Rein is the only tank now with 2 OHKOs🦏

I don’t care. I don’t pander to opinions of elo I am not even playing in.

Can tell with those takes. Is Zarya also OP?

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Not at the moment. She is fine. There are way more broken things than her right now.

But her pickrate is as high as Hog’s :woman_shrugging:

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Best barrier? Sure the biggest health, but Sigma’s shield is way better because he can better position his shield without having to actually be there.

And did you mean he also has the best mobility or just that he has some mobility? Because charge is hardly a mobile tool compared to or Ball.

What is wrong with hog?

What is wrong with Rein?

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Charge is a mobility ability. It literally has power steering for heaven’s sake

@Bakara I feel so silly now I completely forgot about DVAs call mech

Some T500 streamers want Moira’s orb to “explode” which means she would be able to 1 shot 200 health and below heroes if the orb doesn’t touch anyone else

If you think Reinhardt is OP with that, just imagine how Overpowered Moira would be with an exploding orb

I know, right? It’s hitbox has the consistency of UK’s weather, it’s always changing. You’re either a charging vacuum cleaner or just smacking everyone out of the way like bowling ball.

And there’s plenty of CC to stop it anyway.

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Right now charge is one of the most risky mobility abilities to use in the game.
I take this part seriously after OW2 changes (and i do not like those changes myself tbh)

O no, reinhardt is bad in GM level play! Quick lets buff this noob stomping hero because the pro’s would like a slightly better game!

And hes still the 2nd worst tank in the game rn.

Rein Ana McCree, welcome to OW.

This I can agree with, but people are going around here trying to pretend Rein doesn’t have mobility at all and it’s a total crock

Oh no! Bronze troglodytes can’t shoot the 7-foot tall german man! Lets remove what little hes good for to make the people with 5% accuracy happy!


He is also one of the least played tank in higher ranks.

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No he’s not. At high rank Rein is like C tier, so middle of the road. The least played tanks there are Zarya & Winston, and there’s a WIDE gap between them & Rein.


The developers have gone on record stating they balance the game for all ranks so please take your rank shaming elsewhere

Sorry for any confusion, I meant one of the least as in bottom three, as hog, ham, sigma, and are all played quite a bit more then he is.

Also it’s kind of funny that people don’t want to play winston in the west, in most asian regions winston is one of the most played tanks.

Specifically when saying all ranks they use data for GM and feelings for lower because the truth is the game is going to be balanced at lower ranks no matter what you do because there are things far more important than hero balance at the lower ranks that the plate there simply cannot do.

Also Winston is regional. Double bubble is very meta in Korea but not elsewhere.