Rein is the embodiment of powercreep

Ever since game release Reinhardt has been buffed several times, so much that he is way stronger than on release. Hammer damage, hammer swing speed (remember that buff? I do), more health, CC resistance, and what compensation nerfs he’s got? 20% shield health nerf and 0,5s less stun time on Shatter.

That’s laughable.

All other tanks are way less powerful than they were on release, even in areas they must be strong, like DM for Dva and damage for Hog. The only exception to this rule would be Winston, and even then, he’s only got buffs to his bubble, not damage. Rein just got powercrept for no reason, other than “let’s force GMs play Rein-Zarya 'till the end of times”. Even though he’s already been a must-pick in Plat and below.

This isn’t balance by any means. Straightforward buffs to a hero who’s already good for at least 60% of the playerbase. Who’s already been a must-pick for 50% of the playerbase, for 4 years straight. If this doesn’t scream “powercreep”, I don’t know what does.


He also got faster movement with barrier up. I don’t think he needed the buffs. Will just make him more of the go to tank for almost every rank. He is meta or not in high ranks depending on what other heroes are strong and played. Just a few months ago he was one of the most pick at the top, and most picked everywhere else.


dont forget they dont give to craps about 60% of the player base they only care about 1%


The idea that after 3 years of heavy nerfs to Tanks, and a crisis of not enough Tank players for decent queue times, that we gotta stick with the status quo, is…

Dumb, and economically suicidal.

Can we throw that garbage in the trash already, along with the idea that we have to balance the game like it’s still OpenQueue.


He was literally the last hero to receive a buff out of the original cast… He has been nerfed more times than buffed.

Edit: on second thought, I think Tracer was last and Reinhardt was second to last.


Bruh I don’t know what world you are playing in but Diamond + Reinhardt is the WORST tank to pick. It’s literally all double shield.


Just a fun little note: If pocketed by a Mercy, Rein can two-shot any squishy with plain melee and can two-shot any hero that has 250 HPS or less with M1 + Firestrike.

But hey, that’s fine because he’s a tank :clown_face:

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The reason he is being buffed is because sigma orisa just disable him as a tank completely. Imagine trying to close the distance as Rein against Double Shield positioned high ground and they just melt your shield, halt you, rock you, burn you shield. By the time you close the distance to attack them you’ve lost HP, your healers used cooldowns, your shield’s broken, and then they put down immortality field.


Basically yeah.

  1. Tanks have been heavily nerfed over the last 3 years
  2. Either they fix queue times, or they might as well cancel OW2, and stop development of OW1
  3. Aside from this FastPass system, there really aren’t any other options to increase the number of Tank players, that doesn’t involve buffing Tanks.

Ever since game release Reinhardt has been buffed several times, so much that he is way stronger than on release. Hammer damage, hammer swing speed (remember that buff? I do), more health, CC resistance, and what compensation nerfs he’s got? 20% shield health nerf and 0,5s less stun time on Shatter.

Yes, because Orisa’s and Sigma’s kits can do far more with less effort than Reinhardt can. Ranged damage for tanks did not exist in 2016, and we have discovered it is extremely powerful. Rein needs his buffs or Orisa/Sigma will be a permanent mainstay.


Hog doesn’t need mercy to one shot 250hp heroes. Thought to point it out.

If the game wasn’t being catered for casuals, it’d be way better. Last time I checked, they introduced an easier hero to counter a higher skill ceiling hero with Brig.

Do tell me how that went.

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  1. Not enough clearly, because Sigma and Orisa and still are huge problems, problems that have kept and are keeping most other tanks at bay. Deal with those two, and you make tanking far better than increasing damage by 10 could ever do.
  2. Or get rid of 2-2-2
  3. And the fast pass system has made the game worse outside of ranked. Fast pass doesn’t fix tanking, neither does adding more and more damage to tanks.

Hog is an off-tank and that damage is largely dependent on a cooldown.

Exactly, and Rein isn’t a very complicated hero and they are trying to buff him to force out Double Shield (which is, ironically, likely to result in yet another Double Shield meta)

Oh yay, Bap is even more of a must pick.

But then there’s this thing in double shield that’s known as the “Lamp” that disables this feature completely. And in what world will Reinhardt live to close the distance and live and get close enough to deal that much DMG with m1+firestrike . They will probably just kite him or burn him down, or burn his shield and leave his entire team open to get melted by snipers.

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You’ll see what the priority pass does. My initial thought was give it for win only.

But no. You’ve to give it as a participation trophy. Only thing it’ll do:

Get great tanks. Tanks don’t take any skill anyways. You just hold your shield up as you get carried.

Orisa and Sigma both need reworks. Orisa needs to have extremely severe falloff on her gun, or Reaper sized spread. Sigma’s Lshift needs to be reduced in terms of time it stays active, and his primary fire should explode sooner.

  1. Because they kept nerfing their medium range, when they should have been nerfing their close range.
  2. You know they aren’t going to force 20% of their existing players to quit over that.
  3. I mean, I was one of the biggest advocates of a fast pass system in 2019. And I don’t think it will do much beyond a 5-15% improvement.
    I was more-so pointing out that if it’s 2-2-2, 1-3-2, or 1-2-2, regardless which queue system. The only remaining options left, involve Tank buffs.
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Learn to spot sarcasm.

The medium range damage is what makes these tanks strong in the first place. They should not have it. The purpose of a tank is to make space, not deal ranged damage. All of the tanks on release and Wrecking Ball follow this design, by being weak at every range except very close, because that’s where space is most effectively made.

Giving tanks ranged damage confuses their role, from space-makers, to high-health damage dealers. This was never their purpose.

If you look at the way Sigma/Orisa is played, the tanks aren’t making space or moving in, they’re digging into an existing position and relying on cooldowns to fortify that position, not on positioning or timing to move in or escape. It’s parking the bus, and little more. Contrast that to the bubble-and-shield dance of Rein/Zar, or the high mobility chases of dive.

They want more people to play tanks as fat DPS, like roadhog and Zarya. Expect more like this as the queue time keeps going up.

  1. Not entirely. they should have reworked Sigma. Sigma is a poorly designes hero.
  2. Yes, and 69% of stats are pulled from thin air. If queue times get in the way of heathy state of the game, then get rid of that issue entirely.
  3. All it has done is dropped the QP quality by a lot. I have played 10 games in QP today, and every single one has had at least two tanks leave just to be replaced by someone that feeds as Ball and then quits resulting in a constant 5v6.

That is a very narrow-minded and ignorant view of how to fix tanks. It’s sad, really.