Rejoice! Paris is disabled!

We need map bans. Maybe that will get blizzard to rethink their map design and game mode design.


Nooo, one of my favorite mapsā€¦ :frowning:

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Shame i got it twice the day before it got disabled.

i was surprised to get the map about a half hour ago, i dont think they took it out of rotation yet

Said no one ever.


Iā€™m old enough to remember when people only had this reaction for Horizonā€¦ :older_adult:

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So, youā€™re at least 2 years old. Impressive!

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I literally just played my last match on Paris thoughā€¦

As a bunny that makes me fully grown thank you very much. :rabbit:


Thats great and all but im still getting horizonā€¦

dont fix that important FEATURE

Someone tell me how has this bug never presented during the 3 weeks this patch was sitting on PTRā€¦

Now hopefully Havana and Gibraltar get disabled. :sunglasses:

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The live version is slightly different than the PTR one cause iirc the sombra and hammond changes werenā€™t on it. Maybe it was exclusive to this build?

maybe they looked at the leaver numbers and needed an excuse to save face. they dont ever like admitting they are wrong.


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Just rework the point A choke. There is only 1 way to get to the objective, right in the face of the enemy team. Or you have to fly over the building as pharah and then whatā€¦

Iā€™m more in the mood of just Hallelu.

Finally some good OW news.

If only theyā€™d disable all of the maps that are just like Paris, like Horizon or Hanamura. Easily the worst maps in the game.

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