I don’t think he was. People had been requesting Rein buffs way before double barrier. I think he really needed the improvements in his gameplay to not be such a notoriously frustrating hero to play as anymore. Now he’s not chained to Lucio and has a few less hard counters and he feels good for the first time since I started playing in season 8.
Yeah but Rein is picked somewhere between 80% and 90% of the time. Why pick Sigma when he’s hard countered by half the roster?
I think people need ot understand that jus because someone is picked 100% of the time, or even a bulk of the time, isn’t because they’re overpowered, but it may be due to how solid the character is, overall.
This is another element that needs to understood that other Tanks not being picked isn’t because they’re weak either. It’s foolish to assume that because one tank is picked over another that the Tank is overpower or that the alternatives are weak.
GOATS is a flaw in Overwatch’s overall balance between the three class-types. In order for to fix that flaw (beyond the 2/2/2), a complete overhaul of the basic class-type definings would be needed, and that’s not going to happen with a patch. Maybe an expansion, but it still seems unlikely.
Players are concerned with pick rates, not with diversity. When Reinhardt is getting picked in every game, it brings up concerns that he’s either overpowered, or he’s enabled a little too easily.
Any boosts to barrier for Orisa would automatically be looked into heroes that can support and enable Orisa to maximize her barrier’s power. Sadly, for most of the team compostions at present, that means looking at Supports and other Tanks.
Forcing more rules isn’t going to help the health of the game. It’s just basically acknowledges that “yeah, we know barriers are overpowering, so we’re locking it down to 1 per team/match” like they did with the 2/2/2. Because Blizzard knows, the Overwatch’s team compositions are flawed and geared towards Tank and Support options being vastly more powerful than Damage.
It’s not that Tanks are overpowered, but they are enabled by other Tanks and Supports so much so, that they drive the meta. You can only do so much with existing kits. A full-on ability review would need to be done. Hero pools are going to force certain combinations that will always be better than others and primarily that’s going to be Tanks and Supports combinations.
This is their bandaid fix and addition to 2/2/2. Blizzard had to have realized some of the flaws they’ve created in Overwatch, by now.
It’s directional and short range and by itself it doesn’t kill you. If I;ve been shattered then I was standing in a dangerous place. Rein doesn’t exactly sneak up on you.
Which would mean buffing Mercy, though considering Blizzard has just nerfed most of the healing output of Supports in the game, I doubt that they’d be so willing to buff her back to 60 HPS considering how strong she was when she last had it.
I’m willing to try 60 HPS but if Mercy becomes far and beyond the best Support again, then they HAVE to quickly shut it down.
I agree with your point, but these strawmans are crazy. What madman is saying Reinhardt is more skillful than Sigma or Orisa. I thought that argument was supposed to be biased for aim dependent heroes which reinhardt is not.
I do think that Roadhog and winston need some love.
What people tend to ignore about when she was best after the damage boost nerf, is that she was already in a downward trend before she was nerfed again. This is why she took an extreme dive afterwards. And that Ana and Lucio had had huge nerfs they never recovered from on top of the Mercy rework.
Mercy would not need a nerf if she were to be the best support automatically. It would depend on why she was the best. If it was just because it brought dive back, that would be a good thing.
Behind that her kit just don’t work at 50 hps as anything but a pocket to a select few dps. That’s the entire reason she got 60 in the first place because even at the start of the game people ran 2 Lucios instead of Mercy.
She needs 60 hps for her own health and the health of the game. They should nerf Valkyrie’s duration, push GA CD up to like 3 seconds, nerf damage boost or something along those lines if she needs nerfs again.
But Mercy and Zen synergy is what enables spread out comps like dive. And we won’t get those back if we don’t have that synergy.
On a side note, I was just peaking at Washington Justice x Houston Outlaws match, it was Junkertown and they played different DPS, different off tanks, different main supports.
It’s least amount of mirrored comps ever in OWL, that’s a good spot to be. We can’t stay in it for longer and we should be moving, but let’s enjoy the view while we’re here.
Sym is being played more than Hanzo for forks sake, and not just as a taxi, how awesome is that?
Oh that’s guaranteed at this point.
I reckon devs will do to Winston what they did to Rein recently. Nerf the meta hard then slightly (or not so slightly) overpower the hero lower on the totem pole.
It’s a different balance philosophy now and it’s looking good if you ask me.
Not by any significant margin. By all statistics, he’s the second worst hero now, but I have more faith in him than that and I don’t have much faith in overbuff.
I wanna eat beams with Grasp, I think that’d fix things.
Reinhardt is low skill, I don’t know who would think he requires any sort of heightened effort compared to his fellow tanks. It’s hold shield up or hold primary attack, use fire strike at every oppurtunity, don’t kill yourself with charge, and don’t throw away ult
Super simple and straight forward, and not at all difficult to execute consistently