Reinhardt gets destroyed a little more with each patch

you sure tracer didn’t get through the shield from the front? I do that all the time and i get to stick behind the shield.

I feel like it’s possible they are doing this just so they can turn Reinhardt into something that would have been over 9000 if not for the changes they are making.

Don’t forget the new “tank shredder” Hanzo.

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Ult goes right through most people because it’s glitched and dive comps are too divided to properly use it

Even in Masters/GM, Dive isn’t that strong like in organized tourney play. It’s great, but not as amazing as in OWL or even Contenders.

Showing support for this post / request for Rein players.


Zarya and Orisa are going to be the only 2 tanks that are actually tanks really soon. I really wish they would stop nerfing tanks and make them tanks again. It’s not fun being categorized as a tank but being squishy and having nobody to hard counter

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I counter Genji rather well playing Orisa and Rein.

Just because you can do it doesn’t mean Orisa and Rein counter Genji.

Just because one Junkrat killed a Pharah once doesn’t mean Junkrat counters Pharah.


Reinhardt is fi-

Gets stunned, frozen, booped, slowed, stunned, hooked, stucked and basically lose all movement



Oh yesss!!! His ult that is easily blocked and hardly gets anyone that’s why he is still good!!!


(20 characters)


Give Reinhardt more shield regen!!!

Fix all of his bugs for God’s sake!!!

Bring back 3m earth shatter!!!

Make charge cancelable!!!

Give him a passive!!!


As a Rein main, I do feel that Rein is a little to squishy as well, which brings up some problems.
I think the current thing that is really getting to my nerve really bad is how Brigitte is literally able to stop in middle of charge, I so despise this. I also do not like how Brigitte can literally stun you out of your shield and all, but really, I feel like with Shield bash tweak, I will have some room for an air.

Also IF this Symmetra change does indeed come into the live server as it is, it will prove to be catastrophic to Reinhardt players for simple mathematical reason:

Rein can swing 75 damage hammer in 0.9 sec.

This means that it take him 2.7 sec in order to destroy a symmetra.

Now we focus on Symmetra:
When confronting any enemy head front, the obvious first reaction that Rein players will instinctively take will be to put up the shield. Well, Symmetra can stack up her charge on this shield, can probably easily get that 3rd stack of 190 dps, which means in order to melt 500 hp measly Reinhardt:

500/190 = 2.63 seconds.

In other words, we, as Rein players, can no longer go on head to head against her, believing in our 500 hp, and 75 damage per 0.9 sec. I don’t know about you guys; it could be that I’m just an Reinhardt Extremist who almost always play Rein since I bought the game, but it just doesn’t look right to be honest.

Lastly, this is just a personal issue, but I feel like I die a lot of time when I trigger my ult, and I simply lose all my ult charge, but that might be only me.

Also #BuffReinhardt


Since Symm gets charge from attacking shields, use a Zarya to bubble you, then punish her at close range. A fully charged Zarya is just as scary as a fully charged Symmetra. Remember, with Photon Barrier no longer consistently available, Symmetra can no longer kite and cheese you, and she’s a lot more vulnerable to your friendlies taking her out.

I think a lot of perceived Reinhardt problems are taken from looking at him in isolation. Put a Reinhardt with Orisa, who can take CC for him, take a Zarya who can protect him during his charge, use a friendly Brigitte to knock the enemy Brig or Doomfist away before they can use their close range CC, etc.

I agree that bug fixes are needed for Earthshatter and his other abilities, but a competent Rein player can work wonders in his current state with the right team. Honestly, the biggest problem is that there aren’t a lot of non-Reinhardt tank mains out there, willing to work together with him.

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I wish Reinhardt would get buffed back up.

Back when Rein was the go-to tank, other tanks weren’t nearly as good at main tanking, so they got buffed while he got nerfed down a bit. But now he’s way behind in terms of usefulness (why pick a slowly moving Rein who has to hope his team aims well when you can pick Orisa and just fire away constantly?).

Personally, I’m a big fan of Rein just because he’s just so much fun when you get to go into berserk mode (rare, but it’s the best feeling). But nowadays his playstyle involves too much waiting and hiding so that your shield can recharge…


Any one else feel like that delta guy literally just talks out of his own butt to argue because he has little to no understanding of the topic in hand? I feel like the guy went to YourOverwatch heard the one good thing about teleporter and has been stuck in his own bubble about the sym rework ever since. Blind faith is never good man.

The beam definitely should not ramp up on barriers if its range gets longer. Barriers are very easy to hit and you already have enough spam damage in the game to melt through every barrier on live.


While rein is in a worse situation, i wouldnt say genji is fine tbh. With brigitte theres another hard cc, and after she ults, he needs nano to be effective on blade.

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It’s not a nerf. His deflect was reduced to the actual size it’s supposed to be. You used to be able to deflect shots that were no where near you. Now you will only deflect fire directed at you…

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Agreed. I love Rein, but he’s just not viable most of the time. It’s not fun getting shield hacked, stunned, etc with no effective means to counter or protect from it. You’re just a giant target that can only do anything in very close melee…as long as not one single other person is shooting at you…

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