I really think we ought to consider putting a tiny bit more strength back in Orisa’s barrier and toning down Steadfast a bit as a preliminary step, and maybe shaving a bit off Reins barrier. Maybe Sigma could just a little something, too.
Rein is the most fair tank in ow. He is fun to play with, he is fun to play against, and he is fun to play on. I prefer him to be the only viable tank in ow, bc enough those crapy metas with op heroes like sig/orisa/bap etc. This playstile was the worst for ow gameplay, it is unhealthy for the game.
Is not being able to boop Rein really THAT OP?!
think about it…
everything else he is the same… even has less shield…
If anything just revert his movement speed with shield up.
Keep in mind he moves significantly faster with it too, and they nerfed all barriers around him, except Winston.
I just don’t know how anyone can find Rein that fair. He has a press Q to win ult, a giant attack that pierces shields for some reason, a one-shot kill, and a giant pile of HP and shield to ensure he gets to use all of it. He was balanced before, but there’s a lot of cheapness in Rein’s kit and I don’t get why he gets such a pass from the community.
anything that is meta, i guess
Imo Reinhardt is the worse meta by far. Every team fight comes down to which Reinhardt shatters who first.
Sigma ult you can trans/ beat, DVA you can hide, Orsia you can destroy it or wait the duration, Roadhog eat it, Zayra eat it,deflect, or use trans/ beat etc. What I’m getting at is every other tank has some counter play while using their ult but Reinhardt is literally which Rein drops their shield first and the whole team gets punished by shatter. Sigma is fun compared to that.
Essentially, this means that the playerbase will look into Orisa and find others heroes that can support and maximize Orisa’s buffs and this usually means another Tank/Support combination that’s basically enabling Orisa to be a key pick.
It may be that Orisa isn’t very strong at all, but the options that are selected enable and empower her to be very strong, if not overpowering.
It is skill matchup required counterplay, you can block shatter even with zarya bubble, it is not Q for the win, you need to outplay enemy tanks to perform it.
Excuse me? It is melee attack, every hero who able to do melee attacks on thier primary are passing through shields with it. DF’s RP, rein hammer, brig flail (primary) winston’s tesla gun…
Or shift for feed…
Tank hp, usual ammount.
I gues you’re trolling, or new to this game probbably.
I think steadfast little bit overbuffed rein’s kit.
descending order of tank skill requirement
The very idea of hero pools should be terrifying for those who care at all about this game’s future. I mean, they couldn’t balance their game at all. They foisted the blame onto us and enforced role queue to the game’s detriment. Now they’re having to go further and restrict what’s even playable.
This is the biggest cause for alarm imaginable.
He’s the only tank who has been meta for ages. Even when he’s not meta people play him.
same with genji and tracer, theyve been awful for years now and still have a high pickrate just because theyre enjoyable to play
I wouldn’t put it that way at all.
im saying some heroes will have a high pickrate no matter what
Why do you feel forced to play Rein or Tank role in general?
Other options are there to choose from, support or damage role, also you should have fun while playing the game, if you feel forced to play Rein, pick other role you like and enjoy the game.
Tank? Because the line for DPS is a mile long and supports feel kind of powerless and weak right now.
Also, I always tend to like to play what the game needs (i.e. which role people don’t want) which points me in the direction of tank.
Why Reinhardt? Because you need one to win games and the other tank may not pick Reinhardt. If the other guy picks literally any other tank I either have to pick Reinhardt or throw the game by picking literally anyone else (well, I can pick Wrecking Ball and merely not be giving my best instead of hard throwing the game, but that’s a small improvement.)
Same with Sigma and Orisa, but that didn’t save them from evisceration. Sigma is harder than Reinhardt in every single way (more aim intensive, more positioning intensive, more punishing of mistakes) and they had no problem murderising him.
Reinhardt fails another test of being high skill too, he’s played effectively in low ranks (in fact he is almost always the default tank in low ranks). You could argue that he’s like Lucio, low skill floor high ceiling, but that’s not exactly the same as being a high skill hero.
they didnt need the last round of nerfs at all, issue wasn’t orisa and sigma were too strong, it was that that damage and crowd control powercreep made all there counters too weak.
Ideally if tanks were balanced wed have something like Dive beats bunker, bunker beats brawl, brawl beats dive and then it would be more about map usage.