Reinhardt sluggish after patch (bug)

They nerfed Shield Hopping so it’s either a side effect or just that…
Not even in the patch notes smh

Yep they seem to have somehow made it even worse and buggier than it was before while also removing fun tricks like sticking the shatter animation through the opposing rein’s shield!

Tell me, why is Reinhardt the only character (along with Widow, which her animation cancel was not as crucial to her as Reinhardt’s) that isn’t allowed to have, while Genji, Tracer and almost everyone else can have it??

Besides, shield hopping isn’t animation canceling…

This needs immediate attention.

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Even if it’s an old thread, I’m gonna bump it, Rein can’t remain in this broken state. He need fixing!
#fixrein :beer:
We need his protection on the battlefield! :shield:

Still no response from devs

Will this ever be addressed or acknowledged by Blizzard?