Rein is the only tank now with 2 OHKOs🦏

Rein is literally the worst Tank when you get into ranks that can play the game properly
Or maybe it’s Orisa, either way shield tanks that aren’t Sigma just suck at the moment and you need to learn how to Tank


That was patched out weeks ago
And now the initial slam damage doesn’t function as a melee, so if the hammer passes through any kind of barrier, not even the 250 damage or initial stun is applied to the hit target


No? That doesn’t seem right. It was only 2 days ago I got shattered through bubble. And multiple times before that.

Are there any patch notes for this fix? I haven’t seen any.

It can shatter through bubble because it can destroy the bubble with the 200 damage, then use the 50 damage of the earthshatter to stun.
Other shields just take 200 damage and block the shatter.

And there were in game patch notes added onto the January 6th patch notes for the bugfix. It only took a couple of days


Someone got butt-stomped by a reinhardt :grimacing:

People really should stop pretending that rein isn’t a problem indeed.

Someone forgot about…rein is fine

Laughs from high ground.


Jokes on you because the capture point is actually on the ground.
Having to think of it he is probably the best ground tank.
-orisa can’t fly
-pig can’t fly
-sigma can’t fly
-zarya can’t fly

The only tanks who can reach high ground are, monke and ball

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Just wait until you see my zarya

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Well, until Bastion76 , mcfanthehammer, mcfanthebow, have their stupid dmg, stupid shield melting potential, can’t really contest them neither with dive tanks and until mercy can boost them making them even more unkillable…

Rein is mandatory, so no, he’s not op, we just need to tune down people mentioned above and buff other tanks.

ah and also nerf Ana who make tanks unplayable.

Man, rein is a flop. His barrier is the only good thing he has going for him and even so, his barrier isn’t even THAT impressive. Saying he has good mobility is clownery. He has ONE dash that he can barely control on like 8 second cool-down. Compare that to ball or DVA or any other mobile character and it makes reins mobility look really bad. He is also the worst out of the barrier tanks because he’s the only one that cannot simultaneously have his barrier active while dealing damage. His ult is really situational as it’s really easy to predict and play around. His only real synergy is Zarya and she kinda sucks too.


this ^. Just run him down with your primary fire, what can he do as you infinitely shred his shields over and over again.


…mobility? …dying train noises my man has the same mobility as the horse stuck in the mud in that one sad movie.

If your team just lets him just walk onto the point while controlling high ground. Thats on your team. This isnt an issue. A hack from high = a useless rein.

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It’s the copium for me


not you having the audacity to call Brig weak, bap balanced, dps broken and Rein op in the same month :nauseated_face::skull:


You forgot Mercy too.

DVa also has 2 OHKOs. 3 if you count environmentals

That makes it even worst

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