Reinhardt's Earthshatter is so Bugged, Please Fix it! (With Video)

This happens because Earthshatter currently has a wave like approach to how it travels instead of being instant. Which is dumb and probably makes it a bit more complicated than it needs to be.

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It should be instant or at least as fast as its particle effect because the cracks were already there when I dropped the shield and got stunned.

Literally been bugged like since release lmao

No my friend no. They should make another broken hero like Brigitte first. Do you thinkt hey actually care that Reinhardt has these bugs since 2015.

So… April is gone.
PTR has been updated yet again with absolutely no mention on Reinhardt fixes…
What will it take for Blizzard to finally fix Reinhardt?

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A miracle…


It’s not even really that hard. Just see every character within Reinhardt’s FOV regardless of walls, and see if they are within the same height range as Reins attack. If yes, do a couple ray traces between Rein and the enemy to confirm they have Line of Sight, then let them have it.

Or alternatively do 6x invisible very-fast heatseeking rolling projectiles, like a tall Junkrat tire that disappears when it hits a wall, or if it exits the area of effect.

This is why I am pretty much done. Untilthey actually give a crud about Reins issues and not just lip service, I will play something else. Haven’t played in over a week and I was playing daily.

Between the ES bugs, charge bugs, shield bugs and now the insane amount of CC and being tossed all over the map, they may as well just retire him since they show no actual desire to fix/buff him. They actually think it’s funny that anyone thinks he needs buffs.:rage:


Any update on a fix?


Professional E-Sport here we come! (Forget the fact it takes us 2 years to fix an ability that has been bugged since launch)


Little did we know he was lying. :disappointed:

I wouldn’t say it is lying. It’s more of when they were projected to release it.

Something with the fix probably came up and they needed to address that. It’s just the update on on a new date would be much appreciated.

Since the same bug affected Seismic Slam, it’s possible something unintended happened with either SS or Shatter that didn’t deem it fit for release.

They released a patch note last month saying almost all of Reinhardt’s bugs were fixed, but they were worse than ever. They minimized one worsening in particular wherein Earthshatter would work through any and all barriers about two days later, but it was a savagely obvious bug and I guess they didn’t want it too obvious that they don’t care.

I play Sombra a lot…nice to see im not the only one who gets to enjoy Overwatch to it’s fullest.

Having your abilities be extremely unreliable and glitchy adds an entirely new layer of complexity and depth :slight_smile: :slight_smile: :slight_smile:


Any update on this, Jeff?


Any news on Sombra fixes?


I’m waiting for a DF slam fix for a long time. Slam is the key to most of his cambos


How about that early April fix?


Any news from Gnomeregan? What happened to Rein?

one of my favorite character your worst enemy isnt any enemy player its the pebble in the street. two years and these bugs still persist slow claps hats off to you blizzard on this one.