Rein is the only tank now with 2 OHKOs🦏

It’s an old Kaplan quote where they talk about using the data from higher ranks and the feelings of lower ranks to make their balance decision with higher being defined as Masters/GM. If there is an easy way to dig up old blue (well orange) posts then I would gladly find it for you.

It also isn’t difficult to understand why. While sub Masters games are determined by who plays their hero/comp the best versus what hero they pick, it is important that understanding why these players feel otherwise is important to design.

We can use Rein as an example. He is a pretty average to bad choice depending on the map. The thing is though even on maps where he is terrible low ranks still pick him and feel like he is good so then one has to analyze why.

Part of it could be that Rein Zarya is the “comfort” comp for most of the ladder so people are just used to it. Maybe it is that people only want to rush or only know to rush. Either way these feelings need to be understood because the data will not show an imbalance.

That wasn’t what I meant. I was saying that he has the best barrier and he has mobility in general, not the best mobility

Bruh. It’s been 2 years, no one cares what you meant.


You cared enough to respond

I cared that you necro’d a 2 year thread, not about what you meant in that post from 2 years ago :sob:
Anyway let’s not keep the necro going yeah?

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Riiiiise! Riiiiiise!

From the ancient days, bring us your wisdom!


So, basically, Rein was once OP. Huh. How about now?

Idk tbh :joy: I haven’t seen him in many matches so ig he’s balanced now

Ha, I understand. I just made a similar mistake in another comment, so I get you.

Rein has been mostly in a bad place since role queue, and especially since OW2.