Rein is the embodiment of powercreep

There was never a large pool of tank players to begin with. This was known long before before Role Queue: It was always a race to lock dps, then support, then off-tank, and the last one to pick very reluctantly picking MT or just simply picking another OT.

So as someone who’s been asking for a guild system: While it would improve the gameplay, it doesn’t follow that it makes the game more enjoyable. Some of the most fun main tanks are also the ones that get shut down easily or are niche (Ball, Winston).

Even on PvE games like the early years of WoW when guilds were very active, good tanks were much harder to find than supports or DPS. It’s a frustrating role.

He got that because of people complaining about the game being faster.

I always said that he never needed that, but people disagreed.

I’ll laugh if people start going “nerf rein speed” on this stain of a forum.

rein is still bad tho…

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Almost like making the number of tank players more “efficient” is less important than converting DPS into Tank players.

The Rein changes, did absolutely nothing to change his current situation and the problems he actually faces.

The armor buff helps him survive an extra second but he still melts against Double Shield and zen’s discord. The damage buff doesn’t even matter, when you can’t even get the chance to swing at your targets.
He is still the worst tank to pick at high Diamond and above.
He is still one of the only tanks that requires an entire team to build around him to even function.
He works best only if there is a mirror main tank to fight, Reinhardt vs Reinhardt.
He is a relic of the past, he is designed for the overwatch that was 3years ago, with much lower time to kill and a slower game in general, not what we have today.

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Blizzard devs are extremely proud of several characters they designed. It’s apparent which ones are constantly getting propped up and forced into meta and which are criminally neglected.

I think what they try to do is switching the meta, first they buff rein until he’s ,must pick, then they will wait for like couple of month, and then they will nerf his shield to the ground, making the game more and more fps by killing characters utility in exchange for damage.

They did it to Orisa & Sigma, they will do the same for Rein…

He got the hammer swing buff because they butchered him with a nerf to it and when they buffed it they buffed to a much lower swing rate than release but left him as balanced

How about you list the whole truth besides manipulating thing to get your false point across?

he needed that more than any1 in the entire gamae

No one asked for it

No one asked for this either

So when it comes to heroes people hate 20% is so little but when it is to heroes they love its a butcher :thinking:

Buddy stop with the bias

A 20% shield nerf to a main tank who relies on his shield more than any other main tank is a harsh nerf

Dva dm is still argued by the pros to be pretty good its just sigma exist with a budget dm and the best shield in the game
And we are going to fully ignore that roadhog was busted with alot of damage and when that got nerfed he still was considered meta. with that “weak damage of his”

it isnt good to buff things heroes dont need.

the hero wasnt good for 60% of populus like you say. his mains said he needed buff no one asked for a damage buff AND a health buff…

It’s honestly a fun issue. Plenty of people play tank they just dont want to play main tanks generally speaking. Here is a question for you. What is more fun pressing w on rein with a shield up praying you will get healed one the shield busts and your teammates follow up. Or blowing stuff up as junkrat?

honestly does 90% of the people of play this game not understand how the character works? HAVING HIS SHILED NERFED IS GOING TO BE THE BIGGEST CRIPPLING HIT TO A REIN EVER. you all out here acting like rein is wrecking ball, with some of the best mobility in the game.
“whhaaaaaaa rein can two shot a dps now whaaaaaaa” well thats what you get for STANDING IN THE TINY AREA HE CAN DO ACTUAL DAMAGE.
honestly its pathetic that people see a 10 damage buff to a melee character with the biggest hitbox in the game and act like its broken.
people still are aware double shield is meta right?, like they haven’t hit their head and forgot?
its crazy as to hw this community acts when a TANK gets a buff. rein is THE most balanced tank in this game, and if you cant deal with him then go back to bronze

You’re assuming that every hero at release was balanced which is not the case, rein was particularly weak in comparison

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here it comes, forums crying over rein again

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Actually if Brig was killing you then you weren’t playing that high skill hero correctly so weren’t as skilled as the Brig, i sorry but this bull about high skill ceiling characters annoys me if you get killed by a supposed low skill ceiling character that mean the other person just flat plain out played you

As for Hog what one shot are you taking about has he all of a sudden became Widow or Hanzo

As for Rein he has had far more nerfs than buffs because of the DPS main crowd complaining they are the issue the whine about not getting there free kills they think they are owed

I don’t mind rein+zarya or rein+anything else being meta (besides goats), if rein needs to be op AF for that - I don’t really mind, I hate other tanks and metas which is defined by those tanks. Rein is the only tank which is feel fair to play against. This come from dps/support player. Just nerf ball hog and sigma already pls. Enough of this generalist trash fest at GM and around.

Is it so much to ask as a tank player to want to play anything beside reinhardt/zarya?

There is no point in “converting DPS players” if the experience is miserable and they stop playing tank after the first game.

Rein is the embodiment of Apha Tank


Oh really?

I guess that’s why so many pro players stopped playing dive heroes into Brig for 2 years?

I guess they don’t know how to play the game in the same way as you do right? Just go pharamercy. Not like you’re playing against people who can actually aim with Widow.

As someone who has 400+ hours on Winston, will tell you something funny.

Winston by himself never countered a pocketed widow. Even if he had a mercy pocket. Do you know why? Because the GM widow won’t stay 10m away from the team. Even if they do, you’d be down 375HP before you engage because of his moonsize critbox. Hence the idea of 180 jumping.

But do tell me how you farm Widows in gold because winston counters her.

Teamplay in OW doesn’t happen until 4.2k. There’s a reason easy to run meta like double shield is popular now. It doesn’t require same amount of coordination as goats. Goats wasn’t issue in GM ladder for long time (it was mostly OWL).

Only team that ever successfully outplayed goats was SHD. but that required insane level of coordination.

But do let me and everyone who plays above 4.3k SR how to counter og Brig because we didn’t know how to counter her.

Congratulations! You can!

The award for the most the self-entitled high ranked player goes to you

It is pretty easy & i have saw a multitude of good players do this you stay away from Brig & kill her at distance everybody at every level knows this, if a Brig is beating you down firstly what were you doing that close to her in the first place & secondly if they consistently beat you playing a high skilled hero then That Brig is just better than you just accept it instead of thinking you better