Reinstating mass rez would actually be a huge nerf

You say that Blizzard never goes back on anything, but…

Blizzard is partially reverting Sombra’s rework after the community complained about the problematic parts.

they’re still on ptr… you’re comparing apples to oranges, they also never said they wouldn’t revert sombra changes nor that we should give the notion a rest. Something they explicitly said about mercy. Because they don’t wanna touch rez anymore.

Also lol, they still didn’t revert the things us sombra mains wanted them to revert which is contestability and faster speed while invis.

Is this the post you’re referencing?

Because Jeff didn’t mention rez even once. He just said “no revert”.

Giving Mercy a reworked Mass Rez on Q and a different E ability isn’t a revert.

It’s another rework.


…i mean it’s like talking into the void rn. Sure, it’ll happen! best of luck lol

The feeling is mutual, my friend. Thanks for the vote of confidence!

Then allow me to list reverts they HAVE made:

  • Lucio’s wall ride speed. Frog bois cried for about a week or so before it was changed back.
  • Zen’s ability to Discord through shields and barriers, as well as Ana’s grenade healing and damage. It was this very change that led them to the claim that they don’t want to swing balance to wildly.
  • Sombra’s current PTR transolcator changes? Maybe they are listening this time.

It’s time for you to accept that Mercy’s current state is NOT acceptable, and that Mercy was never a must-pick before the failed rework.


she was actually pretty garbage before the invincibility buff…they could just make her take less damage when resing and let you be able to cancel her res with CC for example, just like any other ult? idk…that’s just my suggestion if we’re talking about mass res…i’d still rather they buff Ana tho and make her viable. :shrug:

Bringing it back with a nerf to the range and addition of a LoS check, both of which people were begging for instead of a rework.

That opinion is subjective though I think mercy is fine from my perspective she’s always been a boring character so the transition from mass res to valk didn’t change much

It’s amazing how many problems a “revert” (or rework that brings her back to where she was, whatever you want to call it) would solve in the game as a whole, but Blizzard is too stubborn to admit they done messed up with Mercy’s rework since the beginning. Even with invulnerability during res she was still not picked in most comps, and basically absent from every high level tournament ever. People like EeveeA, Animetic and Little Menace were outliers for playing Mercy in elos above Master, where she was basically never picked. Look at where we are now, lol.

I wonder if people who say that mass res made her a must pick even played the game before Valkyrie was a thing. People on PLAT asked you to change to Ana if you picked Mercy - she was THAT bad. Mercy was basically the troll pick of healers, if you were in an elo where people start to know how to aim. I know this for a fact, because I main Mercy since season 3, and my most played season was last before the rework. I heard a loooooot of sh*t back then for my hero pick.


If you played Mercy, you would definitely notice a difference. And my point was more that just because you put money into something doesn’t mean it’s a good thing to implement. I am currently also dealing with this issue where I work, so I’m finding all of this to be incredibly frustrating.

I have played both iterations of mercy there wasn’t too big of a difference your still saving people it just depends on when you save them

Have you played old mercy? Or has the nostalgia gotten to you

I’ve been playing since beta. And nostalgia is what would be associated with that, so your second question shouldn’t be an “or.”

I’ve played both, and her playstyle HAS changed. And I find the reworked version to be boring.

Both versions of mercy were boring imo doesn’t mean I didnt play them me personally mass res was a boring op ult sure I used it and fought against it it was still boring at the end of the day valk was op because you couldn’t kill mercy herself and instant res was op valk is literally just flying base form mercy you really cant say valk is boring and then say you had fun playing mercy

I stand by that the hide and seek Mercy rez tactic purely became a thing only because of the super easy SR gain healers got after the complaints (and rightly so) of healers getting screwed in previous seasons. A couple of ults and boom 30+sr and with all the issues people have with ranking its no surprise it was abused.

All they needed to do was add LoS and voila, Mercy was fixed but nope, shes gone through the ringer and hasnt quite gotten off yet haha.

Her current iteration is Blizz’s fault for creating a situation of ult abuse.


It’s easy to say that you never did when the change happened over 9 months ago.

It’s easy to say that no mercy main you know does it either when there’s thousands of mercy mains.

We have no way of knowing what you said is true. All we know is that this was a common strategy and led Mercy to being useless if she didn’t have her ultimate.

You’re kind of missing the point of my original response.

People were saying they never hid the nine months ago when they were accused of that behavior. And they may be personal experiences, but those of us who never hid hardly ever saw it from other Mercys. Add on top of that the fact that so many people consider ducking for cover — something EVERYONE ELSE DOES — as “hiding.” Apparently, Mercy should have stood out in the open and taken a High Noon to the face.


But the devs explicitely said they improve heroes by increasing their strengths, not reducing their weaknesses. They wouldn’t lie to us, woud they ? /s


An actual response addressing the concerns we have with Mercy would be so good. But instead we get pickrates and winrates which are only a little part of the entire discussion. You guys at Blizzard really disappoint me because you could do much better than all this.

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