Reinhardt is the problem

how would we know??? you have like 18 reworks held hostage lMAO

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Both Dva and Sigma are vastly superior to Rein, it’s not even believable to argue otherwise.

She can drop to zero, doesn’t make Rein better.

And anytime he isn’t and WInston or Orisa get played, rein players cry.

Cassidy isn’t even the issue.

DPS aren’t the issue.

It’s brig/zen/bap.

Honestly, I dont really find Orisa an issue for rein unless paired with Sigma or hog.

Orisa/Rein comps are fun as heck.

Hanzo, Echo, Cass are issues. Big issues.

And so is the excessive CC and Brig, Bap and Zen. And some tanks too if we’re nitpicking.

Okay, these 3 might be the only issue. Oh and soldier.

That’s it.

Zen/Bap/Brig just amplify the issue.

by like 100…

I’m assuming…

Wreckingball and Hog AND sigma… with some orisa.

Hasnt even been released yet.

Hog and ball are the most fun tanks to play. The most unfun tanks to play are the shield bot tanks.

The people in these forums dont represent the majority of the playerbase.
Especially the players that dont even play OW anymore and moved on to other games like Valorant, Apex, etc.

They wont even be tanks anymore, they will be Brawlers. And the job you think they should be doing is because of how you interoperate tanks. As being like a moba, mmo, rpg tank.

Tanks/Brawlers shouldn’t only cater to the small amount of tank players that only want to play tanks like moba tanks. They should cater to dps players, support players or just everyone in general.
Supports as well. They should be appealing to everyone. Just like any other fps that has medics, heavies/tanks. And im not talking about TF2.
That is what they are doing. Making them more appealing and engaging.
Not just a rectangle for your team to hide behind.

The goal is to appeal to the general playerbase. In making the heroes more fun and engaging. And not just to cater to the a niche of players than want to play tanks like moba tanks, never die, just stand in the open laughing off all damage.
Same with supports that only want to play the game without ever engaging in fights, and only be hiding all game behind their team, barriers, and run away from any conflict.

Tank/brawlers and to a lesser extent supports will never be more popular than they are now if they dont cater to the general playerbase, alot of which include, yes dps players.
Only catering to a small niche of traditional tank players is basically keeping the tank role deserted with very little players.

Tank is my second favorite class, and if i wouldn’t have to worry about what my team wants i would always play the most fun tanks. Hog, Ball, maybe DVA.

Tanks/Brawlers shouldn’t feel like a chore to play. Only as a necessary rectangle.
And is silly to think that all tank players want for tanks to be fun, is to just be shield bots with 800 HP and never die, even if standing in the open.

If that is your definition of fun then maybe its your perception that is the issue.

Orisa maybe, but not enough people care to play her for us to find out, so who the fork knows.

Ladder is just a crapshow right now, pick rates don’t matter, Orisa could be the strongest tank in the game and we wouldn’t find out because no one cares anymore…

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I underestand that hes and rein are one star hero but that’s acording to ability kid not mehanic.
Sorry to hear that hes unfun but that’s true, hes unfun to Play and against.
Before this whole buf lavina Ana could counter him but right now? Sleep dart do nothing he can still Hook you. Antinade well if theres at least more then 2heroes you still dead.

But theres more dumb bufs like sit helix 150dmg, doom fist gun, genji reset dash and dmg buf, can’t firget mccole right click and primary dmg, treacer dmg buf + and make her still do big dmg from far range, Hanzo random arrows.

But yea… Theres people here that think when you want to nerf a hero you need to buf something else.
Like balance team ceare about that.

The best part is, you don’t have to! With good shield management and rock usage, you can deny Rein shatter pretty easily with Sigma, as long as your team doesn’t let you get run over first. Keep your distance and throw out prediction shields to keep Rein on his toes. Orisa works very well against a Rein looking to shatter too, you can juggle cooldowns between shield/fortify and even halt when you know the enemy Rein is looking to shatter. Just takes a bit of mind games and good positioning, like any Rein duel.

No, changes to accomodate this “brawler” gameplay has historically failed. We can run the list, but the short version is

1.) The barrier nerfing and other changes to make the game “faster paced”. This went over terribly, as it was the start of tank defense slashing and strength buffing. It directly lead to where we are now.

2.) Releasing more brawling tanks like Sigma and Ball. As much as I like Sigma, people seem to hate him. Same with ball.

3.) Hog buffs. Click “general discussions” right now and you’ll get an anti hog thread.

And there’s actually more to this list, but I think I should just make a post about it at this point.

By the way, no, 5 v 5 hasn’t been released yet, but look at the feedback of what we saw. Does anyone like it?

See, that’s your opinion, but there is a popular consensus among the Overwatch community, and it says the opposite. Not saying your opinion is wrong, or the popular opinion is complete fact, but a large number of people have less of a chance to be wrong.

True. That’s why I’m talking about here, youtube, twitch, reddit; everyone’s saying something similar, and its about damage being too strong, lamp being too strong; all things that hardy tanks could fix.

