Reinhardt is the problem

Could be worse.

Zarya gets massive nerfs to the point of being the worst tank outside of Rein/Zarya (exploitable in high ranks) because people can’t resist shooting the funny bubbles

Winston (my other tank main) is just bad with all the heal/armor creep in the game atm

At least Rein has some threat, people just laugh at you for playing monke/russia

I have never seen a take i disagree with more. This may be a rank thing but rush is terrible is every elo past 3700. If there is a rein player most often i will avoid them double shield or hog orisa is just too great.

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You should be playing some form of rein counter anyway. Double sheild Hog orisa sig hog damage boosted soldier or hanzo a tracer(rein cant peel very well and you cant play rush because mercy is almost a must pick with out current dps atmosphere and bap is the best hero in the game not having them is a henderence.)

Have you tried it since his (completely unnecessary and stupid) shatter buff in the last unbalance patch? You now risk being combo’d to death if you hook him in and didn’t track his ult charge correctly. He shatters, you take the extra damage from the buff, he hits you once while down and once as you get up and you are dead.

I think twice about hooking Rein any time now that is not soon after he already shattered.

Rein… problem!?!



But for real, your argument is completely valid.

Do you think that 5v5 will change how you feel about Reinhardt?


For me it will… He will be even more of a must pick or lose, than he is now. xD


I more worried about Supports and Sym in 5v5.

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Rein is ok.

Hog is bigger problem.


The issue is people wanting to only play this game hiding behind barriers all match.
Im glad OW2 will try to get the game away from that boring and lifeless playstyle.


I will say it again and again, we wouldnt have needed to get rid of an extra tank if we had more barrier piercing tools in the first place.

Double barrier is definitely a problem but i think it wouldn’t be if we had more tools to discourage just pilling barrier and calling it a day.

Sym used to have a pretty effective tool with her old right click. I love current Sym but right now the only barrier piercing tool that doesnt require hugging enemies (Brig, Winston, etc)
Is Moira’s damage orb and let’s just say its not exactly the most efficient primary DPS tool when two tanks are involved.

Since Sojourn had a railgun of sort i was actually hoping she could have been a part of the solution since she could deal with enemies and their immortality fields from doing a konga line without issues while she charges up her rail by shooting said barriers in the first place.

Perhaps something like flamethrowers or fire/flare weapon that can pierce barriers could help too?

And the concern of the hostage reinhardt is going to get extra worse if you only have 1 tank now because if you dont play the top tier tank people might as well yell at you for it.

Oh yeah and barriers are just gonna come popping back with ease now that Sombra’s hack can only nullify them for like 1 frame now :confused:

Jodie… No one thinks rein is a problem except for the fact rush isn’t meta D:

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I agree. I think roadhog is unfun to play against not broken as many people think just unfun.
Similar to sombra or doom but hog is decent enough to be viable unlike those other 2 heros. i am a hog player so im slightly biased

Rush has been the meta under GM since beta. All it is, is different flavors of it. There was no dive or GOATS, just heroes associated with those comps played like rush.


It is not about wanting. It is about what gives you advantage compared to not having one.

it allows you to push without taking hits on top of allowing better angles for aiming.

Exactly why the devs want to lessen the need and impact of barriers in the future.

The enemy will also be lacking a barrier (or double barrier) to hide behind then it will make fights more about outplaying the other team rather than just pushing in a ball behind barriers relying on ults and abilities to win team fights.

I’m a rein/ Winston main so what I’m going to say comes with obvious bias, but I’d like to share my opinion and experience anyways. I dont think shatter is that problematic, to be honest when I’m playing other roles or heroes i rarely feel its effects cause I’m usually not in his effective range to be hit or I just have a movement/ invulnerability move to dodge it. The times where I think shatter gets the most value is against other reins cause rein forces his team to play with him where other tanks dont really do that to the same extent. In this current meta I find more value solo shattering hogs or balls than i do going for almost anything else, unless I’m against a fellow death ball in which case I get to go off. I also think shatter is a powerful tank ult btw but their are other tanks ults that do similar things and are arguably more powerful (zarya grav and sig slam) and shatters uses and power can vary widely from comp to comp. Just my opinion ik a wide variety of the player base will differ and that’s valid.

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By buffing rein for OW2?

yes but that is not how rl goes.
If the other team picks barrier but you don’t - you lose.

What do you mean?
They are tweaking Rein to play differently. Its more of a change to be more aggressive. More of a brawler type playstyle.
Yes he will still have a barrier. But it wont just be his only quality. That goes for the other tanks as well, and new brawlers that wont have any more barriers.
The reason tanks are not fun is because of tanks like Rein that have to be played like shield bots.
Tweaking them to have other uses other than than just to put up a rectangle all game is healthier for the game. And makes tanks less boring to play.

And I think with OW2 faster gameplay, playing slow and being static will probably be a hinderance not an advantage. Just being a shield bot wont be the best way to play.
It just people that are dead set in this playstyle cant see another way to play the game but just to hide behind barriers all game and slowly walk forward.

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Hes burning an ENTIRE ULT to do that. For one kill that pre patch he would have no chance of confirming otherwise. Hog SHOULD die to a solo ult because it’s a solo ult. It’s not like rein gets shatter on cool down it takes awhile and if he burns it there he loses out on using it later in a fight.