Reinhardt gets destroyed a little more with each patch

With the new symmetra rework, they are changing her weapon to not only do more damage, but also to be incredibly effective against barriers. This is yet another hero that will absolutely decimate Reinhardt. When is Reinhardt going to get compensated for the fact that he gets worse with literally every patch? When are we going to wake up and realize he is being forgotten? This is getting ridiculous.

Edit: I can’t wait until Torb gets his much needed rework, only for him to turn into a Reinhardt counter too.


Rein still has a flat out team fight winning CC ultimate that is peerless and demands the enemy team have a shield to hope to counter.


His ultimate is bugged and doesn’t work half the time though.


Genji Main looks at his nerfs and 3 new characters that hard counters him
Pff, Please…


I mean sym only has 200 hp, just bash her head with the hammer


Oh stop. Genji is fine. Don’t even begin to try to compare him to Reinhardt. That’s honestly insulting.


Just kill her LOOOLLLLL 4head



Thats what i do with zarya

I didn’t even think about that, actually. I was just focusing on Symmetra and not really her interactions.

I hope her iterations change so she doesn’t destroy tanks.

So help me God if I have to dedicate my OW life to making sure my Reinhardts can thrive, I WILL DO IT.


Hmmmmmm maybe in imagination land where you seem to live, I can drop my barrier on the front line, walk towards a symmetra who may very well be 20 meters away and with her team, and bash her 3+ times with my hammer all without getting absolutely shredded by the enemy team, but in my world called reality, that isn’t going to happen.


It feels like with every hero rework/buff/creation the developers ask them selves “How do we make Reinhardt’s life more miserable”


Broken hitboxes are really not the same as being power-crept for 4+ competitive seasons.

Maybe don’t go into a Reinhardt thread and try to make it about Genji?


There are 11 HARD to semi-hard counters to Genji right now. We lost our triple jump, point blank 3 hit combo, Ultimate duration reducing its viability, and now the one thing that made him survivalble and at least mid-tier chacter, his deflect, is getting a nerf.
All of our hard counters are heros that do NOT require aim and the least amount of skill to be effective counters.
Of the 6 new characters we have gotten, at least 3 are hard counters, with 1 or 2 being soft counters.
Cry me a river.

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I feel like your overexagerating

I play rein a bunch and i dont feel like trash like everyone says

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One character’s issues doesn’t invalidate another. Yes, Genji has received a minor fix to a broken hitbox. That is true. He’s also been totally fine and hadn’t been touched since the September 2016 patch that took away 8 second blade, triple jump, and some animation cancels.

Consider as well that Genji has thrived for a long time and some would even say uncontested until the introduction of Moira and Brigitte. He still does well in the current meta and still can. Yes, Reinhardt used to be the centerpiece of every team when trying to win, and enjoyed success back in the day, but it’s gotten increasingly harder and near impossible for a Reinhardt to succeed like a Genji can.



And honestly that’s because you don’t have to deal with dive as much as I do.


We have 18 counters!! And Reinhardt’s kit is the most bugged. Have you experienced getting killed by a Pulse bomb even though you shielded that?


Current Symmetra is probably no issue for Reinhardt (I don’t play either of them so I do not know how they interact with each other)

But OP is talking about the rework, where Symmetra has the ability to do far more damage, as well as explosive damage upon impact through shields while charging to maximum charge faster.

So the concern is regarding what could happen in the future, and how reworks and buffs are seemingly always putting him in a poorer and poorer spot.

I think the only thing that’s recently happened that was kind of an indirect buff is the Tracer nerf and possibly the Junkrat nerf.


The sad part is, is that there are still characters like Bastion who need to be buffed. Reinhardt has been effected by power creep where he hasn’t been nerfed but his counters have been buffed.


You mean nerf. Say it is a nerf, because it is.