Rein is now a bigger problem hero than Mercy

Reinhardt hasn’t changed in MONTH; was literally a “throw” pick before the Hanzo rework

And now he’s overpowered?

Are you going to say the same about Zarya who was literally picked LESS than Orisa for a while and Orisa has almost always had the lowest pickrate of the tanks?

It’s because you can use Rein’s sheild when you want it, when you need it, and when you get closer to him he can actually punish you.

That is why Orisa will always need Roadhog, since he covers the flaw in her design; but you can’t play Roadhog because of his weaker state thanks to how powerful Hanzo is and how big of a target both Orisa and Roadhog are.

It’s not Reinhardt that is the issue; he’s probably the MOST meta dependent hero in the entire game


Rein isn’t OP. He hasn’t ever been OP.

He’s meta right now because of the meta. Just months ago peope complained about him being wrecked too easily.


Can we not judge everything by pick-rates and/or win-rates? They don’t exactly tell the whole story…


Not to mention that site isn’t even really accurate anymore.


How about you keep crying about mercy and leave rein alone? Hes fine. Or do you want even less main tank players in the game?


The dude is clinging to life by a thread and you think he needs to be nerfed?


Rein is not op, stop that nonsense. Rein is picked a lot because he offer the necessary protection against widow and hanzo notably, his ult is better than orisa’s, he has an easier time dealing with genji and tracer and all the tank busters are very bad (reaper and bastion are trash, junkrat is not reliable especially if there’s zarya), etc…
So there it is, there’s a lot of reasons why rein is picked a lot but its not because he is overpowered…


Considering that private profiles are on by default ,no they don’t.

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Looks a pretty strong thread to me.

I am a main tank player, and I’m not playing right now because I have one choice.

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Where’s your power analysis? Also, do you know how that data is collected? What proof do you have that they’re not just polling from 30 accounts and claiming majority?


You literally just said he’s better than every other tank, that’s a sign of being OP.

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Please don’t make this into a Mercy thing, Mercy player do have pretty varied opinions and especially about other characters.

Rein players have had, and still have, to suffer a stupid amount of bugs. They have my support in their demand for a functional hero.


Overbuff data is not invalid because of private profiles even though now it’s less certain. We can’t be 100% sure the sampling is not skewed, but neither do we have any tangible reason to suspect it would be. If we have no reason to assume otherwise (and afaik we do not) we assume the private profiles are distributed randomly across the playerbase. To my knowledge, this data is still the best estimate we have available.

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Because Hanzo is still OP, and he forces Zaryas on both teams, and Orisa and her comps suck, and Winston is f tier if the enemy team remembers to counter with Brigitte, who also forces switches to Zarya.

I said a thing everytime someone suggested a buff for Rein when he was not meta and i got a lot of uproar for not “understanding” the mains. What i said was:

He should be buffed the same way he was nerfed, indirectly.

He was buffed indirectly and he is meta now.

Now i say the same thing. Nerf Rein indirectly, not him directly.

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He’s functioning well enough to be a must pick, if he wasn’t buggy as hell, he’d be a monster.

We only have the option of three main-tanks. One is incredibly immobile and is most of the time a sitting duck that has barely any synergy with the off-tanks and the other, who, in the previous meta, was the better and more often picked tank higher up is complete garbage with the current meta. Not a surprise Rein is being picked so often.

Rein is a SYMPTON of the meta and he always has been.


Only someone with limited experience on Rein would think he’s OP right now. When they nerfed his animation cancels they ruined the hero for me, he feels like molasses on a cold winter morning.


At first i thought this was a bait post and i lolled.

Then I realised that you could be serious.

What kind of nerfs you would propose then? I can’t see where and how rein is OP.


It’s the best estimate because there’s literally no other option. Which is not a proof of the effectiveness of Overbuff right now.
In a statistical analysis, without a good sampling, the numbers won’t be capable of represent the reality with certainty.