Everyone seems to be unsure of the meta right now even contenders teams. Korea usually resorts back to dive or poke when they’re unsure of the meta while Na and Eu resorts back to rush. We have to wait for owl before we get a definitive meta.
On Na and Eu rush seems to be meta while in kr It’s double bubble and Zarya Ball, Tracer echo, Zen brig.
We should probably trust the stronger region, tbh.
That’s why we haven’t gotten a serious exp card yet, because blizz isn’t sure what to balance.
This is probably one of the more boring posts I’ve ever seen on this forum
Waiting around for somebody else to teach you the optimal way to play the game. Why? They can’t figure anything out that you can’t.
I’m definitely interested in the first owl games. It will probably something completely different than what the people expect. And after a few weeks it will be played in gm and masters.
We do. NA is arguably stronger right now
People who are good at the game need to figure out the meta, currently the people most qualified are the contenders regions Teams but there’s division between the regions on what the meta is so, until kr, Na and eu start playing the same comp there isn’t a meta. So if contenders can’t figure out the meta owl will.
Actually I’m pretty sure they can. Until I join the OWL, I’m not going to pretend to know what the best way to play in OWL is.
Now if you want Bronze-rank strategies, I’m your guy.
Contenders KR still seems to be poke/dive but NA and EU are definitely fans of rush.
People want to know what is meta and what the best comp actually looks like.
Better than the forum complaints that want a nerf for everything that killed them last game.
because in NA and EU we are all pepegas
sh your comment isn’t needed
NA and EU regions don’t take the game seriously like KR does. So they’re probably playing the better heroes
TBH, they shouldn’t try to balance high tier play anyways.
Since they are just gonna end up playing the same 8-10 heroes anyways.
They should get to work on a better version of a ban system.
Catering to casuals has killed every game do they probably don’t want to do that.
Tank bans are stupid.
Respectfully, this game would do fine if it lost a chunk of high tier players, if they were able to fix queue times.
And restating what I said above, trying to balance the game such that high tier players use a wide variety of heroes and compositions, is not worth the developer’s time. Since it never happens after a meta is “solved”.
Screwing over the other +95% of the playerbase in a vain hope that GM will use more heroes and compositions, is very destructive to the overall player retention for this game.
If they gotta lose 0.01% of their playerbase, primarily in high tier, to fix queue times, who cares? When not fixing queue times could easily lose 5-20% of the playerbase.
Sure, thats why not a single NA contenders player got signed this offseason
NA is in prop play currently considered a dead season, because nobody ranks up there, Korea is way better, its not even close
GM already effectively has a Tank ban +90% of the time.
who cares what the meta is? its a game just play it and have fun
if your particular hero of choice isn’t working, play another and dont cry about whats meta
Who won the OW World Cup again? I’m not even American, and I know America is overrated generally, but they won that, not Korea. If you argue that it wasn’t serious enough or whatever, that’s Blizzard’s fault.