Reinhardt’s ult stuns for 2.5 seconds, not 4.
Meh it’s fine imo, let him be. It has several counters already.
The only real counter atm is another Reinhardt with shield.
That’s terrible counterplay and isn’t avaliable to the vast majority of the heroes in the game.
Well, I could name several other CC skills, not to mention winstons shield or zarya bubbles.
If you are in meele range, say, point A hanamura choke, you could always have a brig on the frontlines, or a mccree, a roadhog, just for some examples as all these CC abilities has a less than .6 seconds cast time, not to mention booping him away, or concussion mine upwards etc.
Oh, good, a whole 0.1 second of time to react.
.6 seconds. Thats literally the casttime of Shatter, and if you are in close quarters .6 seconds is easily enough to bash, or flashbang, hook, mine etc.
Flashbang has a .5 second cast time. That means you only have .1 second to react to throw it in time for it to stop the shatter.
And the other examples hm ? Look, there is more than enough counterplay for Shatter. It doesn’t need to be touched at all.
The average human reaction time is 0.25 seconds. None of those are reliable counters to earthshatter. They come down to mostly luck when they do work.
They are still counters. That doesn’t change the fact. And Roadhogs hook for example is a .3 cast time, which according to the reaction speed, anyone would be able to pull off.
It doesn’t matter that they technically counter it if they’re not reliable. Roadhog technically counters Tracer, but in practice, doesn’t really. It’s not a real counter if it barely ever actually works, and if on the few occasions it does work it comes down to mostly luck.
i find mei ult worse
Again, take hook as an example, you literally can’t miss a rein with no shield shouting on the top of his voice with his hammer in the air as hog.
His hitbox is a giant one, any abilities aimed in his general direction will hit if you aim even sligthly.
You can if you’re more than a couple meters away, or if you had to turn around, or if you generally took a quarter of a second too long for whatever reason. Again, it’s not a real counter if it’s not reliable, which none of those are. The only reliable counter to earthshatter is to block it with your own Reinhardt. And if something has no counter other than itself, then it has no true counters.
Keep believing what you will,he’s balanced.
or, you know, literally any stun.
or sitting on high ground where Rein can’t reach
or not deathballing when you know Rein has shatter and for some reason don’t have your own Rein
Okay. Keep believing that any of these things counter shatter. That’s why the best players in the world never use any of these counters to stop it and only stop it with a Reinhardt shield.
Lol wut. No. Ana’s best counter is a winston, or a mei. Widow you have a point, but Rein is basically the equivalent of a mobile shield and is melted with out it, which many hero’s are capable of doing with CC or mobility.
Why the heck is people going after Rein these days? Is people’s hate for goats that hard that they are going for any members of that comp?
There is an extremely small window to stun Reinhardt before he shatters, and comes down to luck more often than not. Again, the keyword here is reliable.
That should be true for Brigitte too, then. So you would be okay if all her shield bash nerfs were reverted, since you can stay on high ground all game?
So basically, have your own Rein or die?