Rein is the only tank now with 2 OHKOs🦏

But Plat and Diamond are the most populous ranks respectively. They aren’t even low, especially Diamond, which is above average. People in those ranks are fairly good at the game, and Rein is the most picked tank by a huge margin (like 10%) in both.

The only ranks not having issues with Rein are the highest percentile, which represents a small minority of players.

He also has the best range. I hate it how he can easily beat Widow in 1v1s.

I meant he has some mobility

And it is the best barrier. Sigmas barrier sounds good, but realistically projectile barriers are crap, because they’re not dynamic. Rein doesn’t have a cool down to being his barrier back up when it has hp. It’s the most reactive barrier in the game.

Well, he beats her in a 1v1 because it’s an objective based game even by the rules of the duel mode :eyes:.

Rein is literally the worst tank unless you’re playing with a Lucio and only on certain maps.
Idk what OP is on about.

I wouldn’t argue about Rein being OP or not, but he sure makes games very boring. At lower levels he is in a LOT of games (and I mean A LOT) and shooting at that barrier blocking up the whole choke with no other way around (unless you can fly in some form) gets pretty boring and repetitive pretty quickly.

I’m looking forward to the changes to his barrier in OW2, but I think 1200 is still too much and really only compensates for 1 less tank shooting it. It will still stuff up chokes and make games repetitive and boring if he keeps his current pick rate.

Plat and Diamond are also perfectly balanced with every tank being equally viable. This is true now and it was true a year ago and 3 years ago. If you were balance around those ranks for the past few years we would have as many balance patches as we have had in the past 6 months. Therefore you balance around where the actual imbalance exists with an eye for the lower ranks to make sure you do not break anything.

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If every tank were equally viable then why is it, when comparing only the tanks, Orisa has a 4% pickrate and Rein has 26%?

Because low ranked players have no idea how to play and think hero choice is somehow relevant to their gameplay when if they just learned how to play the heroes they are good at correctly they would climb to where your hero choice does matter.

Meanwhile if you go where the hero choice matters, there is a good comp for every single tank. Even Winston and Zarya who are generally considered to be the 2 weakest are very meta in Korea with the double bubble meta over there.

So yes every tank is viable. Just because low ranks are bad at picking heroes, and positioning, and mechanics, and matchups, and ability usage, doesn’t change the viability of the heroes.

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Is there anything they ARE good at?


Ummm… They’re good at telling people to switch off actual meta heroes? :rofl:

Just kidding, there are of course things lower ranks are good at, but it’s different for every lower ranked player. For example, some lower ranked have great mechanics, but just terrible at everything else. For some people it’s the opposite. Obviously they’re in lower ranks for a reason so they can’t be good at everything, but generally there is SOMETHING they’re good at.


But Plat and Diamond are not low rank, and they’re still having problems with Rein being OP

Low rank is a rank in which the basics of the game are not played correctly and the winner of the game is the team that plays the best and not based around what hero you choose. To that end Plat and Diamond are still low rank.

Once you reach a rank where people can do the basics right (or at least not as wrong) THEN hero choice starts to matter but until you reach those ranks you can pick any hero you want and any tank you want.

Edit: This is why Blizzard usually refers to “lower” ranks when referring to non GM versus low ranks to make that distinction about using data vs feelings.

That’s a definition only you use and no one else, hence why the Devs says lower rather than low, as you pointed out.

And there’s good reason for that. Only ~30% of the playerbase can actually reach Diamond. As much as you slander it, Diamond (and above) are above average players, hence why only the minority if the playerbase reach that rank. And even with those players, Rein is still massively more popular than the other tanks

The truth is clear, and it doesn’t care about your feelings: Rein being OP is not just a case of noob stomping.

Except when talking about lower they specifically have said they do not use data and the reason is simple: there are no balance issues at lower ranks only FEELINGS of balance issues which is not the same thing.

So you are right the truth is plain as day and I know it seems to hurt your feelings but it is what it is: Rein is OP at no rank because in the only ranks where he is picked there is no OP hero.

I don’t recall the Devs ever saying they don’t use data at lower ranks to balance tbh, so I’d like to see some proof of that, as well as proof that when they say lower ranks they’re refering to Diamond

Lol the hilarity of thinking a hero that’s not even meta or being played is op. :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:

“bloated kit”

you’re just throwing forum buzzwords around because you’re mad a rein countered you.
hint: all his abilities are mutually exclusive, if he’s doing something he can’t anything else

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His kit is bloated, ever since they added his passive. He didn’t need it, Rein had a high pickrate already, but people whined on the forums that they were occasionally getting countered so Blizz caved. How is that not bloated?


He’s the second most played hero in the game, only behind Ana. If that’s not meta nothing is.

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wanna know how i know you never played rein?