Rein rush isn't meta in Korea

korea is usually known for being slow to discover metas, i think rush does beat double bubble but some of the pharah play they come out with kinda farms rein comps, i doubt we will see what is truly better unless there isnt a major patch between now and the first tournament


those are eu players

The teams they played for are NA. And why make the distinction between NA and EU anyway since the premise of this thread is both NA and EU play rush?

what teams? i dont recall them playing for na teams

it took a tangent saying na is better than kr, but even then eu always play rush no matter what, ever since multi tank was a thing eu ran it down mid

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No, but we have teams wich are at least 50% from NA:

Vancouver titans. Great team

Toronto defiant, forgot they exist

Dallas fuel, never did great

Boston uprising, suck

What a nice coincident that all teams with a lot of NA players suck, now look at the best teams:

Schock, mostly korean. Dragons, full korean. Philly, half korean/half europe. Seoul, full korean


The fact alone that OWL barely sign any NA players, isn’t that already a big sign that there are just simply not many NA good enough to compete?

Obey Alliance and Revival.

A lot of people care what the meta is because hundreds of thousands of people watch it

Maybe we’ll get a properly represented OW World Cup sometime eventually, but until then, it’s purely speculation to which region is “better.” Korean teams want korean players, because they speak, Korean. Surprise! Not. Communication is ridiculously important. Of course they’d want korean players to play with other korean players…


korea is better for sure, even if the peak of na was better which is not true the sheer amount of top tier players even in contenders is just too much, more quality and quantity


I think one thing you could be overlooking is that many na players don’t want to play in owl. It’s easier in na just to become a streamer and it pays more.

Take violet for example. She could have gone pro but didn’t want to. She even complained about how bad many of the owl brigs were, and was used as a consultant by owl teams on how to play her.

Fitzy has also coached some owl players on how to play sombra.

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people said the same thing about yeatle, turns out ranked isnt as hard as owl, and onetricks arent usually picked up especially recently

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I would handle this carefully. Its true that good Brigs where rare at the start of the season, but I would always be extremely careful with ranked players teaching organized players, because you never know what was actually on purpose and what not

No many streamers have flat out said that owl is all about scrimming the same strats all day and it’s not worth it.

Super says it would be easier for him to just quit and stream, but he doesn’t because he’s too competitive to quit.

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i dont think anyone would disagree, but some people in owl do have the personality of a rock and some people do prefer to be competitive and win over playing ranked

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The Mei rush comps or the Sombra dive comps, both these heroes make these comps boring to watch.

Toronto isn’t bad since they signed Sado and Heesu, lmao.

So now we will balance around regions huh?
I thought OWL and GM are enough.

Excuse me what???

korea is on a different planet

It doesn’t matter much at all.

If you’re not in OWL, you aren’t playing the META and you aren’t playing against people who are also playing the META.

Just because you pick characters who are in the meta does not mean you play meta and does not mean you will perform better than if your team played characters they may be better at.

The OWL meta has not always translated to the game as well so even if OWL players decide a meta amongst themselves, it still may not be meta for the rest of the playerbase.

People who know their teammates, have reliable comms, practice with their team, get to develop strats with their whole team, get to study the players they will go against, and are better at the game than most, are playing a completely different game. If they got random teammates each game, the meta would have probably looked much different than it was at times.

So if you aren’t in OWL, it doesn’t make much sense to concern yourself with who they play and it would be better to see what the top ranking players on ladder play and study them if you can and if you’re in their skill bracket. You cannot play every hero the same in every rank so looking at an OWL support or tank and trying to replicate that on your own or with a small group in silver/plat would be stupid because you don’t have the skill or the teammates. Look at what the people in the rank above you are playing and try to figure out how they’re playing or what they’re doing differently.