Someday Reinhardt will be out of Beta.
Do you have literally any idea how development works?
do you? two years, it’s not like this is a recent problem.
Two. Ducking. Years.
Why’d it take these quacks so long to fix this?
ONE BUG DOWN BOYS!!! (until it breaks again).
As things are going I consider us lucky it only took that long.
Maybe because it affects brigitte as well, so the devs finally noticed.
Anything that has to do with Rein is put on the back burner.
Every year we get one word, that they are aware of earthshatter’s bugs and then silence for an entire year.
The rest of reins bugs, such as charge not pinning targets directly in your center path, ghost melee hits not registering and 180degree random turns when firestriking or earthshattering while holding your shield don’t exist.
Why are they afraid of fixing Reinhardt? Will that make him so op?
I think they’re just idiots. Since the reason they nerfed his earthshatter height in the first place is because it was bugged and did something it shouldn’t have. And now Genji’s able to doublejump over it because that’s fair???
That honestly shouldn’t matter.
This is a titan in gaming we’re talking about, Blizzard.
If something isn’t working as intended, a meta shift shouldn’t matter (which it won’t), it should be fixed because Blizzard is supposed to be an A-Class company.
Sooo…which month and year are we at guys? Devs hello, are you there?
In case they forgot what it was about (Earthshatter bugs):
There are other bugs as well, but lets focus on one thing at a time this time.
I’m going to expand off this and add this here
This was posted 9 days ago on Reddit. Source:
Thanks for posting this. Great video. I’ve been playing a lot of Rein lately and his bugs feel really bad.
Bugs like weird animations are one thing, but no reg on ability use is absolutely game changingly bad. Another bug I’d like to see fixed is the charge-picking-up-people-directly-behind-you bug.
Jeff up there isn’t wrong. Making sure stuff is working 100% correctly over a network is a bummer and you usually -do- do stuff like enlarged hit boxes because latency really messes with your gameplay but… Rein just seems to have so many more of these problems than any other hero.
I wonder what the bug was that he referenced before I mean it’s obviously something engine side (to effect two different heroes) like the way they’re doing physics calculations, and I get that that sort of stuff can be REALLY difficult to back pedal on, but here’s hoping they do a good job
Blizzard devs are world class so I’ve got the faith that they’re doing all they can.
No way, did they actually fix something on Reinhardt?
Not specifically for Reinhardt, but it does affect Reinhardt.
- Fixed a bug that sometimes prevented shields from blocking projectiles (e.g. Tracer’s Pulse Bomb and Junkrat’s Frag Launcher)
One down, 12 more to go.
I’ll have to try that one myself first … I don’t trust blizzard when it comes to Reinhardt anymore.
Pss, it’s still a buggy mess.

Ok. Derek (who is amazing) immediately replied.
He said: “We know what the issue is, but it’s unfortunately not an easy fix.”
Apparently, it’s the same issue that also affects Doomfist’s Seismic Slam. He is scheduled to work on a fix that will likely deploy around early April.
Sorry for the delay. Software development is… um… fun.
“Early April” You mean early April of 2019?
Ok thanks Jeff!
If we have to wait for April of 2019, Reinhardt would have already bugged himself into an infinite pit he entered through a map after Earthshattering, causing him to be unselectable from the hero menu.
Lmao yeah, and probably will Earthshatter his own team…
I picture Reinhardt and Doomfist on a bench out in the rain, patiently waiting for this bug to be fixed already.

And esports development is priority, right? I’ve been playing since near launch and earthshatter has been bugged forever.
You have no idea what you’re talking about so maybe you shouldn’t say such things. Maybe they’ve been working on it for months.