This has nothing to do with my point. I’m saying tanky tanks could fix the queue times. I know brawler tanks won’t because the tanks in OW are pretty brawler like now, and it hasn’t worked.

And also how the tanks were made to be initially in Overwatch. Did you play back then? If not, then I understand your confusion, but back then tanks were made to tank and it was glorious. I could lock Rein as the only tank and have enough defense to hold back the enemy team.

The only issue was that matches were largely dependent on which tank went down first, but I liked that kind of gameplay. I feel like the big target made to take damage should be the leader of the bunch.

They’re trying that and FAILING. This is an objective fact.

I’ll believe you when it works. So far, we can literally say this isn’t working. Who’s happy with Overwatch now? Raise your hand.

Ok, so I’m not going to tell you this isn’t going to work again. Its not, because it isn’t working now, but I just thought of another point:

Would you rather have a role be as popular as the DPS, or have a role that’s less popular, but the people who play it are happy? No role is ever going to be as popular as the DPS; the goal should be making tank players feel like they want to play. If you’re trying to make the roles as popular as DPS, I can see why you’re failing.

1.) Its a logical fallacy to say “if you’re opinion is different than mine, you’re wrong”. Yes, I play tanks to tank, I was stupid enough to think “Hey, this tank role must be for tank players!”. That doesn’t mean I’m wrong, it just means I can read.

2.) Your definition of “fun” seems to be crashing hard, doesn’t it? Who’s happy? Who willingly wants to play overwatch? People are leaving in droves, the players are toxic, and everyone is complaining about problems that could be solved with tanky tanks. You don’t want to see it because you’re buying into what the devs say instead of what you can see.

Why nerf the worst tank in the game

Good Zarya’s block Rein’s shatter pretty easily too. So…the only tanks that don’t are Dva/Hamster (I’m not going to stretch to include boops, tho in theory…), who aren’t front line tanks anyways. It’s a odd and objectively wrong complaint.

I always tell people I’m grouped with ‘Rein has shatter, watch out’ and they always go ‘what, how do you know?’…anyone who’s played Rein long enough knows the timing + shatter shuffle almost all Rein’s do. It just takes experience and reinforces you shouldn’t just stand in a direct line behind his shield at all times. Which is GOOD DESIGN!

The issue is that Earthshatter was created for a game that had a lot more barrier uptime. Its main counters are either a barrier or playing an extremely mobile and spread out team. Unfortunately, for most of the player base, they do not experience the game in a coordinated enough environment to have access to the second option.

So it pretty much becomes barriers are the only viable counter to Earthshatter. And who has the barrier with the most hp, highest uptime, covers the largest area, and has the fastest deployment time?


For most players, the most reliable counter to Rein, is another Rein. And if you’re a tank player and you see the enemy switch to Rein and your team does not have a Rein, you are pretty much obligated to switch if you want to win.

This gets extremely annoying for players who do not want to pick Rein in virtually every match. In my opinion, it’s one of the reasons the tank queue is as long as it is. There is a lack of flexibility in choice, and a lot of that has to do with Rein.

The recent buff to Earthshatter is incredibly perplexing, as the ultimate has such a massive impact on most tiers of play.

Now this brings us to 5v5…an environment where you have just a single tank. Given my experience in 6v6, this entire scenario is likely to get worse.

At least now, if my tank partner picks Rein I can get some flexibility in choice. But if I’m the only tank, the responsibility to block Earthshatter is largely my sole responsibility.

As someone who dislikes playing Rein, I find this prospect not something I’m looking forward to. When I tank I enjoy playing DVa with another dive tank, but that entire playstyle is going to be tossed out the window because 5v5 and solo tanking.

As an aside, I’m primarily a support player and I’m not looking forward to healing in a single tank environment either. I absolutely disagree with the idea that losing an entire tank’s damage mitigation somehow means I should heal less.

It’s not fun to get shattered when your tanks have no barriers. And if there’s only one person I can rely on to protect the team from a shatter…well prepare to get frustrated.

Overall, I am not looking forward to 5v5 at all. I think it’s a mistake, and may very well push me away from this game completely.

Probably not. Why would it? If someone on the other team is using rein, you’ll most likely need to play rein as well to block the other shatter. It’s that much of a game changer. That said, I still think Shatter is more fun than it was previously.

Nah. I feel rein will be comp specific even more than he is now. Tanks like sigma monkey and roadhog all semi counter rein. Oicking rein and not oucking rein definitly wont be a auto loss/win

you mean brig killed winny dva dive and now rein can be problematic. you dont say?

I feel like Reinhardt will cycle between great (perhaps too good) and completely useless in 5v5.

He might be an unkillable, unstoppable force that can walk up to you, smack you around and walk right over you.

Or he might be a fragile thing that is blown up before he gets close enough to have any real impact on a fight.

Let me test the game and I’ll tell you for sure :wink:

Happy community manager day BTW.

Hey, I’m an ambassador of the Brig needs a major rework group.

How many actually pick sigma or monke without having another shield tank?