you can actually if there’s no competition you need to level the playing field. thats like saying brig has no competition that can do what she does but everyone wants to nerf her.
lower his shield health and/or shield recharge rate so others can be useful in other areas so orisa and winston shields can be used more. i’ve seen some good uses of orisa and winston as a main tank for pushing but rein just outshines them far too much
thats not bc of his damage he plays fine rn.
im fine with his damage since he has only melee besides fire.
i’ve played several games with only a zen or lucio and mostly self healing teammates. we rolled the enemy bc they had no idea how to deal with us.
he said main healer but even no healer at all has been done before. i had a game with 6 dps where the enemy couldnt handle our diving and damage. supports were eat alive even with their team peeling and grouping up
Any shield blocks it, even zarya’s. It can also be stunned or cced or just plain fail for no reason. Rein is not the only counter to shatter
Edit: forgot mei has 2 abilities to block it as well, not to mention all the characters with invincible modes (wraith, fortify, etc)
You can block Shatter with several ways but the only reliable is another Rein. Zarya has to perfectly time it and her bubble can be baited. Orisa’s barrier can be run through to Shatter. Brigitte is probably 2nd best counter but I don’t see her stopping Shatters for some reason. Mei cannot react fast enough to erect her wall.
Defense abilities do not block Shatter, only protect a single hero when used proactively.
No tank is currently under performing. In fact, if you look to the ladder, Zarya is performing BETTER than
It’s only in more organized environments where dive begins to pick up pace.
Orisa is just in a weird spot where she isn’t inherently weaker, she just provides something different to Rein, which isn’t always useful on ladder.
That combined with the fact that if you’re playing Orisa, you’re playing a bunker comp to some extent, and if you’re playing into a Rein, you’re playing into deathball. And Orisa is terrible at stopping Earthshatters, which means a single Lucio speed boost combined with shatter can just wipe your entire team and there is nothing you can do about it except pick up your own Reinhardt.
If Earthshatter was not so powerful or was charging as slow as Grav picking Orisa into Rein would actually be justifiable. Orisa-based comps already have a tendency to repel Dive so all 3 comp types could be viable.
You know what they say. If there’s no competition, just nerf until the hero can’t do their intended job. That’s what they did for Mercy as main healer so why not Reinhardt as main tank
orias not viable hero yet she enbales bunker comp a niche comp that’s viable on certain maps. 6 dps comp is even more niche slash none viable that theirs no reason to run that com
ok let me break it down then. if a comp can be used effectively by you and your team in a certain situation then it IS viable in that situation but not outside of it. for example goats may be meta but if you dont play it right then it’s not good for you and your team and therefore isnt viable.
the reason would be to out damage the enemy’s healing or bunker busting or no one can play healer effectively, etc. there’s always a reason some are just more niche than others.
then we’re agreeing viable means specific scenarios they work in like most comps.
6 dps can work but you need a lot skill slash out play to make it work. ive pulled off 5 dps one tank as solider 76. but that game would been easier had I gone healer.