Most players want Reinhardt to dominate the meta. Like he was the most popular tank on ladder even when he was very low tier in the meta.
I think the vast majority of people don’t actually care that he’s grossly overpowered relative to Sigma and Winston. To most, it’s more fun to play with and against Rein rather than Orisa or any of the others.
So yeah I don’t think you’re gonna get a resounding cry to nerf Rein anytime soon, despite simple observation showing that he’s completely dominant. And also as dozens of people have already suggested… we could just buff Sigma and Orisa a bit first and see what happens.
I personally prefer Rein metas because they offer a lot of diversity in who can be played successfully, and it doesn’t feel bad to play any of the classes.
Dive for example felt pretty bad for a lot of healers, and many complained. Orisa metas feels garbage to play dps in and many complained.
You don’t see nearly as many complaints about how bad it feels to play entire classes in Rein metas. The few heroes that don’t work well with him sure, but it’s not an entire class feeling bad like the past several metas.
But I’m admittedly biased because my favorite meta ever were Rein ones and I personally mostly play heroes that work well with or against Rein.
Tanks? Obviously you must play Reinhardt. And yeah, usually also Zarya. I guess this time it’s Dva and Zarya, but still, that’s 3 viable tanks out of 8.
Supports? I hope you love playing Lucio, because obligatory Rein usually comes with obligatory Lucio. And probably Ana. It sucks for Zenyatta and Mercy for sure, and right now Moira and Baptiste are kind of crap, so that doesn’t help.
DPS? Rein metas heavily favor his counters, so be ready for Mei. Doomfist is also big. It’s a meta that sucks for dive heroes and isn’t great for flankers either.
You can run Orisa, Zarya,, and Hammond with Reinhardt. Sigma and Orisa together are also still viable. And because of the way Rein works, Dive is viable against him on some maps. So you can run Winston too.
The only tank not that viable in Rein meta is Hog. And that’s got more to do with Hog’s kit than Reinhardt’s.
What’s meta and what’s viable are two different things. Meta will be favored like in every meta. But what’s viable is different.
That’s just not true. Orisa and Sigma are absolutely horrible right now, they’re not even QP viable. They’re probably the worst I’ve ever seen any tank in the game. Hammond is sort of OK, but not as good as Rein. And anyway, where am I going to get this Reinhardt from? I sure as hell won’t play him, especially not if I feel forced.
Your solution to solve unbalance is to permanently ban the hero (I know you didn’t say permanently, but the many weeks Rein is not banned he would still be overpowered, no?)
I’ve actually discovered a love for Winston since Sigma is so countered lately.
Its actually better after the nerfs, you can play really cool comps like Brig+Zen because Reinhardt isn’t so dependent on speedboost.
Yeah, thats true, one of the reasons the meta dps are Mei and Reaper in OWL. Weirdly enough though, McCree is really good now. Its not like Reinhardt supresses a lot of dps heroes, if any.
And before you write me off as just another “Rein defender,” remember, he counters my favorite hero.
You don’t even play this game anymore, you’ve been telling everyone you quit months ago.
They both still see league usage. And this month they have around a 5% pickrate and a winrate above rank maintenance. That’s viable. They aren’t meta so Rein is played way more than them. But that’s viable.
I haven’t played since January 2018… I actually have no idea of whether Rein is overpowered or not. I just dislike the way Greyfalcon argue about things I wanted to answer him…
I want all the tanks to be at least sort of viable. Before the monster Orisa/Sigma nerfs, they were! I mean, GM was double barrier, sure. But everything below that was a nice mix. Right now Reinhardt is so stupidly overpowered that he’s the right tank to play in every single rank and even in QP.