Reinhardt Ability 180 Flip Glitch + Video Evidence

This is the same yes. No idea when they’ll fix it because they haven’t acknowledged the bug yet (AFAIK).

Do not they know where to pack it?
This bug really disturbs me, I’ve lost the ultimate reinhardt in ranking because of him, without even counting the couple of verzas that died atoa because of this bug

The sad thing is that this has been mentioned multiple times on the forums, along with a lot of other rein bugs that have never been addressed or fixed… Such as the charge not pinning, earthshatter not stunning, being damaged through his shield, the extended charge. They’ve all been mentioned, just always ignored.

bump twenty characters (who’s idea was that stupid limitation?)

Bump. (Will continue until recognition from devs)

We need to gather as much video evidence as possible from as many different people as possible. It’s the only way they will even notice this.

my f9 is gonna get a workout

Edit: I wanna re word this. Came off way too hostile which was unnecessary.

I wouldn’t be surprised if the devs are already aware of this. They play the game a lot themselves and I’m sure they’re interested in seeing what eventual bugs are found. It just would be nice if there was maybe more feedback here in the forums?

I really care about this issue since it has such a potentially huge impact on a game. I’ll see if I have any recorded footage of it or I’ll record next time.


I’ve come to the conclusion that this random 180 spin happens because of the camera angle switches between “Holding shield mode” view and “Normal hero non-holding shield mode” view. The game doesn’t seem to keep track correctly which way you were facing when it switches back from holding shield mode to normal mode.

It only happens with Reinhardt and Brigitte while using the shield.

i just clipped where it happened to me twice in one day gfycat.((delete me and parentheses)com/gifs/detail/HalfWeeAquaticleech

annnnnd gfycat.(delete me and parentheses)com/gifs/detail/PartialDimpledGlobefish

its happened to me since i got the game in november and some patches have been worse than others but its happening so often to me im afraid to go in comp at all between this and the whole extra second to swing thing

happening to me all the time it make it super hard to pick him at all in fear of this super bug

Added your video to the compilation:

This happening to my friend these days.

I can have this happen up to two or three times a game and it’s messed up my strikes on multiple occasions and caused my team to lose fights. I’m a Reinhardt main, and have been since I started playing, this did not happen with any frequency until the last patch. It’s getting to the point that I can’t really play my favorite character and that sucks.

Just started happening to me today…seems to occur when I have shield up and I’m walking, any direction seems to trigger it. Happens about 75% of the time when I drop shield. I can’t play him anymore after being a rein main.

Bumping again because this has been happening to me several times a match as Rein and it’s just as infuriating now as it was before. Has to be related to the heroes with shield toggling because I’ve noticed it in Brig as well, though it’s not as severe. It’s disorienting and ruins both ults and regular play alike.

This has started happening to me more in the past couple weeks than ever before. I am a Brigitte main and it is SOOO annoying to lower your shield to throw your mace at someone, or go to shield bash, and all of a sudden you wasted your abilities and are facing the completely opposite direction giving the enemy team plenty of time to kill you, thus eliminating one of your team’s only two healers. I have lost a few different comp games and plenty of fights because of this happening. Blizz pls fix.

BUMP! First I thought it was my mouse. Happens quite often, for me especially when firestriking or ulting. Got yelled at by team mates for landing an ult at 180 degrees from where it was supposed to go (went into my own team XD). Anyway, I have a Logitech mouse (G403) and am running the Logitech management software.

Brig main here. This has been happening a lot. Usually when a large amount of both teams are attacking one another. I never really noticed it until that last update. Now it’s happening almost daily. I just played five games and in three of them, this glitch happened. In one game, it happened twice. I have never experience this with Pharah or Dva, two other characters I play quite often.

STILL happening to me. Seriously, Blizzard? It’s been this long and no fix…???