Reinhardt Ability 180 Flip Glitch + Video Evidence

Video evidence:

So I’ve heard that this has happened to other people and it’s quiet an annoying bug. I thought maybe it was something with my mouse and low frame rate. I was told it has to do with something with his shield and using any of his abilities, such as earthshatter, firestrike, rocket hammer(his main attack), and charge.

What it does is flip you completely 180 degrees. As you noticed in clip one I went to earthshatter the bastion and got flipped around, clip two I went to firestrike down the choke point and got flipped around again, and clip three to firestrike the orisa and the people near her and got flipped once more.

This glitch has been happening for some time now. For some people it’s been happening since last April. That’s been almost a year now. It has been happening to me since September. Overwatch Devs please fix this. I have lost comp matches because of it and probably other people too. I love Reinhardt but sometimes these bugs make me not want to play him. If you need more evidence I can capture more. It happens on a daily basis for me.



This happens all the time and it’s kinda crazy nobody else has mentioned it.

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Same problem here, this has happened to me a bunch of times and I can confirm that it always happens after dropping the shield.

I wonder if this can also happen while playing Brigitte.


lol I’ve been playing Rein A LOT and never had this happen. Maybe it’s due to a combination of holding the Shield, Primary Fire and pressing the ability in question?

On a side note, how do you post video links? It won’t let me

It has happened to me while playing Brigitte in PTR. It happens actually more often with Brigitte. It makes it confusing on where you are and where the enemy is. I hope it gets fixed.

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Having the same issue. Flips also happen when charging into certain objects (snapping to straight up view then)

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This issue has been driving me nuts. I always thought it was a software issue and finally decided to check here after it just happened to me with Brigitte. It’s always the same.

Drop shield to Firestrike/Charge/Earthshatter
Inexplicably facing 180 degrees the opposite direction

Hope now that it’s happening with their new character, Brigitte, it’ll get some attention.

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This happens to me as well at random.
When you hold your shield and you try to firestrike,charge or earthshatter you suddendly turn 180degrees.

This bug has been reported so many times but for some reason they don’t want to acknowledge it. Don’t expect a fix any time soon.

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i have this as well but only since a few days ago.

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This happens to me almost every game I play as him. Sometimes it even happens if i have no shield. So I honestly have no clue on what causes it, but this is highly annoying.

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Bump for greater justice.

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So annoying.

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This still happens, and with Brigitte as well.

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This happens to me infuriatingly often, and ruins so many Earthshatters.

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I have almost 2 days in the last 2 seasons on rein (10,11) and this never happened to me. If it might relate to mouse setting here is mine: 800 dpi 5 in game sense ohh and 95 fps max on video.

I’ve never had this happen before.

I’ve also gotten this glitch when playing Reinhardt AND Brigitte. It usually happens when I lower my shield, but not all the time. I’m still not sure what triggers it, but I think it may have started around the Hammond (Wrecking Ball) release. It is definitely a very annoying bug, and it often causes me to miss my fire strikes/chain whip.

Looking at the previous post dates, it might not have anything to do with the Hammond update. However, I’ve never experienced this bug until just recently, despite that fact that I play these heroes often.

Ye this bug is back and worse than ever.
It happens so often now it’s not even funny.

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This happens a lot on Brig since update. A lot of 180s right after using an ability while holding the shield up.

Oh yeah I’m on console for those of you wondering if it’s related to mouse etc. This is definitely something broken in the game.

look this: https:/(delet me and parentheses)/

some prediction of when they will fix this bug?