and her Valkyrie will be some 8 seconds after using it, instead of the insane 15 seconds that it is now.

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Could make it so that the Rez is bound to Q while in Valk.

Rez only in Valkyrie is never going to happen try again.

Honestly, at this point I’d rather have a single instant rez as her ult and her GA hop integrated into her E somehow. Maybe a short vertical leap or something.

Well, the most basic E ability they could do is “GA prefer beam target”

So you can swap between the two GA modes quickly.

Rez was added to her base kit so she would have something to do during her ult’s. Removing that is a step backwards and I’m tired of people suggesting this.

Does this mean that Mercy would be brought back to pre-nerf status, in your new rez scenario ?