Rein is literally unplayable

From his shatter to shield. I feel like he’s unplayable at this point. charge is to the point where you’re lucky to even pin someone. shatter is so broken i cant even use it. the only reliable thing about him right now is his firestrike and idk why blizzard refuses to fix him.

This is a bit extreme. Yes he’s buggy but saying without any knowledge whatsoever that Blizzard “refuses” to fix him is unprecedented. They know about the bugs, they’re definitely not ignoring it. Has it ever occur to you that maybe the fixes aren’t as easy as swish and flick problem solved?? Cuz if they were, every hero would be bug free since day 1

They haven’t been balancing their game since the OWL started. Every change is terrible for the game and they never fix the things that need to be fixed.

he’s been broken since season 7 and they havent said a word on him

They said they would fix the bugs last month. They never did.

Well idk about if they’ve either “never said a word” on him or “they said they’ll fix him”

But I’m just saying that some bugs aren’t as easy to get rid of, and that they probably are working on trying to fix his bugs, and other heroes bugs too. Especially if they did mention last month that they were gonna fix them.

I understand the frustration. But it’s not like they’re deliberately leaving him buggy

Earth Shatter has been broken since release.

hes literally mandatory

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Reinhardt so dope. You crazy, man. Manage yo shield, bro.

And (almost but not always) regard Charge as a reposition tool not a damage tool.


The game has been out for 2 years.

I literally just played him.

This was back if February. It is one thing that they are having trouble fixing it, it is another that they gave us a general time frame for fixing it and never addressed it in any way even after that time passed. I haven’t seen any updates, and every Blizzard post is commented on constantly, and brought up on other threads, so you would have seen it.