I mean, come on. Reinhardt is currently approaching 100% pickrate in high rank and he has a great winrate everywhere. This is blatantly unfair, and it needs to end. Soon.
“But it’s Reinhardt’s turn! He hasn’t been meta in ages”
If we balanced like this, Winston and Wrecking Ball both have much better claims to the next turn. Winston hasn’t been meta in longer than Reinhardt, and Wrecking Ball has never been meta.
“But Reinhardt is high skill! It’s better than Orisa and Sigma.”
Both Winston and Wrecking ball are also regarded as higher skill than Reinhardt. Some people also consider Sigma to be.
“But Reinhardt is what people want to play!”
Honestly, I’d guess that the most popular tank metas with tank players would be Wrecking ball metas and double off tank.
“Orisa and Sigma are fine!”
Look at their stats in GM. Microscopic pick rates and horrendous winrates. No, they’re not.
We’re only a couple days from hero pools.
Having Reinhardt be monstrously overpowered 100% of the time in QP and 50% of the time in competitive is NOT a solution.
He isn’t overpowered. Other tanks are too weak cause of a lot of things in the game. Winston is deleted cause of the stupids amounts of damage and healing that makes his life hell and WB is weak cause Mei is too strong right now. Once they nerf Mei and Winston/WB become a viable composition to counter Rein they will be used more often. Also, realistically there is absolutely nothing they can do to prevent the synergy from Orisa and Sigma so they can’t buff both of them until they figure out a way that doesn’t make them too strong.
Well realistically, a combination of a Mei nerf, and a Sigma buff would change things a lot in GM, without changing Rein.
Reinhardt isn’t OP, if he was, so many people wouldn’t love fighting him so much.
Orisa and Sigma need to come back.
Nerfing Hammond sure doesn’t help.
Reinhardt is OP. He wasn’t before, but he got waaaaay too many buffs recently. It would take huge buffs to everyone else to make them catch up and we’d be right back to some form of double main tank.
Imagine maining a hero so hard you hate another hero in the same role…this is why people shouldn’t main heroes
Let’s say they revet the rein buffs, that won’t make orisa/Sigma better. Rein will still have the top spot. Wouldn’t it better to focus on making 'em balanced?
Before those buffs you couldn’t play Rein without Lucio and he was hard countered by boops. I hated playing him so much, I’m glad he finally got the buffs people had been asking for since before GOATS.
They need to both nerf Rein, buff Orisa and Sigma greatly, and buff Winston and Wrecking Ball a little bit too.
Well… They need to buff ‘em, I agree but not multiple buffs that’ll make’ em OP or something.
Imo, it should be buff them > nerf Rein if he still needs it.
Rein is my most-played for the last few seasons (masters) and I don’t feel like he’s a must-pick right now. Sigma is my next most-played this season and my win percentages with them are about the same and both in the mid 50s. Orisa definitely can’t be a lone anchor tank anymore, though. I’d say help her before nerfing Rein.
I’d love to play more Winston but I think buffing him is dangerous. He’s great when he’s not hard countered but the problem is that it’s really easy to hard counter him with minimal effort by throwing on Reaper.
Sigma and Orisa are overnerfed. And I called this would happen if they touched their shields before touching their damage and utility.
Sigma needs the 1 second delay lowered or removed. Orisa needs her shield cd lowered so she can main tank again. Which would also pull Roadhog back up too.
These changes would push Rein down with no changes to him.
I do think he needs like -10% steadfast or +10% ult charge increase. I think he’s legitimately overtuned. But he’s not crazy far off.
And as always the game is just healthier with him in the driver’s seat imo.
I’d like this. I think it was a necessary change before the barrier nerfs but it just feels clunky and unnecessary now.
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I would start with steadfast down to 30% and some buffs to other tanks.
I think 30 is too little and 50 is too much. I’d like to try 40 out.
I always felt it was gonna cause issues and wanted anything but that done to him really. Shield recharge, hp, anything but making him clunky.
I can’t figure out how to play Rein. As soon as I drop my barrier I die. I have no clue how 500 health disappear so quickly.
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The real kicker is is that this isnt even true. GOATS didn’t end that long ago, and it was mega long–like double the length of double barrier at the very least.
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